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Keybot      86 Ergebnisse   31 Domänen
  8 Treffer www.explorercases.com  
photographs/visualizationsTomáš Herle
fotografie/vizualizaceTomáš Herle
Jeangros, Q. ; Hansen, Thomas Willum ; Wagner, Jakob Birkedal ; Damsgaard, Christian Danvad ; Dunin-Borkowski, Rafal E. ; Hébert, C. ; Van herle, J. ; Hessler-Wyser, A.
in journal: Accounts of Chemical Research (ISSN: 0001-4842) (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ar3002427), 2013
  2 Treffer www.mysciencework.com  
by: Herle, P; Cheang, M; Antippa, P; P Herle
Auteurs: Herle, P; Cheang, M; Antippa, P; P Herle
Solicitors for the respondent Frederick G. Higgins: Gates & Herle, Regina.
Procureurs de l'intimé Frederick G. Higgins: Gates & Herle, Regina.
  9 Treffer www.agr.ca  
Cárcamo, H.A.Beres, B.L., Herle, C.E., McLean, H., and McGinn, S.M. (2011). "Solid-stemmed wheat does not affect overwintering mortality of the wheat stem sawfly, Cephus cinctus.", Journal of Insect Science, 11(129), pp. 1-12.
Cárcamo, H.A.Beres, B.L., Herle, C.E., McLean, H., et McGinn, S.M. (2011). « Solid-stemmed wheat does not affect overwintering mortality of the wheat stem sawfly, Cephus cinctus. », Journal of Insect Science, 11(129), p. 1-12. doi : 10.1673/031.011.12901 Accès au texte intégral (en anglais seulement)
HERLE, Allyce (Liberal)
HERLE, Allyce (Libéral)
  12 Treffer nutritionstudies.org  
Madsen, Herle Mo ; Andersen, Maj Munch ; Rygaard, Martin ; Mikkelsen, Peter Steen
Measuring the Readiness of SMEs for Eco-Innovation and Industrial Symbiosis: Development of a Screening Tool
Solicitors for the respondent Frederick G. Higgins: Gates & Herle, Regina.
Procureurs de l'intimé Frederick G. Higgins: Gates & Herle, Regina.
Herle Mo Madsen
  8 Treffer www.listeriosis-listeriose.investigation-enquete.gc.ca  
Cárcamo, H.A., Herle, C.E., and Hervet, V.A.D. (2012). "Greenhouse studies of thiamethoxam effects on pea leaf weevil, itona lineatus.", Journal of Insect Science, 12(Article No. 151). doi : 10.1673/031.012.15101 Access to full text
Cárcamo, H.A., Herle, C.E., et Hervet, V.A.D. (2012). « Greenhouse studies of thiamethoxam effects on pea leaf weevil, itona lineatus. », Journal of Insect Science, 12(Article No. 151). doi : 10.1673/031.012.15101 Accès au texte intégral (en anglais seulement)
"Clean gas conversion and storage with solid oxide technology: progress in efficiency, volume and cost" - Dr. Jan van Herle, Group of Energy Materials (GEM), EPFL (CH)
Pour le professeur Lyesse Laloui, détenteur de la chaire « Gaz Naturel - Petrosvibri » de l’EPFL, enfouir le CO2 dans le sous-sol est LA solution.
  6 Treffer www.irpp.org  
From the "family pack" to equal opportunity Steven MacKinnon Discipline of powerlessness: The Liberals learn to oppose John Duffy Go big or go home David Herle A better road Brian Topp Tar sands: Dirty oil and the future of a country Thomas Mulcair Technology and innovation centres: The key to improving collaboration?
From the "family pack" to equal opportunity Steven MacKinnon Discipline of powerlessness: The Liberals learn to oppose John Duffy Go big or go home David Herle A better road Brian Topp Tar sands: Dirty oil and the future of a country Thomas Mulcair Technology and innovation centres: The key to improving collaboration? Gilles G. Patry et David Moorman Improving Canada's drug patent protection: Good for Canada, good for trade Brian Lee Crowley et Kristina Lybecker The Republican rumble remains a race to replace Reagan Gil Troy Faire plus avec moins Alain Noël
  2 Treffer www5.agr.gc.ca  
Cárcamo, H.A., Herle, C.E., Otani, J.K., and McGinn, S.M. (2009). "Cold hardiness and overwintering survival of the cabbage seedpod weevil, Ceutorhynchus obstrictus.", Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 133(3), pp. 223-231.
Cárcamo, H.A., Herle, C.E., Otani, J.K., et McGinn, S.M. (2009). « Cold hardiness and overwintering survival of the cabbage seedpod weevil, Ceutorhynchus obstrictus. », Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 133(3), p. 223-231. doi : 10.1111/j.1570-7458.2009.00924.x
Weinshenker BG, Barron G, Behne JM, Bennett JL, Chin PS, Cree BA, de Seze J, Flor A, Fujihara K, Greenberg B, Higashi S, Holt W, Khan O, Knappertz V, Levy M, Melia AT, Palace J, Smith TJ, Sormani MP, Van Herle K, VanMeter S, Villoslada P, Walton MK, Wasiewski W, Wingerchuk DM, Yeaman MR; Guthy-Jackson Charitable Foundation International Clinical Consortium.
4: Vélez de Mendizábal N, Carneiro J, Solé RV, Goñi J, Bragard J, Martinez-Forero I, Martinez-Pasamar S, Sepulcre J, Torrealdea J, Bagnato F, Garcia-Ojalvo J, Villoslada P. Modeling the effector - regulatory T cell cross-regulation reveals the intrinsic character of relapses in Multiple Sclerosis. BMC Syst Biol. 2011 Jul 15;5:114. PubMed PMID: 21762505; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3155504.