zuckerberg – -Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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  2 Hits biozentrum.unibas.ch  
The Breakthrough Prize was granted this year for the second time and is endowed with three million dollars for each awardee. Among the sponsors of the award are the Google founder Sergey Brin, the biotech entrepreneur Anne Wojcicki and the Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.
Der Breakthrough-Preis wurde in diesem Jahr zum zweiten Mal verliehen und ist mit drei Millionen Dollar für jeden Preisträger dotiert. Zu den Sponsoren der Auszeichnung gehören unter anderem Google-Gründer Sergey Brin, die Biotech-Unternehmerin Anne Wojcicki sowie Facebook-Gründer Mark Zuckerberg.
Name: Mark Zuckerberg
Nombre: Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg’s company did not shy away from sharing Facebook user data with Cambridge Analytica. Of the 87 million affected users, there are 622,000 Canadians. Is this your case?
La société de Mark Zuckerberg ne s’est pas gênée en partageant les données d’utilisateurs de Facebook avec Cambridge Analytica. Parmi les 87 millions de victimes de ce scandale, on retrouve 622 000 canadiens. Est-ce votre cas?
  6 Hits liveuamap.com  
Zuckerberg answered questions from Ukrainians
Цукерберг ответил на вопросы украинцев.
Take Facebook for instance: The network offers a high level of user commitment as well as a wide range of communication possibilities. Two-thirds of its users (who come from all age groups) visit the Zuckerberg universe on a daily basis.
Eins vorweg: Beide Plattformen sind ideale Instrumente, um Zielgruppen ohne hohe Streuverluste zu erreichen, oder auch um die breite Masse anzusprechen. Mit Blick auf das Budget handelt es sich hierbei noch um relativ „günstige“ Kanäle, die es erlauben, Kampagnen nahe am Kunden zu inszenieren. Zum Beispiel Facebook: Das Netzwerk überzeugt mit einem hohen User Engagement und bietet eine Vielzahl an Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten. Zwei Drittel der User, die allen Altersgruppen zugerechnet werden können, sind täglich im Zuckerberg-Universum unterwegs. Wir empfehlen Facebook unter anderem für:
How Panorama Education got Mark Zuckerberg as a backer and picked Boston for its HQ - Boston Business Journal
Como a Panorama Education conseguiu o apoio de Mark Zuckerberg (ING) – Boston Business Journal
Muhammad joins an illustrious lineup on the list, including Leonardo DiCaprio, Nicki Minaj, Mark Zuckerberg, Priyanka Chopra, Adele, Hillary Clinton and Pope Francis. < See more >
Muhammad rejoint au classement d'autres célébrités telles que Leonardo DiCaprio, Nicki Minaj, Mark Zuckerberg, Priyanka Chopra, Adele, Hillary Clinton et le Pape François. < En savoir plus >
  3 Hits www.smokymountains-hotels.com  
No, Jeremie isn’t the Greek Mark Zuckerberg; it’s the name of the financial instrument of the European Commission together with the European Investment Fund, which since 2012 has been providing funds to startups in this country.
Heureusement ou non,  le développement de l'écosystème des start-up, en Grèce, a un nom et c'est Jéremie. Jéremie n'est pas pas le grec Marck Zuckerberg, mais le nom de l'instrument financier de la Commission européenne et du Fond européen d'investissement, qui, depuis 2012,  fournit des fonds aux start-up du pays. Cet instrument est responsable de l'état actuel de l'écosystème des start-up en Grèce. Découvrons-le.
Fortunately or not, the startup ecosystem development in Greece has a name and it’s Jeremie.  No, Jeremie isn’t the Greek Mark Zuckerberg; it’s the name of the financial instrument of the European Commission together with the European Investment Fund, which since 2012 has been providing funds to startups in this country.  This instrument is responsible for the current state of the Greek startup ecosystem.
As a reminder, here is the quote of Mark Zuckerberg when he announced his company would switch back to a full-native app: “When I’m introspective about the last few years I think the biggest mistake that we made, as a company, is betting too much on HTML5 as opposed to native… because it just wasn’t there. And it’s not that HTML5 is bad. I’m actually, on long-term, really excited about it.”
Le dernier exemple est bien connu : l’application Facebook. Pour mémoire, voici la citation de Mark Zuckerberg quand il a annoncé que son entreprise reviendrait à des applications natives : “When I’m introspective about the last few years I think the biggest mistake that we made, as a company, is betting too much on HTML5 as opposed to native… because it just wasn’t there. And it’s not that HTML5 is bad. I’m actually, on long-term, really excited about it.”
After the opening ceremony during which stars walked the green carpet, the opening screening last Saturday was of The Social Network. The film tells the somewhat disputed and controversial story of Facebook founder and world's youngest billionaire Mark Zuckerberg.
10月はデザインやエンターテインメントの世界の人たちが世界中から日本に降り立って数多くの種類の胸を躍らせるイベントに参加します。この中には六本木ヒルズとその周辺で10月23日から31日まで開催される第23回東京国際映画祭(TIFF)があります。上映される映画はインディペンデントな海外映画からハリウッドの大作まで勢ぞろいしています。 先週土曜日に開幕し、国内外のゲストがグリーンカーペットを歩いたオープニングの後、オープニング作品である「ソーシャル・ネットワーク」が上映されました。この作品は、論争を呼んでいる話題の人物で世界で最も若いビリオネア、フェイスブックの創業者であるマーク・ザッカーバーグについての物語です。 さらに、映画そのものの鑑賞だけでなく、この秋の六本木ヒルズでは映画の周辺も楽しめるようです。東京国際映画祭(TIFF)に因んで、六本木ヒルズではシネマ・オクトーバーというイベントを開催しています。レストランでの映画音楽のライブ演奏、夜12時までのレイトハッピーアワーなどもあります。 先週金曜の晩に、私は六本木ヒルズのワイアードカフェにでかけたのですが、ハービーとフレッドによるボーカルとピアノの演奏会が行われていました。ジョージ・ガーシュインのサマータイムなどのスタンダードジャズナンバーが、フレッドのピアノとハービーの歌で奏でられました。私もほかの聴衆もハービーのスムーズでゆったりとした声に聞き惚れると同時にフレッドのクラシック音楽のピアノ曲を独創的にアレンジした解釈に心を奪われました。 シネマ・オクトーバーのライブ演奏をまだお聞きになる機会のない方は今週末の土曜日が最後ですので、それまでに六本木ヒルズに出かけられることをお勧めします。曜日によって異なりますので、六本木ヒルズウェブサイトでスケジュールチェックもお見逃しなく。東京国際映画祭(TIFF)もこの日曜日が最後となります。最終上映品目は「ザ・タウン」これはベン・アフレックが監督・主演を務めた映画で、世界でも評価の高いハリウッド映画です。私も今から見に行くのがとても楽しみです! ケリー
Shortly thereafter, media sources around the world reported that an Iranian judge had summoned Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Facebook, to Iran to respond to complaints regarding WhatsApp and Instagram, both of which are owned by Facebook.
۶ خرداد، دادگاه انقلاب در تهران هشت نفر را برای کنشگری در فیس‌بوک، به جرم تبلیغ علیه نظام و توهین به رهبری محکوم کرد. در اقدامی غیرمعمول، قاضی پرونده متهمان را به حبس‌های ۷ تا ۲۰ سال محکوم کرد. کمی پس از آن، خبرگزاری‌ها در سراسر جهان گزارش دادند که دادگاهی در ایران، مارک زاکربرگ، بنیانگزار و مدیر فیس‌بوک را احضار کرده تا نسبت به شکایات علیه واتس‌اپ و اینستاگرام، دو شبکه اجتماعی وابسته به فیس‌بوک پاسخ دهد. کمی بعد معلوم شد، این خبر که توسط خبرگزاری دانشجویان ایران (ایسنا) انتشار یافته بود دقیق نیست و تنها برپایه گفته‌های یکی از مقامات بسیج بنا شده.
“How Zuckerberg treats Facebook users as laboratory rats”, by Renan Truffi, Carta Capital, July 2014 (mentioned)
“Como Zuckerberg trata usuários do Facebook como ratos de laboratório”, por Renan Truffi, Carta Capital, julho de 2014 (citado)
The photo with the most impact during the recent edition of the Mobile World Congress was of Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, walking into the auditorium without the attendees noticing because they were focused on Samsung’s new virtual reality headset.
La fotografia que més repercussió va tenir el passat Mobile World Congress va ser la de Mark Zuckerberg, fundador de Facebook, entrant a l’auditori sense que els assistents s’adonessin perquè estaven concentrats en les noves ulleres de realitat virtual de Samsung. Una excel·lent campanya de promoció que va retornar a primera línia la solució tecnològica de la realitat virtual, de la qual es parla des de ja fa dues dècades.
He wanted all the courtiers to converge towards this single platform where everyone in the court could, in real time, view, watch, share, comment, observe and follow, according to conventions and confidentiality worthy of Mark Zuckerberg and the creators of Facebook.
Il veut que tous les courtisans convergent vers cette plateforme unique où toute la cour, en temps réel, contemple, assiste, partage, commente, observe, épie selon une étiquette et des paramètres de confidentialité que Mark Zuckerberg et les ingénieurs de Facebook n’auraient pas reniés.
This is where branding steps in. Maybe I was always after expensive shirts. Now, Mark Zuckerberg states that he only wears the same shirts, so he does not need to think about it. Fuck those expensive shirts.
Aus Nutzersicht (in dem Fall meiner) kann das Ganze sehr schnell sehr nervig werden. Ich möchte auch explizit mal neue Dinge sehen, inspiriert werden und Veränderung in meinem Leben. Ich bin kein festzementierter Typ Kunde, wie er bei Geburt geschaffen wurde. Ich bin ein menschliches Wesen, dass sehr (!) beeinflussbar ist. Hier kommt im Übrigen Branding ins Spiel. Vielleicht waren mir teurer Hemden immer sehr wichtig. Da sagt doch ein Herr Zuckerberg, dass er immer nur das gleiche T-Shirt trägt, damit er sich über seine Kleidung weniger Gedanken machen muss. Schei* auf teure Hemden! Ich hatte einen tollen Tag – wie wäre es mit einem verrückten Produkt auf Kickstarter für den Schreibtisch? Ich hatte einen miesen Tag – weg zum Teufel braucht einen fliegenden gelben Kugelschreiber?! Ich bin in der Hinsicht (!) tatsächlich ein wenig froh über die DSGVO. So sehe ich vielleicht endlich wieder neue Produkte und weniger Remarketing-Banner zu Produkten, die ich erst vor 3 Tagen gekauft habe (nein, ich brauche kein zweites Paar Skier).
  73 Hits dotemirates.com  
Mark Zuckerberg
علي سعيد الكعبي
  5 Hits mentorcity.com  
Marc Andreessen (multi-millionaire founder of Mosaic and Netscape) mentor to Mark Zuckerberg (billionaire founder of Facebook)
Marc Andreessen (multi-millionnaire, fondateur de Mosaic et Netscape ) a été le mentor de Mark Zuckerberg (fondateur de Facebook et milliardaire)
  9 Hits mrgoodlife.net  
Mark Zuckerberg will give away 99% of his Facebook shares
Hedgefonds-Milliardär Ray Dalio: Meditation ist die Hauptursache für meinen Erfolg
  2 Hits parl.gc.ca  
Just to allay the concerns of my Conservative friends across the way, my colleague and former roommate, Mark Eyking, used to think yellow post-it notes were high tech, so you guys are like Mark Zuckerberg compared to Mark.
Afin d'apaiser les inquiétudes de mes amis conservateurs, je leur dirais que mon collègue et ancien colocataire, Mark Eyking, pensait à l'époque que les post-it étaient un produit de haute technologie. À côté de lui, vous êtes de vrais Mark Zuckerberg.
In 1990, a mobile phone weighed five kilos at a retail price of 5000 Euro. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg was six years old and had just started elementary school. E-mail and the internet were unknown phenomena to most of us, and 56 Kbit was considered to be a high speed data connection.
В 1990 году мобильный телефон стоил 5000 Евро и весил пять килограммов. Основателю Facebook Марку Цукербергу было шесть лет, и он только что пошел в начальную школу. Электронная почта и Интернет были неизвестным явлением для большинства из нас, и 56 Кбит считались высокой скоростью передачи данных. Просмотр телевизионных программ на мобильном телефоне был чем-то из области научной фантастики.
So, 2011 will become a year of LTE triumph and tablet PCs, Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey, various mobile services, leading carriers and communication vendors.
Таким образом, 2011 год станет годом торжества LTE, «планшетников», Марка Цукерберга, Джека Дорси, множества мобильных сервисов, крупнейших операторов связи и вендоров.
The BEC is led by a group of wealthy celebrity entrepreneurs, such as Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Richard Branson, etc. The reason of the coalition is to provide financial support and incentives to stimulate R&D in the clean energy sector, in order to innovate and find a “miracle” solution to fulfill our global energy demand without harming more our planet.
La BEC est dirigée par un groupe de riches et célèbres entrepreneurs, tels que Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Richard Branson, etc. La raison de la coalition est de fournir du soutien financier et des incitatifs pour stimuler la R&D dans le secteur de l’énergie propre, en vue d’innover et trouver une solution «miracle» pour satisfaire notre demande mondiale d’énergie sans nuire davantage à notre planète. En bref, d’après la BEC, l’énergie doit être largement disponible, fiable, abordable et neutre en carbone. Pour les intéressés, la coalition va investir dans «la production et le stockage de l’électricité, le transport, l’industrie, l’agriculture et l’efficacité du système énergétique».
  2 Hits tucano.com  
To name just a few: Nicholas Negroponte, co-founder of MIT Media Lab, Randi Zuckerberg, ex-marketing director of Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg’s sister, and Rachel Botsman, author of the best seller What’s Mine is Yours.
Solo per citarne alcuni: Nicholas Negroponte, cofondatore del MIT Media Lab, Randi Zuckerberg, ex direttore marketing di Facebook e sorella di Mark, Rachel Botsman, autrice del best seller What’s Mine is Yours.
Bertin Nahum appears for the first time in the classification of Discovery Series while positioning just behind Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg and James Cameron.
Bertin Nahum apparait pour la première fois dans le classement de Discovery Series en se positionnant juste derrière Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg et James Cameron.
  7 Hits loeildelaphotographie.com  
and the frightening portrait of a laughing Mark Zuckerberg, by Jill Greenberg.
et le portrait effrayant de Mark Zuckerberg, hilare, par Jill Greenberg.
The news that Facebook has partnered with independent artists and venues to sell tickets directly on their social network—and compete with Ticketfly—has not eased concerns. Pandora is only available in America, Australia and New Zealand; it cannot compete with Mark Zuckerberg’s global-spanning network.
But the $450m price-tag—one of the biggest acquisitions in digital music history—has yet to pay off. Pandora’s shares plummeted by nearly 25% in 2015, and the company announced debts of $300m last month. The news that Facebook has partnered with independent artists and venues to sell tickets directly on their social network—and compete with Ticketfly—has not eased concerns. Pandora is only available in America, Australia and New Zealand ; it cannot compete with Mark Zuckerberg’s global-spanning network. Nor can it hope to spar with Apple, which has announced that iTunes Radio will be swallowed by Apple Music at the end of this month. Even without a premium subscription, users will have access to a vast number of genres and special playlists (from artists such as Dr Dre and Pharrell Williams), with no advertising and the unlimited right to skip over unwanted tracks. Treading directly on the toes of Pandora, Apple will also offer individuals the chance to “create [their] own stations” based on their preferences. Apple’s dominance, popularity with the younger generation, and superior range of songs, looks certain to out-muscle Pandora.
Disinformation about turning off the most rated social network was disseminated by Bakur Svanidze’s satirical agency bstv.ge under the rubric "Blef-news”. According to the fake news, Facebook’s publisher Mark Zuckerberg gave an interview to BLEF-TV and said that the world has become dependent on Facebook which destructively affects human psychic.
დეზინფორმაცია ყველაზე რეიტინგული სოციალური ქსელის გათიშვის შესახებ ბაკურ სვანიძის სატირულმა სააგენტომ bstv.ge გაავრცელა რუბრიკაში "ბლეფ-ნიუსი”. ყალბი სიახლის მიხედვით, ფეისბუქის დამფუძნებელმა მარკ ცუკერბერგმა ინტერვიუ BLEF-TV (ბლეფ-ტვ) - ის მისცა, რომელშიც ის ამბობს, რომ სამყარო ფეისბუკზე დამოკიდებული გახდა, რაც ადამიანის ფსიქიკაზე დამანგრეველ ეფექტს ახდენს.
  20 Hits ict.az  
Nevertheless, a few days after making that comment, Zuckerberg assured Facebook users that he was working on the fake news problem. On Thursday, he rolled out what he hopes will be the first steps toward a solution.
Sosial şəbəkənin nümayəndələri, həmçinin reklamlardan gəlir əldə etmək məqsədilə istifadəçiləri cəlb edən yalan xəbərləri yayan saytlarla mübarizə aparmaq niyyətindədir.
  5 Hits opinionsur.org.ar  
This Open Letter is addressed to Bill Gates, Microsoft founder; Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook co-founder; Jeff Bezos, Amazon founder; Carlos Slim, President of Grupo Carso; Amancio Ortega, Inditex CEO; Warren Buffett, CEO of various investment funds; Larry Ellison, Oracle Director and Michael Bloomberg, Bloomberg CEO and former New York City major.
Esta Carta Abierta va dirigida a Bill Gates, fundador de Microsoft; Mark Zuckerberg, cofundador de Facebook; Jeff Bezos, fundador de Amazon; Carlos Slim, Presidente Grupo Carso; Amancio Ortega,  CEO de Inditex; Warren Buffett, CEO de fondos de inversión; Larry Ellison, Director de Oracle y Michael Bloomberg, CEO de Bloomberg y ex alcalde de Nueva York. Como no tenemos relación ni acceso a ninguno de ustedes la publicamos en este modestísimo blog con la esperanza que personas de buena voluntad puedan ponerla en su conocimiento
Esta Carta Aberta vai dirigida a Bill Gates, fundados da Microsoft; Mark Zuckerberg, confundador do Facebook; Jeff Bezos, fundador da Amazon; Carlos Slim, presidente do Grupo Carso; Amancio Ortega, CEO da Inditex; Warren Buffet, CEO de fundos de investimento; Larry Ellison, diretor da Oracle e Michael Bloomberg, CEO da Bloomberg e ex-prefeito de Nova Iorque. Como não temos relação nem acesso a nenhum de vocês, publicamos neste modestíssimo blog com a esperança de que pessoas de boa vontade possam levá-las a seu conhecimento.
Several worldwide Internet personalities attended the event, such as Mark Zuckerberg (creator of Facebook), Eric Schmidt (CEO of Google), and Jeffrey Bezos (CEO of Amazon.com), and PrestaShop’s own CEO, Christophe Crémer.
Zahlreiche Persönlichkeiten aus der Welt des Internet, darunter Mark Zuckerberg (Gründer von Facebook), Eric Schmidt (Executive Chairman bei Google) und Jeffrey Bezos (CEO von Amazon.com), haben an diesem Forum teilgenommen. Christophe Crémer, Direktor von PrestaShop, war bei diesen Treffen dabei und vertrat würdig den E-Commerce, dessen gute Praktiken und neue Gewohnheiten analysiert wurden.
En este foro han participado numerosas personalidades del mundo de Internet, entre las que destacan Mark Zuckerberg (fundador de Facebook), Eric Schmidt (presidente ejecutivo de Google) y Jeffrey Bezos (director ejecutivo de Amazon.com). Christophe Crémer, director de PrestaShop, ha asistido a estos encuentros y ha representado dignamente el e-comercio, cuyas buenas prácticas y buenos usos han sido analizados.
Esponenti importanti del mondo del web , tra cui Mark Zuckerberg (fondatore di facebook), Eric Schmidt (Executive Chairman presso Google) e Jeffrey Bezos 5CEO (di Amazon.com), hanno partecipato a questo forum. Christophe Crémer, Direttore di PrestaShop, ha assistito a questi incontri e ha rappresentato con orgoglio l’e-commerce le cui pratiche e i nuovi impieghi sono stati analizzati.
Just a couple of years ago, Facebook released M, a personal assistant based on the artificial intelligence of the popular social network. Today, however, Zuckerberg and his associates are preparing for a small new revolution in the system: we are talking about Facebook M Suggestions.
Hace sólo un par de años, Facebook se sacó de la manga M, un asistente personal basado en la inteligencia artificial de la popular red social. Hoy, sin embargo, Zuckerberg y sus asociados se preparan para una pequeña nueva revolución de su sistema: estamos hablando de Facebook M Suggestions. Esta nueva función estará disponible inicialmente en la aplicación Messenger para los usuarios de Estados Unidos, pero es probable que pronto sea pública a nivel mundial.
  2 Hits private.artmuseum.pl  
The artist emphasises the genealogical similarities of these titans of technology: white men from the West, among them the scientist Alan Turing, Julian Assange (Wikileaks), Steve Jobs (Apple), Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), Christopher Poole (4chan) and Jakob Lodwick (vimeo).
Artystka nakreśla genealogię współczesnych tytanów technologii: białych, wychowanych w kulturze zachodniej mężczyzn, wśród których znaleźli się m.in. naukowiec Alan Turing, Julian Assange (Wikileaks), Steve Jobs (Apple), Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), Christopher Poole (4chan), Jakob Lodwick (Vimeo). Starając się odpowiedzieć na pytanie o relację między pożądaniem a władzą, Chan łączy krytykę feministyczną z refleksją na temat przyjemności zmysłowej płynącej z konsumowania obrazów.
Disinformation about turning off the most rated social network was disseminated by Bakur Svanidze’s satirical agency bstv.ge under the rubric "Blef-news”. According to the fake news, Facebook’s publisher Mark Zuckerberg gave an interview to BLEF-TV and said that the world has become dependent on Facebook which destructively affects human psychic.
დეზინფორმაცია ყველაზე რეიტინგული სოციალური ქსელის გათიშვის შესახებ ბაკურ სვანიძის სატირულმა სააგენტომ bstv.ge გაავრცელა რუბრიკაში "ბლეფ-ნიუსი”. ყალბი სიახლის მიხედვით, ფეისბუქის დამფუძნებელმა მარკ ცუკერბერგმა ინტერვიუ BLEF-TV (ბლეფ-ტვ) - ის მისცა, რომელშიც ის ამბობს, რომ სამყარო ფეისბუკზე დამოკიდებული გახდა, რაც ადამიანის ფსიქიკაზე დამანგრეველ ეფექტს ახდენს.
  5 Hits laloma.info  
- The Zuckerberg House (model house / 3D print)
- The Zuckerberg House (Modellhaus / 3D Druck)
  2 Hits unibas.ch  
The Breakthrough Prize was granted this year for the second time and is endowed with three million dollars for each awardee. Among the sponsors of the award are the Google founder Sergey Brin, the biotech entrepreneur Anne Wojcicki and the Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.
Der Breakthrough-Preise sind mit drei Millionen Dollar für jeden Preisträger dotiert. Zu den Sponsoren der Auszeichnung gehören unter anderem Google-Gründer Sergey Brin, die Biotech-Unternehmerin Anne Wojcicki sowie Facebook-Gründer Mark Zuckerberg.
He wanted all the courtiers to converge towards this single platform where everyone in the court could, in real time, view, watch, share, comment, observe and follow, according to conventions and confidentiality worthy of Mark Zuckerberg and the creators of Facebook.
Il veut que tous les courtisans convergent vers cette plateforme unique où toute la cour, en temps réel, contemple, assiste, partage, commente, observe, épie selon une étiquette et des paramètres de confidentialité que Mark Zuckerberg et les ingénieurs de Facebook n’auraient pas reniés.
  3 Hits gfk-verein.org  
Whichever side of the fence one chooses to be on, one thing is certain: a world without social networks is now unimaginable. It remains to be seen how the situation will develop. Something which not only the Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg will be considering even more intently after going public.
Für die einen sind sie die einfachste Art der Kontaktpflege, für andere virtuelle Bühne, Nachrichtenkanal oder Diskussionsplattform. Andere wiederum kritisieren fehlenden Datenschutz und übermächtige ökonomische Interessen. Welcher Seite man sich auch immer anschließt, eines ist sicher: Soziale Netzwerke sind aus der heutigen Zeit nicht mehr wegzudenken. Die Frage wird jedoch sein, in welche Richtung sie sich weiterentwickeln. Eine Frage, die sich vermutlich nicht nur Facebook-Gründer Mark Zuckerberg nach dem Börsengang verstärkt stellen muss.
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