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What types of cookies uses this website?
¿Qué tipos de cookies utiliza esta página web?  
Whoever uses this website does so at his / her own risk and undertakes to use it in accordance with the laws and uses of the traffic, responding before ALCIONE and / or third parties for any damages that may be caused as a result of the breach of that obligation.
Celui qui utilise ce site le fait à ses propres risques et s’engage à l’utiliser conformément aux lois et coutumes du commerce, en répondant devant ALCIONE et/ou des tiers pour tout dommage qui pourrait être causé par la violation de cette obligation.
Quem utiliza esta página Web, o faz sob sua própria responsabilidade e se obriga a utilizá-la conforme as leis e os usos do tráfego, respondendo frente a ALCIONE e/ou frente a terceiros, a quaisquer danos ou prejuízos que possam ser causados como consequência do incumprimento de dita obrigação.  
This Website presents information and content that is owned or licensed by the Company. When used in these Terms and Conditions, "we" and "our" mean the Company, and "you" and "your" refers to any individual, company or legal entity that accesses or otherwise uses this Website.
Ce Site Web renferme de l'information étant la propriété de la Société ou qui a fait l'objet d'une licence. Utilisés dans le cadre de ces conditions générales d'utilisation, les termes « nous » et « notre/nos » font référence à la Société, tandis que les termes « vous » et « votre/vos » renvoient à toute personne, entreprise ou entité juridique ayant accès ou utilisant ce Site Web.  
The individual who uses this Website, which must coincide with the interested party or be authorized by him and whose Personal Data are being processed.
La personne qui utilise ce site Web, qui doit coïncider avec l'intéressé ou être autorisé par lui et dont les données personnelles sont en cours de traitement.
Die Person, die diese Website nutzt, muss mit der betroffenen Person übereinstimmen oder von ihr bevollmächtigt sein und deren personenbezogene Daten werden verarbeitet.
L'individuo che utilizza questo Sito Web, che deve coincidere con l'Interessato o essere da questo autorizzato ed i cui Dati Personali sono oggetto del trattamento.
De persoon die deze Website gebruikt, die moet samenvallen met de geïnteresseerde partij of die door hem geautoriseerd is en wiens Persoonlijke gegevens worden verwerkt.  
A User shall be deemed to be anyone who accesses and uses this website. The user, by virtue of their status as such, accepts these terms of use.
La condition d’utilisateur est attribuée à toute personne qui accède et utilise ce site internet. En tant que tel, l’utilisateur accepte les présentes conditions d’utilisation.
Als Nutzer gelten all diejenigen Personen, die auf diese Website zugreifen und sie nutzen. Der Nutzer akzeptiert aufgrund seiner Eigenschaft als solcher diese Nutzungsbedingungen.
L’espressione “utente” si riferisce a qualsiasi persona che acceda a questo sito web. Per il solo fatto di utilizzare il presente sito, l’utente accetta le seguenti norme di utilizzo.
S’entendrà com a usuari a la persona que accedeix i faci servir aquest website. L’usuari pel sol fet de ser-ho accepta aquestes condicions d’ús.  
The Irish Tourist Board uses this website to welcome the visitor to Ireland. It offers the visitor ideas on things to do and places to stay in Ireland. In addition to this the Tourist Board site includes an interesting overview of Ireland and a links ot major events taking place there.
Le patrimoine mondial est une appellation attribuée à des lieux, situés à travers le monde, possédant une valeur universelle extraordinaire. A ce titre, ils sont inscrits sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial afin d'être protégés pour que les générations futures puissent encore les apprécier et en profiter. Le Centre du patrimoine mondial fait partie d'UNESCO, L'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'éducation, la science et la culture.  
The individual who uses this Website, which must coincide with the interested party or be authorized by him and whose Personal Data are being processed.
L'individuo che utilizza questo Sito Web, che deve coincidere con l'Interessato o essere da questo autorizzato ed i cui Dati Personali sono oggetto del trattamento.
  2 Hits  
Unless otherwise specified, the individual that uses this website coincides with the interested party.
La persona que utiliza este sitio web que, a menos que se especifique lo contrario, coincide con el Interesado.
Лицо, использующее данный веб-сайт, которое, если не указано иное, совпадает с заинтересованной стороной.  
3. What cookies uses this website, which are their main features and how to opt out of each profiling cookie
3. Quali Cookie utilizza il presente sito web, quali sono le loro principali caratteristiche e come negare il consenso a ciascuno dei cookie di profilazione  
The individual who uses this Website, which must coincide with the interested party or be authorized by him and whose Personal Data are being processed.
L'individuo che utilizza questo Sito Web, che deve coincidere con l'Interessato o essere da questo autorizzato ed i cui Dati Personali sono oggetto del trattamento.  
The individual who uses this Website, which must coincide with the interested party or be authorized by him and whose Personal Data are being processed.
L'individuo che utilizza questo Sito Web, che deve coincidere con l'Interessato o essere da questo autorizzato ed i cui Dati Personali sono oggetto del trattamento.  
The individual who uses this Website, which must coincide with the interested party or be authorized by him and whose Personal Data are being processed.
Die Person, die diese Website nutzt, muss mit der betroffenen Person übereinstimmen oder von ihr bevollmächtigt sein und deren personenbezogene Daten werden verarbeitet.
L'individuo che utilizza questo Sito Web, che deve coincidere con l'Interessato o essere da questo autorizzato ed i cui Dati Personali sono oggetto del trattamento.  
The individual who uses this Website, which must coincide with the interested party or be authorized by him and whose Personal Data are being processed.
L'individuo che utilizza questo Sito Web, che deve coincidere con l'Interessato o essere da questo autorizzato ed i cui Dati Personali sono oggetto del trattamento.  
¿What particular cookies uses this website?
¿Qué cookies en concreto utiliza esta páxina?  
The individual who uses this Website, which must coincide with the interested party or be authorized by him and whose Personal Data are being processed.
L'individuo che utilizza questo Sito Web, che deve coincidere con l'Interessato o essere da questo autorizzato ed i cui Dati Personali sono oggetto del trattamento.  
The individual who uses this Website that, unless otherwise specified, coincides with the interested party.
L’individuo che utilizza questo Sito Web che, salvo ove diversamente specificato, coincide con l’Interessato.  
Whoever uses this website, does so of their own accord and at their own risk. The Foundation shall not be liable for any errors or omissions that may occur on this website, nor shall they be liable for any damages caused, nor for technical faults of any kind that may arise from the material on the website and the use of said information.
Quien utilice este sitio web, lo hace por su propia cuenta y riesgo. La Fundación no se hace responsable de los errores u omisiones que pudiera tener este sitio web, ni tampoco se hace responsable de cualquier daño o perjuicio producido ni de los defectos técnicos, sea cuál sea su naturaleza, que se deriven de las materias contenidas a la web y del uso de la información.
Qui utilitza aquest lloc web, ho fa pel seu propi compte i risc. La Fundació no es fa responsable dels errors o omissions que pogués tenir aquest lloc web, ni tampoc es fa responsable de qualsevol dany o perjudici produïts ni dels defectes tècnics, sigui quina sigui la seva naturalesa, que es derivin de les matèries contingudes al web i de l’ús de la informació.  
2.1. The USER acknowledges that he/she uses this website and its Content and Services under his/her sole liability. Specifically, for merely illustrative purposes, DIAFARM does not accept any liability in the following aspects:
g) L’UTENTE non potrà modificare, eliminare o manipolare i simboli esistenti sul sito web che riflettono i diritti di proprietà intellettuale o industriale di DIAFARM o di terzi o i dispositivi tecnici stabiliti per l’identificazione o la protezione dei contenuti.  
Whoever uses this website does so at his / her own risk and undertakes to use it in accordance with the laws and uses of the traffic, responding before ALCIONE and / or third parties for any damages that may be caused as a result of the breach of that obligation.
Celui qui utilise ce site le fait à ses propres risques et s’engage à l’utiliser conformément aux lois et coutumes du commerce, en répondant devant ALCIONE et/ou des tiers pour tout dommage qui pourrait être causé par la violation de cette obligation.
Chiunque utilizzi questo sito web, lo fa sotto la propria responsabilità ed è obbligato ad utilizzarlo in conformità alle leggi e agli usi del traffico, rispondendo di fronte ad Alcione e/o di fronte a terzi, di qualsiasi danno e pregiudizio che possano causare come conseguenza dell’inadempienza di suddetto obbligo.
  2 Hits  
Executives Online uses this website and other technology to expedite and magnify our client and candidate communications, and to attract top-calibre candidates and client opportunities. But we are not a job board – behind our online presence is a full-service, personalised recruitment operation.
Executives Online maakt optimaal gebruikt van het internet om toptalent te vinden, wereldwijd. Wij zijn geen vacaturebank: voor iedere zoekopdracht hanteren we een gedegen, full service recruitmentproces. Onze dienstverlening omvat o.a. de ontwikkeling van een gedetailleerde functie en profielomschrijving, communicatie daarvan naar geschikte kandidaten, beoordeling van de kandidaten, persoonlijke interviews, het nagaan van referenties en CV-controle. –Wat uiteindelijk resulteert in de presentatie van een shortlist van de meest geschikte kandidaten.  
2.1 Whoever uses this website does so it's his own risk and expense. Abad & associates and their partners, collaborators, employees and representatives shall not be held liable for errors or omissions that may be suffered by the contents of this web site or other contents that can be accessed through it.
2.1 Quien utiliza este sitio web, lo hace por su propia cuenta y riesgo. Abad & Asociados, sus socios, colaboradores, empleados y representantes no se responsabilizan de los errores u omisiones de los que pudieran adolecer los contenidos de este sitio web u otros contenidos a los que se pueda acceder a través de la misma. Abad & Asociados, sus socios, colaboradores, empleados y representantes tampoco podrán ser considerados responsables por cualesquiera daños derivados de la utilización de este sitio web, ni por cualquier actuación realizada sobre la base de la información que en ella se facilita.  
These policies apply to everyone who uses this website worldwide.
Diese Richtlinien gelten global und für jede Person, die diese Webseite nutzt.
Esta política se aplica a toda persona que haga uso de este sitio web en todo el mundo.
Αυτές οι πολιτικές ισχύουν για όλους όσους χρησιμοποιούν αυτή την ιστοσελίδα παγκοσμίως.
Dit beleid is van toepassing op iedereen die deze website gebruikt, waar dan ook ter wereld.
Aceste politici i se aplică oricărui utilizator al site-ului, de oriunde din lume.
Настоящие правила распространяются на всех, кто пользуется данным веб-сайтом из любой точки мира.