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Since there are many various research groups, it sould be no problem finding a supervisor for almost any interest and idea.
Angesichts der Vielzahl an Forschungsgruppen sollte es kein Problem sein, für fast jede Interessenslage eine Betreuerin oder einen Betreuer zu finden.  
By the project Ai Weiwei’s fate sould be treated in the public and protect the artists against injustice.
Durch das Projekt soll das Schicksal von Ai Weiwei weiter in der Öffentlichkeit behandelt werden und so den Künstler vor Ungerechtigkeit schützen.  
Tickets acquired online are nominative. In order to use them it is required to show an ID or a passport which sould be the same as the one on the ticket.
التذاكر المحصل عليها من الأنترنيت تكون اسمية. ويتطلب استخدامها التحقق من بطاقة التعريف أو جواز سفر المسافر، ومن مطابقة رقم بطاقة التعريف أو جواز السفر للرقم المبين على التذكرة.  
Your server should be able to handle up to 1024 connections (Leaf) or 5 server links (Hub); therefor it sould be AT LEAST a Pentium 233/64 MB RAM/4 GB HDD
Ihr Server sollte 1024 Verbindungen entgegennehmen (Leaf) oder 5 Server linken (Hub) können, außerdem sollte es mindestens ein Pentium 233, 64 MB RAM, 4 GB HDD sein.  
Demand for Tecninox products is strictly related to the growing needs of Companies whose production processes sould be carried out in controlled contamination environments.
La richiesta dei prodotti Tecninox è sempre più correlata alla crescente necessità delle aziende i cui processi produttivi debbano svolgersi in ambienti a contaminazione controllata.  
sould be triggered are marked in the score and in the piano part.
download application under from the iTunes AppStore  
We are still collecting this testimonial. I know, I know… It sould be ready, but trust us, it will be awesome!
Nous sommes encore en train de créer ce témoignage. C’est vrai… Il devrait déjà être en ligne. Mais croyez-nous, le résultat sera à la hauteur de l’attente !  
The H antigen is present on all human red cells, expect those with the phenotype Oh (Bombay blood group). H is the precursor substance for A and B antigens. For the classification of A subgroup status, anti-H sould be used in conjuction with anti-A, anti-AB and anti-A1.
Das H-Antigen ist auf allen humanen Erythrozyten vorhanden mit Ausnahme des Phenotyps Oh (Bombay Blutgruppe). H ist die Grundsubstanz für die Bildung der Antigene A und B. Für die Klassifizierung der A-Untergruppen sollte der Test mit Anti-H gemeinsam mit Anti-A und Anti-AB sowie Anti-A1 durchgeführt werden.  
We promote all the departments to sign interinstitutional agreements, and to use the existing agreements efficiently wtihin the framework of Mevlana Exchange Programme. Before making an agreement (called as “Mevlana Exchange Programme Protocol”), it sould be considered that the agreement adds value to DEU, students and staff.
Mevlana Değişim Programı çerçevesinde, tüm birimlerimizin, öğrenci ve personel değişimini içeren yeni kurumlararası anlaşmalar yapmasını, mevcut anlaşmaların da en etkin biçimde kullanılmasını desteklemekteyiz. Anlaşmalar (“Mevlana Değişim Programı Protokolü” olarak adlandırılır) yapılırken, öncelikle bu anlaşmanın Üniversitemize, öğrencilerimize ve personelimize değer katması gerektiği göz önünde bulundurulmalıdır. Derslerin uyumu, tanınması, kredilendirilmesi, eğitim dili gibi akademik konuların mutlaka anlaşma yapmadan önce iyice araştırılması gerekmektedir.  
Who among your kite girl friends sould be our next Miss Stance?
Laquelle parmi tes amies rideuse devraient être notre prochaine Miss Stance?