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Футуристичен робот Tron Rider
Futuristic Robot Tron Rider
През годините групата е придобила известност сред организаторите на фестивали в Европа, търсещи малко по-предизвикателно звучене от Финландия. Музиката им може да бъде описана като индъстриъл поп музика, комбинираща футуристичен фолк и научно-фантастичен кино уестърн с недодялано и енергично диско.
Despite looking like a gang of sharp and stylish cross-dressing zombies, Cleaning Women is also known for their alternative ways in choosing their instruments. Instead of regular music stores, these professors head for trash bins and home accessory shops in search for “other sounds”. And so it must be, as their weapons of choice include string instruments made out of clotheshorses and a drumset that includes parts from at least 3 washing machines. During the years they have become somewhat a household name for Middle European festival promoters searching for a little more challenging sound from Finland. The music can be described as industrial pop music that combines futuristic folk music and cinematic sci-fi western to gangly and sparkling trash can disco. Cleaning Women has also been busy in composing live soundtracks to silent movies and touring around the globe.