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  Een helder idee om slec...  
als een buitenaards wezen ons zonnestelsel zou bekijken, zou de aarde ongeveer 10 miljard keer zo zwak zijn als de felle zon!
If an alien observed our Solar System, the Earth would be about 10 billion (10,000,000,000) times dimmer than our Sun!
Würde ein Außerirdischer unser Sonnensystem beobachten, so wäre die Erde 10 Milliarden (10 000 000 000) Mal dunkler als unsere Sonne!
si un extraterrestre observara nuestro Sistema Solar, ¡la Tierra sería 10 mil millones (10 000 000 000) de veces menos luminosa que nuestro Sol!
Se un alieno osservasse il nostro Sistema solare, vedrebbe la Terra circa 10 miliardi (10,000,000,000) di volte meno luminosa del Sole!
: Se um alienígena observasse o nosso sistema solar, a Terra seria 10 mil milhões (10,000,000,000) de vezes menos brilhante do que o Sol!
If an alien observed our Solar System, the Earth would be about 10 billion (10,000,000,000) times dimmer than our Sun!
Jeśli obca cywilizacja obserwowałaby naszą planetę z odległych części Kosmosu, Ziemia byłaby 10 miliardów razy ciemniejsza niż Słońce!
Dacă un extraterestru s-ar uita la Sistemul Solar, Pământul ar fi de 10 miliarde de ori (10,000,000,000) mai puțin strălucitor ca Soarele!
  Een zee van sterren | L...  
De Garnaalnevel schijnt zwak in het licht dat wij met onze ogen kunnen zien. Om de foto zo opvallend te maken, is het licht dat door de telescoop is verzameld, helderder gemaakt.
The Prawn Nebula appears very faint in light that can be seen by the naked eye. So, to make this photograph so eye-catching, the colours collected by the telescope were brightened.
La Nebulosa de la Gamba se ve muy débil en la luz que puede ver el ojo a simple vista. Así que, para hacer esta fotografía atractiva a la vista, los colores tomados por el telescopio fueron realzados.
A nebulosa do Camarão aparece-nos muito ténue quando observada na luz visível aos nossos olhos. Então para tornar esta fotografia mais apelativa, as cores recolhidas pelo telescópio foram realçadas.
The Prawn Nebula appears very faint in light that can be seen by the naked eye. So, to make this photograph so eye-catching, the colours collected by the telescope were brightened.
The Prawn Nebula appears very faint in light that can be seen by the naked eye. So, to make this photograph so eye-catching, the colours collected by the telescope were brightened.
Nebuloasa Crevetelui este foarte greu de observat în lumina vizibilă. De aceea, pentru a face acestă fotografie atrăgătoare, culorile colectate de telescop au fost intensificate.
  Astronomen vinden leven...  
Maar het licht van een verre planeet is heel erg zwak vergeleken met het heldere licht van de ster waar hij omheen draait, en daardoor moeilijk te zien. Maar het licht dat de planeet weerkaatst is net iets anders dan het licht van de ster.
Kürzlich haben Astronomen den Erdschein dazu benutzt, um nach außerirdischem Leben zu suchen. Hinweise auf Leben können sich ergeben, wenn bestimmte Mengen ausgewählter Gase in der Atmosphäre eines Planeten zu finden sind, z. B. Sauerstoff, Ozon, Methan und Kohlendioxid. Astronomen können herausfinden, welche Gase sich in der Atmosphäre eines Planeten befinden, indem sie das Licht untersuchen, das von ihm abprallt – seinen
Signs of life can be found in the quantities of particular gases in a planet’s atmosphere, such as oxygen, ozone, methane and carbon dioxide. And astronomers can work out what gases are in a planet’s atmosphere by studying the light that bounces off them – their
Niestety światło popielate jest bardzo słabe, a co więcej – „zagłuszone” przez jasne światło gwiazd, przez co staje się trudne do zaobserwowania. Jednak, gdy światło gwiazd odbija się od planety, zmienia swoje niektóre swoje właściwości. Astronomowie opisują zmienione światło jako "spolaryzowane". Tak więc, obserwując światło spolaryzowane, astronomowie mogą wyodrębnić trudne do zarejestrowania światło popielate.
  Ik zie, ik zie wat jij ...  
Maar het is ze nog nooit gelukt om precies te achterhalen welke ster is geëxplodeerd. Voordat ze in een heldere supernova veranderen, zijn afgelegen sterren meestal te zwak om waar te nemen. Maar sterrenkundigen denken dat ze nu voor het eerst hebben kunnen vaststellen welke ster is geëxplodeerd!
Every year astronomers see dozens of Type Ib supernovae in far away galaxies, but they’ve never managed to identify exactly which star exploded. Before they turn into bright supernovae, the distant stars are usually too faint to make out. However, with this supernova astronomers think that for the first time they've worked out which star created the super-bright object we see in this picture!
Chaque année, les astronomes voient des dizaines de supernovae de Type Ib se produire dans des galaxies lointaines, mais ils n’avaient jamais réussi à identifier précisément quelle étoile avait explosé. Avant de devenir des supernovae très brillantes, ces étoiles lointaines sont souvent trop peu lumineuses pour être visibles.
Cada año los astrónomos observan docenas de supernovas de tipo Ib en galaxias lejanas, pero nunca habían conseguido identificar exactamente qué estrella había explotado. Antes de tornarse en supernovas brillantes, las estrellas lejanas son habitualmente demasiado débiles para detectarlas. Sin embargo, ¡con esta supernova los astrónomos piensan que por primera vez han averiguado qué estrella creó el objeto súperbrillante que vemos en esta fotografía.
Todos os anos os astrónomos observam dúzias de supernovas Tipo Ib em galáxias distantes mas nunca conseguem identificar qual a estrela que explodiu. Antes de se tornar numa brilhante supernova, as estrelas distantes ficam com um brilho tão débil que se torna muito difícil identificá-las. No entanto, neste caso os astrónomos pensam que pela primeira vez conseguiram identificar qual a estrela que criou o objeto super-brilhante que pudemos ver na fotografia.
So, how did they finally manage this? Through a lot of hard work! They scoured hundreds of old photographs showing the region of space the supernova was found in, searching for a star in the exact location of the supernova. And they found one. Even better, it was a massive star that was famous for having super strong winds!
Every year astronomers see dozens of Type Ib supernovae in far away galaxies, but they’ve never managed to identify exactly which star exploded. Before they turn into bright supernovae, the distant stars are usually too faint to make out. However, with this supernova astronomers think that for the first time they've worked out which star created the super-bright object we see in this picture!
  Sterren draaien rondjes...  
Maar astronomen hebben nu voor het eerst het spiraalvormige gloeiende gas ook echt gezien! De ongewone vorm kan alleen zijn veroorzaakt door een onzichtbare begeleidende ster. De ster zelf is te zwak om te zien, maar verraadt zijn aanwezigheid door de kosmische spiraal!
Almost all stars eventually grow into red giants, wrapped in an envelope of gas and dust. But this is the first time astronomers have ever seen the glowing gas spun into a spiral! The unusual shape can only have been created by an unseen companion star. The star itself is too dim for us to see, but it's definitely making itself known to us through this cosmic spiral!
Casi todas las estrellas acaban como gigantes rojas, enrolladas en una envoltura de gas y polvo. ¡Pero ésta es la primera vez que los astrónomos han visto girar el gas resplandeciente formando una espiral! La inusual forma sólo puede haber sido creada por una estrella compañera invisible. La propia estrella es demasiado débil para que la veamos, ¡pero es seguro que se nos está dando a conocer, a través de esta espiral cósmica!
Quase todas as estrelas crescem transformando-se eventualmente em gigantes vermelhas, envoltas num envelope de gás e poeira. Mas esta é a primeira vez que os astrónomos viram o gás a brilhar e a girar em forma de espiral! Esta forma incomum só pode ter sido criada por uma estrela companheira invisível. A estrela em si é muito fraca para a podermos ver, mas dá-se a conhecer através desta espiral cósmica!
Almost all stars eventually grow into red giants, wrapped in an envelope of gas and dust. But this is the first time astronomers have ever seen the glowing gas spun into a spiral! The unusual shape can only have been created by an unseen companion star. The star itself is too dim for us to see, but it's definitely making itself known to us through this cosmic spiral!
Almost all stars eventually grow into red giants, wrapped in an envelope of gas and dust. But this is the first time astronomers have ever seen the glowing gas spun into a spiral! The unusual shape can only have been created by an unseen companion star. The star itself is too dim for us to see, but it's definitely making itself known to us through this cosmic spiral!
Steua sfârșește prin a fi înconjurată de un nor gros de gaz și praf. Aproape toate stelele cresc și devin gigante roșii învăluite în gaz și praf. Acum este pentru prima dată când astronomii au văzut gazul strălucitor formând o spirală. Forma neobișnuită nu putea fi creată decât de o stea vecină nevazută. Steaua este prea mică pentru a putea fi observată, dar cu siguranță iși face simțită prezența prin acestă spirală cosmică.