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Keybot 92 Results  eipr.org
  2- ?? ??? ???? ?????? ?...  
4. حق المريض في تلقي العلاج الملائم لحالته طبقاً للمعايير الطبية وأخلاقيات المهنة المتبعة والمعترف بها دوليا وبواسطة أفراد مؤهلين.
4- The right to receive treatment in accordance with internationally accepted medical and ethical standards and by qualified personnel.
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14. حق المريض في مقابلة زائريه أو رفض مقابلتهم ولا يجوز حرمانه من مقابلة زائريه إلا في الظروف الإستثنائية ما لم تتعارض المقابلة مع الخطة العلاجية على أن يسجل ذلك في ملف المريض.
14- The right to receive or to refuse to receive visitors. The patient should not be deprived of his/her right to receive visitors except in exceptional circumstances, as long as the visit does not contradict the treatment plan. The situation must be documented in the patient's file.
  المبادرة المصرية للحقوق...  
علاء غنام مدير برنامج الحق في الصحة بالمبادرة المصرية إن "الحق في الصحة والحق في العمل من المحاور الأساسية في منظومة حقوق الإنسان التي ترسخت عالميا. وتكفل هذه المنظومة حق المواطنين جميعا في التمتع بالرعاية الصحية فضلا عن حقهم في العمل،
Dr. Alaa Ghanaam, Director of the EIPR’s Right to Health Program, said, “The right to health and the right to work are basic components of the International Bill of Human Rights. This upholds the right of all citizens to health care and the right to work, which is also guaranteed by the Constitution.”
  اليوم العالمي للالتهاب ...  
وتتطرق الورقة التي أعدتها المبادرة المصرية للحقوق الشخصية إلى أهم المعايير التي تحكم تسجيل تلك الفئة من الأدوية عالميًا ومحليًا، التي ينتمي إليها هذا المنتج، مع شرح اختلاف هذه الفئة الدوائية عن غيرها من الفئات الدوائية الأخرى من الناحية العلمية.
It is to a large extent possible to treat HCV, although up until today this is not guaranteed for all patients. The mainstay of patients with HCV is a treatment made up of both long-lasting interferon and ribavirin, whereby the HCV patient follows a treatment regime based on one injection of long-lasting interferon per week combined with the standard dosage of ribavirin tablets per day for a period of 48 weeks. Interferon is thus considered a strategic health product in Egypt, given its importance in treating the disease.
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وفي تبرير المحكمة لإلغاء تصريح المجلة بسبب نشر قصيدة واحدة قالت المحكمة "إن المجلة هي الأداة التي ارتكبت بها هذه الجريمة في حق الله وفي حق معتقدات ومقدسات أبناء هذا الوطن أيا ما يكون مرتكبها وهي الوسيلة التي ارتكبت بها هذه الجريمة النكراء؛ ثم إن هذا الابتذال في حق بارئ الكون واضح جلي في معنى الإساءة إلى الله بما لا يخفى على أحد،
Justifying its decision to cancel the magazine’s license for the publication of one poem, the court stated, “The magazine is the tool used to commit this crime against God and the sacred beliefs of this nation, regardless of who the perpetrator is; it is the means by which this heinous crime was committed. Moreover, the contempt shown for the Creator is eminently clear, an offense to God which is hidden from no one. It is inconceivable that this work was published by mistake, without having been seen by those who evaluate such works for publication. This indicates that some of these people have the conviction and willingness to publish insolent slights against the Lord.” Responding to arguments from the administrative body that confiscating newspapers and magazines or suspending their licenses is forbidden, the court made a distinction between the suspension of a license when done by an administrative body and when based on a judicial ruling: “The constitutional ban—an appropriate embodiment of freedom of opinion—is limited to administrative confiscation or suspension. The decision to license a newspaper or magazine does not however provide immunity from judicial suspension.”
  خامساً: القوانين والقرا...  
ويتكون مشروع القانون، الذي حصلت المبادرة المصرية للحقوق الشخصية على نسخة منه، من 79 مادة تنظم مسائل وجوب إخراج الزكاة على كل مسلم، ونطاق هذا الواجب، والأموال التي تجب فيها الزكاة، وكيفية إدارة أموال الزكاة وما يرتبط بها كتحديد الجهات المكلفة بإدارة الزكاة وإجراءات تحديدها وجمعها وصرفها.
The bill, a copy of which was obtained by the EIPR, contains 79 articles that require and regulate the imposition of the tithe on every Muslim, the scope of the duty, the assets that must be included in calculating the tithe and the administration of tithe funds, including the specification of administrating bodies and the measures necessary to determine, collect and disburse the tithe funds. The bill also contains a section on penalties, stating in Article 63c that “a fine not to exceed twice the value of the tithe or twice the value of assets illegally acquired shall be imposed...on anyone who does not pay the tithe without an acceptable excuse after the required amount has been definitively established.” The bill also addresses the relationship between the tithe and taxes, stipulating that the amount Muslims pay in the tithe shall be deducted from their income tax and vice-versa. In the explanatory brief accompanying the bill, the MP explained that regulating the tithe is necessary to defend against the impact of the global financial crisis and that the tithe can be used as a means to redistribute wealth and income in society.
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والتي تستند إليها محاكم الأسرة فيما يتعلق بالنزاعات الناشئة بين الأقباط الأرثوذكس، واستهدفت التعديلات فرض مزيد من القيود على حق الأقباط في الحصول على الطلاق أو على تصريح بالزواج بعد الطلاق (انظر الفقرة رقم 29 من تقرير إبريل- يونيو 2008).
6. On 28 April 2009, the Court of Administrative Justice, headed by Judge Mohamed Atiya, rejected seven suits filed by Christian citizens against Pope Shenouda III in his capacity as the president of the General Denominational Council (al-Majlis al-Milli) of the Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate, asking that changes made by the council to the by-laws governing personal status for Orthodox Copts, issued in 1938, be overturned. On 20 May 2008, the council had introduced fundamental changes to the personal status by-laws, which are used to adjudicate disputes between Copts in family courts. The changes imposed further restrictions on the right of Copts to divorce or remarry after divorce (see paragraph 29 of the Second Quarterly Report, 2008).
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12. حق المريض في الحصول على صورة ضوئية من ملفه الطبي كاملا، بناءاً على طلب يقدمه المريض إلى المجلس الإقليمي التابع له، ويلتزم المجلس بالاستجابة خلال أسبوعين من تقديم الطلب، وللمجلس بعد مناظرة المريض بواسطة لجنة مستقلة،
12- The right to receive a photocopy of his/her complete file, upon a request submitted to the Local Council for Mental Health. The council will respond to the request within two weeks. After examination of the patient by an independent committee, the council has the right to withhold some of the information for a renewable limited period of time (three months), if the council estimates that it might constitute a threat to the safety of the patient, his/her health or the safety of others. The patient has the right to appeal that decision.
  محكمة أمن الدولة طوارئ ...  
وقال حسام بهجت المدير التنفيذي للمبادرة المصرية للحقوق الشخصية "إن ما حدث للمواطن محمد فاروق واستمرار اعتقاله مع سبعة آخرين من المواطنين الشيعة يكشف استمرار انتهاك الحكومة لما تعهدت به أمام مجلس حقوق الإنسان الدولي بجنيف حول وقف انتهاك حق المواطنين في حرية الدين والمعتقد. فأجهزة الأمن لا تزال تعتقل وتعذب المختلفين عقائديا دون أدنى محاسبة".
Hossam Bahgat, the Executive Director of the EIPR, said, “The case of Mohamed Farouq and the continued detention of seven other Shi’ite citizens reveals the government’s continued violation of commitments made before the UN Human Right Council in Geneva, where it pledged to stop violating citizens’ right to freedom of religion and belief. The security apparatus continues to detain and torture those with minority religious beliefs without any sort of accountability.”
  خامساً: القوانين والقرا...  
29. في يوم 26 يناير 2009 وافقت لجنة الاقتراحات والشكاوى بمجلس الشعب على اقتراح بمشروع قانون مُقدم من النائب المستقل مصطفى عبد العزيز الجندي يقضي "بتجريم الإفتاء لغير المتخصصين من الأزهر الشريف بجمهورية مصر العربية." وينص مشروع القانون ـ والذي حصلت المبادرة المصرية للحقوق الشخصية على نسخة منه ـ على إضافة مادة برقم 155 مكرر إلى الباب العاشر من قانون العقوبات المتعلق باختلاس الألقاب والوظائف والاتصاف بها بدون حق نصها كالتالي:
29. On 26 January 2009, the Proposals and Complaints Committee in the People’s Assembly approved a bill submitted by independent MP Mustafa Abd al-Aziz al-Gindi that would “criminalize the issuance of fatwas by anyone other than specialists from al-Azhar in the Arab Republic of Egypt.” The bill, a copy of which was obtained by the EIPR, seeks to amend Section 10 of the Penal Code regarding the misappropriation or fraudulent use of professional credentials and titles by adding Article 155 bis, and which would read as follows:
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وأخيرًا، فإن الحكومة المصرية تحرم ملايين المصريين المقيمين بالخارج من حقهم في المشاركة في الحياة العامة عن طريق حرمانهم من حق التصويت، الأمر الذي يعد خرقًا للقانون الوطني. فالقانون رقم 111 لسنة 1983 بشأن بالهجرة ورعاية المصريين في الخارج ينص على أن الحقوق الدستورية والقانونية التي يتمتع بها المهاجرون المصريون يجب ألا تتأثر بإقامتهم في الخارج.36 علاوةً على ذلك،
Finally, the Egyptian government deprives millions of Egyptian living abroad of their right to participate in public life by denying them the right to vote, in violation of domestic law. Law number 111 of the year 1983 on Emigration and the Welfare of Egyptians Abroad states that the constitutional and legal rights enjoyed by Egyptians emigrants shall not be affected by their residency abroad. 36 Moreover, Article 12 of the Law on the Practice of Political Rights stipulates that the electoral districts of Egyptians residing abroad and registered with Egyptian consulates shall be the same districts they inhabited in Egypt prior to their emigration.37 The total number of Egyptians living abroad was estimated at 2.7 million in 2000.38 This number represents about 4% of the population of Egypt who are denied their right to participate in the public affairs of their country of origin. This is a direct violation of Article 41 of the ICRMW.
  تكذيباً لادعاءات المجلس...  
قالت المبادرة المصرية للحقوق الشخصية إن التصريحات المتواترة لقيادات المجلس العسكري ووزارة الداخلية في الفترة الأخيرة بشأن حق قوات الجيش والشرطة في استعمال العنف ضد المتظاهرين تشكل مخالفة تامة وصارخة للمعايير المنصوص عليها في القانون الدولي،
The Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR) said that the recurring statements made lately by the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces and Ministry of Interior officials about the legitimacy of the use of violence against demonstrators, are in clear breach of international laws and standards, and constitute an acknowledgment of the liability of army and police forces in the crimes committed against demonstrators over the past months.
  مشروع قانون الجمعيات وا...  
ويرد في هذا السياق على وجه الخصوص ما تمنحه بعض المواد 12، 13 من المشروع لجهة الإدارة من صلاحيات للاعتراض على حق الجمعية في تلقي الأموال وقبول التبرعات، دون تحديد للأسباب أو الدوافع القانونية التي قد توجب هذا الاعتراض،
In this respect, the undersigned organizations stress the need for legal precision in the wording of some of the provisions of the bill, which could provide a basis for further administrative arbitrariness if accepted in their current form. Specifically, Articles 12 and 13 grant the administrative authorities the power to object to the right of any organization to receive funds or donations, without specifying the legal standards on which such a rejection may be based. These articles therefore provide for the indirect restriction of the activities of organizations.
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وفي تبرير المحكمة لإلغاء تصريح المجلة بسبب نشر قصيدة واحدة قالت المحكمة "إن المجلة هي الأداة التي ارتكبت بها هذه الجريمة في حق الله وفي حق معتقدات ومقدسات أبناء هذا الوطن أيا ما يكون مرتكبها وهي الوسيلة التي ارتكبت بها هذه الجريمة النكراء؛ ثم إن هذا الابتذال في حق بارئ الكون واضح جلي في معنى الإساءة إلى الله بما لا يخفى على أحد،
Justifying its decision to cancel the magazine’s license for the publication of one poem, the court stated, “The magazine is the tool used to commit this crime against God and the sacred beliefs of this nation, regardless of who the perpetrator is; it is the means by which this heinous crime was committed. Moreover, the contempt shown for the Creator is eminently clear, an offense to God which is hidden from no one. It is inconceivable that this work was published by mistake, without having been seen by those who evaluate such works for publication. This indicates that some of these people have the conviction and willingness to publish insolent slights against the Lord.” Responding to arguments from the administrative body that confiscating newspapers and magazines or suspending their licenses is forbidden, the court made a distinction between the suspension of a license when done by an administrative body and when based on a judicial ruling: “The constitutional ban—an appropriate embodiment of freedom of opinion—is limited to administrative confiscation or suspension. The decision to license a newspaper or magazine does not however provide immunity from judicial suspension.”
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واستندت المحكمة في حيثيات حكمها ـ الذي اطلعت المبادرة المصرية للحقوق الشخصية على نسخه منه ـ إلى أنه "طبقا لنص المادة 46 من الدستور تكفل الدولة حرية العقيدة وحرية ممارسة الشعائر الدينية، ويتفق ذلك مع ما ورد بالمادة 18 من الإعلان العالمي لحقوق الإنسان من أن لكل شخص حق في حرية الدين،
In its ruling, a copy of which was reviewed by the EIPR, the court reasoned that “according to Article 46 of the Constitution, the state guarantees freedom of belief and the freedom to engage in religious practice. This concurs with Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states that every person has the freedom of religion, which includes the freedom of an individual to change his religion and engage in religious practices.” The court added that it had concluded from the case papers that “the daughter of the plaintiff converted to Islam of her own free will and also married of her own free will without pressure or coercion. The mother’s claim that her daughter is psychologically disturbed and has a mental disorder is a statement unsupported by evidence; the mother’s real goal is to see her daughter return to Christianity, which it is impermissible to force her to do.”
  8. القيود المفروضة على ...  
على الرغم من أن الدستور المصري يضمن الحق في حرية التنظيم، فإن المنظمات المصرية غير الحكومية تعمل في بيئة قانونية وسياسية تفرض العديد من القيود الصارمة عليها. فقانون الجمعيات الأهلية (قانون رقم 84 لسنة 2002) يمنح الحكومة الحق في التدخل في إجراءات تشكيل، وتسجيل، وإدارة،
Although Egypt's Constitution guarantees the right to freedom of association, Egyptian NGOs operate in an extremely restrictive legal and policy environment. NGOs Law (number 84 of the year 2002) enables the government to interfere with the registration, governance and operation of NGOs in several ways. The law allows for associations to be dissolved by an administrative order of the Ministry of Social Solidarity and restricts the right of NGOs to seek and receive foreign funding to support their activities. Prison penalties are imposed on NGO members and activists for offences related to their activities. In short, the law "entrenches a system in which NGOs are treated as the children of a paternalistic government."39
  المبادرة المصرية للحقوق...  
وجدير بالذكر أن المحكمة الإدارية العليا سبق وقضت عام 2009 في الطعن رقم 124 لسنة 53 قضائية عليا المقام من أحد الأفراد لحرمانه من التعيين بهيئة قضايا الدولة لإصابته بالفيروس الكبدي (سي) بأن "حق المواطن في العمل لا يجوز إهداره أو تقييده بما يعطل دوره في تقدم الجماعة وإشباع احتياجاتها،
Most notably, in 2009, the Supreme Administrative Court ruled on a case filed by a citizen who was denied employment at the State Council because he has hepatitis C. In that case (appeal no. 124/53) the court ruled that “the right of citizens to work cannot be undermined or restricted in such a way as to obstruct their role in the advancement of the community and the fulfillment of its needs. The administrative body, as the body empowered to manage the public welfare within the framework of laws and regulations, is not authorized to intervene with a decree or measure that obstructs this right or restricts the exercise of it…There is no debate that the treatment of these illnesses and others is incumbent on the state, and it is impermissible for the state to use it [an individual's medical condition] without a legal basis as a means of denying citizens employment.”
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13. الحق في التظلم والشكوى إلى كل من لجنة رعاية حقوق المريض النفسي بالمنشأة، المجلس القومي أو الإقليمي للصحة النفسية، النيابة العامة، محكمة الجنح المستأنفة. وتلتزم لجنة رعاية حقوق المريض النفسي برفع شكوى المريض إلى الجهة التي يطلبها كما يجوز توفير المساعدة القانونية إذا طلب المريض ذلك،
13- The right to appeal or file a complaint to the Patients' Rights Committee in the facility, the National Council for Mental Health, the Local Council for Mental Health, the public prosecution or the court of misdemeanor. The Patients' Rights Committee is obliged to raise the patient's complaint with the body specified by him/her, as well as provide the patient with legal aid upon his/her request, while securing all procedural safeguards including his/her right to choose a lawyer and to receive copies of reports or necessary documents related to his/her condition. The patient and his/her lawyer have the right to submit independent reports and certificates concerning his/her mental condition, in addition to the right to attend the sessions addressing his/her appeal or complaint. The patient and his/her lawyer also have the right to ask for witnesses.
  1- الاتجار بالبشر في مص...  
تعرفت خلالها على أكثر أشكال الاتجار في البشر شيوعًا في مصر؛ بما في ذلك الاتجار بهدف الاستغلال الجنسي من خلال مثل هذه الزيجات "الموسمية"، أو "المؤقتة" التي تتم في حق فتيات دون السن القانونية، وعمالة الأطفال والخدمة المنزلية،
The Special Rapporteur on Trafficking conducted a country visit to Egypt in April 2010. While the mission report has not been made public at the time of writing, the Special Rapporteur's preliminary findings identified the most common forms of trafficking in persons in Egypt to include trafficking for the purposes of sexual exploitation through “seasonal" or "temporary” marriage of under-age girls, child labor, domestic servitude and other forms of sexual exploitation and prostitution. She indicated that trafficking for forced marriages, forced labor, transplantation of human organs and body tissues may be much more common than indicated by existing estimates. The Special Rapporteur also noted that the incidence of internal trafficking is much higher than transnational trafficking. "The prevalence of street children", she warned, "increases their vulnerability to child trafficking".3
  أولاً: الأحكام القضائية...  
واستندت المحكمة في أسباب حكمها بعدم قبول الدعوى ـ والذي حصلت المبادرة المصرية للحقوق الشخصية على نسخة منه ـ إلى أن "الإسلام بحسبانه الدين الذي يدين به غالبية أفراد الشعب المصري ... تحتم أحكامه ومبادئه حق غير المسلم في اعتناق الدين السماوي الذي يريد،
In its ruling, a copy of which was obtained by the EIPR, the court explained its rejection of the suit by noting that “the principles and judgments of Islam, as the religion embraced by a majority of Egyptians…determines the right of the non-Muslim to embrace the revealed religion of his choice, and these same judgments prohibit a person who has entered Islam and practiced its rites from leaving the religion, given that it is the final seal of the revealed religions. This has become an aspect of public order that must be respected.” The court added, “Although Islamic jurisprudence recognizes different opinions on the application of the hadd punishment for apostasy, no [jurist] denies the magnitude of the apostate’s crime and his assault on Islam after he has willingly embraced the religion.”
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وفي تبرير المحكمة لإلغاء تصريح المجلة بسبب نشر قصيدة واحدة قالت المحكمة "إن المجلة هي الأداة التي ارتكبت بها هذه الجريمة في حق الله وفي حق معتقدات ومقدسات أبناء هذا الوطن أيا ما يكون مرتكبها وهي الوسيلة التي ارتكبت بها هذه الجريمة النكراء؛ ثم إن هذا الابتذال في حق بارئ الكون واضح جلي في معنى الإساءة إلى الله بما لا يخفى على أحد،
Justifying its decision to cancel the magazine’s license for the publication of one poem, the court stated, “The magazine is the tool used to commit this crime against God and the sacred beliefs of this nation, regardless of who the perpetrator is; it is the means by which this heinous crime was committed. Moreover, the contempt shown for the Creator is eminently clear, an offense to God which is hidden from no one. It is inconceivable that this work was published by mistake, without having been seen by those who evaluate such works for publication. This indicates that some of these people have the conviction and willingness to publish insolent slights against the Lord.” Responding to arguments from the administrative body that confiscating newspapers and magazines or suspending their licenses is forbidden, the court made a distinction between the suspension of a license when done by an administrative body and when based on a judicial ruling: “The constitutional ban—an appropriate embodiment of freedom of opinion—is limited to administrative confiscation or suspension. The decision to license a newspaper or magazine does not however provide immunity from judicial suspension.”
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وهو حق دستوري يتوافر به دوماً ـ على ما جرى به قضاء هذه المحكمة ـ ركن الاستعجال ... فضلاً عن تشريد العاملين بالمجلة ووحرمانهم من مورد رزقهم." وأحالت المحكمة الطعن إلى هيئة مفوضي الدولة لإعداد تقرير بالرأي القانوني قبل الفصل في طلب إلغاء الحكم.
The GEBO appealed the ruling before the Supreme Administrative Court, asking first for an urgent injunction against the ruling and second that it be overturned entirely. On 15 June 2009, the court, headed by Judge Ibrahim al-Saghir, issued the injunction. Although the court stated that it “would not neglect to affirm its utter rejection of every word—nay, every letter—of the foul poem…and the court affirms the need to take deterrent criminal and disciplinary measures against anyone who participated in this shameful work,” it nevertheless concluded that Egyptian law does not allow any authority, including the judicial authority, to cancel the license of a newspaper. Rather, it only allows the judiciary to hold the journalist responsible if he “abuses freedom of the press and freedom of expression…in addition to the measures that may be taken against the newspaper who abuses this freedom.” The court justified the urgent injunction against the ruling to cancel the magazine’s license by saying that closing the magazine would “impinge on freedom of the press, expression and opinion, a constitutional right which is always—in the proceedings of this court—granted the principle of urgency…and would displace the magazine’s staff and deprive them of a livelihood.” The court referred the appeal to the State Commissioners' Authority to prepare a legal opinion before ruling on the demand to overturn the initial decision.
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ورغم تسليم المحكمة بأن المادة 47 من قانون الأحوال المدنية "قد وردت متضمنة حق تغيير بيانات خانة الديانة مطلقاً دون تحديد من المشرع"، فإنها قدمت تفسيراً جديداً لنص المادة بأن رأت "أن المشرع استوجب مجموعة من الإجراءات والشروط والضوابط والمستندات التي يتعين توافرها حتى تتخذ جهة الإدارة إجراءات إصدار قرار بتغيير الديانة والاسم بشهادة الميلاد وبطاقة تحقيق الشخصية،
Although the court conceded that Article 47 of the Civil Status Law “contains the absolute right to change information related to religious affiliation without restriction by the legislator,” the court offered a new interpretation of the article, stating, “The legislator requires a set of measures, conditions, safeguards and documents which must be provided for the administrative body to issue an order to change one’s religion or name on a birth certificate or personal identity card. These measures have nothing to do with proving belief, which remains between the servant and his Lord and requires no proof, but are rather conditions related to the exigencies of the regulatory system documenting particular information on the citizen’s identifying papers, to manage the legal ramifications of dealing with others in family matters such as marriage, divorce and inheritance, all of which differ according to religion or confession.”
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5. حق المريض في معرفة كامل المعلومات المتعلقة بتشخصيص حالته واحتمالات تطورها، وكذلك كافة المعلومات عن الخطة العلاجية التي يجب أن توضع طبقا لاحتياجات المريض، على أن تتضمن هذه المعلومات التأهيل وخطة الرعاية اللاحقة وأن تسمح المؤسسة العلاجية بمشاركته الفعالة في ذلك،
5- The right to be fully informed of his/her diagnosis, its possible prognosis and the treatment plan, which must be tailored to the patient's needs and include rehabilitation and follow-up management. The institution providing treatment should permit the patient's participation in the process, and the plan must be documented in the patient's file, all with consideration to his/her mental abilities.
  إطلاق سراح الناشط الشيع...  
والتي أمرت بإنهاء اعتقاله في 13 نوفمبر الماضي. وبموجب قانون الطوارئ، فإن من حق وزارة الداخلية الطعن على قرار المحكمة خلال فترة لا تتجاوز 15 يوماً من صدور القرار. ولما كانت الداخلية لم تطعن على القرار خلال هذه الفترة،
Lawyers from the EIPR and HMLC had filed an appeal against Derini’s detention before the State Security Emergency Court, which ordered his release on 13 November. Under the Emergency Law, the Ministry of Interior has a window of 15 days to appeal the release order. The Ministry of Interior did not appeal the release order, and Derini was transferred to the offices of the State Security Intelligence Service in Lazoghly where he spent two days in unlawful incommunicado detention before being released last night.
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12. حق المريض في الحصول على صورة ضوئية من ملفه الطبي كاملا، بناءاً على طلب يقدمه المريض إلى المجلس الإقليمي التابع له، ويلتزم المجلس بالاستجابة خلال أسبوعين من تقديم الطلب، وللمجلس بعد مناظرة المريض بواسطة لجنة مستقلة،
12- The right to receive a photocopy of his/her complete file, upon a request submitted to the Local Council for Mental Health. The council will respond to the request within two weeks. After examination of the patient by an independent committee, the council has the right to withhold some of the information for a renewable limited period of time (three months), if the council estimates that it might constitute a threat to the safety of the patient, his/her health or the safety of others. The patient has the right to appeal that decision.
  إطلاق سراح الناشط الشيع...  
محمد أحمد صبح، كان قد حصل أيضاً على قرار بإنهاء اعتقاله من محكمة أمن الدولة العليا طوارئ في 10 نوفمبر الماضي. غير أن وزارة الداخلية لم تطلق سراحه إلا في 25 نوفمبر، بعد أسبوعين من الاحتجاز غير القانوني دون وجه حق.
The second defendant in the same case, Ahmed Mohamed Sobh, also secured a release order from the State Security Emergency Court on 10 November but was only freed by the Interior Ministry on 25 November, after two weeks of unlawful detention.
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وقال حسام بهجت، مدير المبادرة المصرية للحقوق الشخصية "إن من حق أي شخص أن يعتنق من الأفكار الدينية ما يشاء دون تدخل من الحكومة، التي تتحمل الآن مسئولية التحقيق في كل الانتهاكات التي تعرض لها المحتجزون الثلاثة عشر ومعاقبة المسئولين عنها وتعويض الضحايا دون تأخير."
"Everyone has the right to adopt whichever religious beliefs that they choose to adopt without interference from the State, which now holds the responsibility to investigate all the violations that the thirteen defendants had to endure, punish their perpetrators and compensate their victims, said Hossam Bahgat, Director of the EIPR.
  وزارة الداخلية تحول بين...  
"إن حق المواطنين في الخصوصية وفي حرية المعتقد مكفول بموجب الدستور المصري والعهد الدولي للحقوق المدنية والسياسية الملزم قانوناً للحكومة. وعلى وزارة الداخلية أن تقوم فوراً بمعالجة هذا الوضع الفاضح الذي يشكل انتهاكاً سافراً للقانونين المصري والدولي".
"People's rights to privacy and to freedom of religion are guaranteed under both the Constitution and the legally binding International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights," said Bahgat. "The Interior Ministry must immediately remedy this scandalous situation which blatantly violates both Egyptian and international law."
  د. الحقوق الاقتصادية وا...  
فإن أهالي النوبة في أقصى جنوب مصر ما زالوا يدفعون ثمن التهجير الجماعي الذي تعرضوا له على عدة مراحل على مدى القرن العشرين في سبيل تنفيذ مشروعات مائية. وترفض سلطات الدولة الاستجابة لمطالب النوبيون بحقوقهم،
32. Similarly, Nubians in Egypt’s far south continue to pay the price of their gradual collective transfer over the twentieth century as part of several large waterworks projects. State authorities refuse to respond to Nubians’ demands for the recognition for their rights, including the reestablishment of their villages on Lake Nubia, the implementation of a program to facilitate migrants’ return to these villages, the provision of jobs, infrastructure, and sustainable development in the region and guarantees of their right to participate in decision-making and implementation of projects in their region.
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