zeynel – -Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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The draw of a man throwing a glass to his wife - Zeynel Abidin Ilkogretim School - Nusaybin (Turkey)
El dibujo de un hombre lanzando un vaso a su mujer - Escuela Zeynel Abidin Ilkogretim - Nusaybin (Turkey)
Sound : Zeynel Dogan
Sunet : Zeynel Dogan
Zeynel Wanda
  5 Hits mrcbm.qc.ca  
Once again, the Initiative to keep Hasankeyf alive together with a coalition of international civil society organisation including Riverwatch, urge the Dutch and Turkish companies responsible for the planned relocation of the 600 year old monument Zeynel Bey Tomb to withdraw from this highly disputed undertaking.
Noch einmal fordert die Initiative to Keep Hasankeyf Alive gemeinsam mit einer internationalen Kooperation von Zivilorganisationen (inklusive Riverwatch) das niederländische und türkische Unternehmen verantwortlich für die geplanten Umsiedelung des historischen Zeynel Bey Tomb Monuments auf, sich von diesem Vorhaben zurückzuziehen. Dieses Monument von höchster kultureller Wichtigkeit soll umgesiedelt werden damit die Überflutung Hasankeyfs für den Ilisu Staudamm beginnen kann. Der Widerstand hält an.
  5 Hits www.whereis.com  
Once again, the Initiative to keep Hasankeyf alive together with a coalition of international civil society organisation including Riverwatch, urge the Dutch and Turkish companies responsible for the planned relocation of the 600 year old monument Zeynel Bey Tomb to withdraw from this highly disputed undertaking.
Noch einmal fordert die Initiative to Keep Hasankeyf Alive gemeinsam mit einer internationalen Kooperation von Zivilorganisationen (inklusive Riverwatch) das niederländische und türkische Unternehmen verantwortlich für die geplanten Umsiedelung des historischen Zeynel Bey Tomb Monuments auf, sich von diesem Vorhaben zurückzuziehen. Dieses Monument von höchster kultureller Wichtigkeit soll umgesiedelt werden damit die Überflutung Hasankeyfs für den Ilisu Staudamm beginnen kann. Der Widerstand hält an.
In the morning we had our coffee in the old market area of Ohrid. We sat on a small table on Gotse Delchev street, near a small old mosque and the bigger Zeynel Abedin-Pasha mosque. The boys from the coffee shops were running around delivering the morning coffee to the many shop owners and workers in the area.
Но през парка на стария град, по знайни и незнайни пътечки, под прохладата от дърветата се отправихме към друг от символите на града – църквата  „Свети Йоан Богослов“, известна като „Свети Йоан Канео“ или както му викат охридчани само „Канео“. Църквата е разположена на брега на Охридското езеро над рибарската махала Канео, чието име носи. Тук ентусиазирани лодкари ще ви приканват да ви върнат в града с лодка и ще се пазарите с тях за цената на това екзотично такси. Но ние си обичаме разходката по охридските улички.
  2 Hits www.ieu.edu.tr  
Theodore Tsakaris, Ekrem Demirtaş, Chairman of the Executive Board of Izmir Chamber of Commerce (ITO) and President of IUE Board of Trustees, IUE Rector Prof. Dr. Oğuz Esen, Mustafa Tosun, Dikili Mayor, Gökhan Demirağ, Foça Mayor, Dahi Zeynel Bakıcı, Selçuk Mayor, Mehmet Ali Molay, Honorary Consul of Finland, and Kemal Anadol, former CHP Parliament for Izmir have attended the reception.
Yunanistan İzmir Başkonsolosu Theodore Tsakaris, Türkiye ile Yunanistan arasında 5 milyar dolarlık ticaret hacmine ulaştıklarını belirterek, yılda 1 milyon 500 bin turistin karşılıklı gidip geldiğini söyledi. Yunanistan Milli Bayramı, İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi (İEÜ) Konferans Salonu'nda gerçekleştirilen resepsiyonla kutlandı. Resepsiyona Yunanistan İzmir Başkonsolosu Theodore Tsakaris, İzmir Ticaret Odası Yönetim Kurulu ve İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi Mütevelli Heyet Başkanı Ekrem Demirtaş, İEÜ Rektörü Prof. Dr. Oğuz Esen, Dikili Belediye Başkanı Mustafa Tosun, Foça Belediye Başkanı Gökhan Demirağ, Selçuk Belediye Başkanı Dahi Zeynel Bakıcı, Finlandiya Fahri Konsolosu Mehmet Ali Molay, Eski CHP İzmir Milletvekili Kemal Anadol katıldı.