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Türk dili konuşan halklar arasında sıkı bir bağ olmasına rağmen halk müzikleri birbirinden çok farklı olmaktadır. Aslında bu sürpriz değildir, çünkü söz konusu halkların çoğu en azından kısmen Türkleşmiştir ve bu sübstratum (alt yapısı) sayesinde birçok Türk olmayan halkla da genetik ve kültürel bağları vardır.
There are close connections between the languages of Turkic groups but their musical stocks are fundamentally different. Actually, that is not surprising, because these people are, at least in part, Turkified, and through their substrata they are in genetic and cultural relations with several non-Turkic peoples. My research therefore has repercussions, apart from the Turkic speaking peoples tied by culture, language and history, upon their neighbours and partly absorbed other peoples, creating the foundation for an even broader future comparative ethnomusicological research of Eurasian groups.
A török nyelvű népek nyelvei között szoros a kapcsolat, de népzenéik alapvetően különböznek egymástól. Ez valójában nem is meglepő, mert e népek mindegyike legalább részben eltörökösödöttnek tekinthető, és a szubsztrátum(ok)on keresztül számos nem török néppel állnak genetikus és kulturális kapcsolatban. Így kutatásom közvetve a kultúrájuk, nyelvük és történelmük révén összekapcsolódó török nyelvű népeken kívül a velük szomszédos, illetve az általuk részben beolvasztott népekre is kisugárzik, megteremtve az alapot egy későbbi, még szélesebb körű eurázsiai összehasonlító népzenei vizsgálathoz.
Ermeni halkının tarihinde özellikle selçuk türklerin göçebe başka kabileleri istilası  ölümcül oldu. Bunlar bu bölgede kurularak devletinin oluşturmasını başladılar. Osmanlı İmparatorluğunun geniş bölgelerinde Avrupada ve Asyada türkler yerli,hıristiyan halkların (ermeniler, yunanlar, bulgarlar) kovalaması ve şiddetli türkleştirme siyaseti gerçekleştirmek başladılar.
In the Armenian history the invasion of Seljuk Turks and other troops was a fateful one, which being established in that region, contributed to creating of the own country. Near the Ottoman Empire- in Europe and Asia, the Turks began persecuting the locals, Christians (Armenians, Greeks, Bulgarians etc.).  In that period, Armenians had to migrate not only from Armenia, but also from the places invaded by Turks, where they had been settled in the previous times. In 1475, after the capture of Crimea, a huge number of Armenians migrated to Russia, Poland etc. In the 16-17th centuries, Persian kings, especially Abbas the 1st  deported hundreds of Armenians to Persia, where they established new cities (New Jugha) and added more Armenian communities in order to develop the country’s economic condition.
Türk dili konuşan halklar arasında sıkı bir bağ olmasına rağmen halk müzikleri birbirinden çok farklı olmaktadır. Aslında bu sürpriz değildir, çünkü söz konusu halkların çoğu en azından kısmen Türkleşmiştir ve bu sübstratum (alt yapısı) sayesinde birçok Türk olmayan halkla da genetik ve kültürel bağları vardır.
There are close connections between the languages of Turkic groups but their musical stocks are fundamentally different. Actually, that is not surprising, because these people are, at least in part, Turkified, and through their substrata they are in genetic and cultural relations with several non-Turkic peoples. My research therefore has repercussions, apart from the Turkic speaking peoples tied by culture, language and history, upon their neighbours and partly absorbed other peoples, creating the foundation for an even broader future comparative ethnomusicological research of Eurasian groups.
A török nyelvű népek nyelvei között szoros a kapcsolat, de népzenéik alapvetően különböznek egymástól. Ez valójában nem is meglepő, mert e népek mindegyike legalább részben eltörökösödöttnek tekinthető, és a szubsztrátum(ok)on keresztül számos nem török néppel állnak genetikus és kulturális kapcsolatban. Így kutatásom közvetve a kultúrájuk, nyelvük és történelmük révén összekapcsolódó török nyelvű népeken kívül a velük szomszédos, illetve az általuk részben beolvasztott népekre is kisugárzik, megteremtve az alapot egy későbbi, még szélesebb körű eurázsiai összehasonlító népzenei vizsgálathoz.
yy’den başlarak Güney Akdeniz Bizans İmparatorluğu’nun egemenliğine girmiş, bu yeni dönemde Gazipaşa, Antalya ve Alanya ile birlikte Pamfilya’nın Türkleşmesi süreci içinde Selinus, Selçuklu Sultanı I. Alaaddin Keykubat’ın 1221 yılında Alanya’yı, 1225’e kadar da buradan itibaren belki de Toroslar’dan kaynaklanıp şehir merkezinden geçerek denize karışan beş büyük çayın zaman zaman sel baskınına neden olması dolayısıyla Selinti olarak anılmaya başlanmıştır.
Archäologische Forschungen dauern immer noch an und im Jahre 2004 hat ein Team von der “Florida State University” eine kleine Bronze-Statue von Pegasus in den Gewässern vor der Küste Gazipaşa’s gefunden, die aus dem Jahre 300 v. Chr. stammt. Die Statue ist derzeit im Museum von Alanya zu betrachten. Außerdem gibt es viele Burgen sowie Schlösser in Gazipaşa wie Selinus, Iotape, Lamus (Adanda), Nephelis und Antiochia AD CRAGUM.
De Romeinen werden opgevolgd door de Byzantijnen, die het gebied verloren aan de Seltsjoeken van “ad Ala ‘-Din Kay-Qubad in 1225. Tijdens de periode van het Anatolische Turkse Beyliks werd de kust, met inbegrip van Selinti gecontroleerd door de Karamanogullari van Konya en werd door Gedik Ahmet Pasha, marine-commandant van sultan Mehmet II aan het Ottomaanse Rijk toegevoegd in 1472. De 17e-eeuwse reiziger Evliya Çelebi beschrijft Selinti als een groep van 26 dorpen, met een goed onderhouden moskee aan de kust, samen met een aanlegsteiger voor boten naar Cyprus, en groene bergen erachter.
Den lokala ekonomin är beroende av jordbruk, marken på kustremsan används för odling av frukt och grönsaker, speciellt citrusfrukter och bananer. Under de senaste åren ett stort antal växthus byggts för att producera grödor som gurkor, jordgubbar och kronärtskockor året runt. Några korn odlas också och djuren betar högre i bergen. Det finns också några skogsbruk och fiske, men ingen industri. Kommunen styrs av center–vänster CHP. Sin nuvarande borgmästare är Cemburak Özgenç.
6-7 Eylül’ü sadece bir utanç günü değil 1915’de yakılıp, yıkılıp, yok edilip, zorla İslamlaştırılan otokton halkların ikinci ayağı olan 1942-1944’de uygulamaya konulan ekonomik soykırımın ve üçüncü büyük ayağı 6-7 Eylül ile sermayenin tamamen faşizanca Türkleştirildiği kara bir gündür.
The confiscation of Assyrian properties in Turkey is not limited to the Assyrian genocide. It is a process that continues to this day. The land of the Syriac Orthodox Mor Augin Monastery is located on Mount Izlo, in the region known as Tur Abdin (South East Turkey). Mor Augin Monasteries’ […]
Mit dem Beschluss des Stadtparlaments im November 2017 schreibt die Stadt Pohlheim Geschichte. Das erste Seyfo-Denkmal wird nun auf einem öffentlichen Platz in Pohlheim errichtet. Seyfo steht für den Genozid im Osmanischen Reich um 1915, verübt an den Assyrern, Armeniern und Pontos-Griechen durch die Jungtürken. Um diesbezüglich nähere Einblicke zu […]
  6 Résultats www.brest.me  
Rıfat N. Bali'nin yazdığı Cumhuriyet Yıllarında Türkiye Yahudileri dizisinin ilk cildi, 1923-1945 dönemindeki sistematik Türkleştirme siyaseti ve Türklerle Yahudiler arasındaki gerilimli ilişki üzerineydi.
This work recounts the mass immigration of Turkish Jewry to the new State of Israel during the period of its establishment. Covering the period of 1946-1949, the book reveals the reactions of the Turkish regime, public opinion and the Jewish community's leaders themselves to the exodus, as well as documenting the difficulties faced by the Turkish immigrants in adapting to the harsh conditions of Israeli life in the years after its initial founding and the beginning of their process of becoming Israeli. The sudden and very rapid immigration of thousands of Turkish Jews to Israel spurred heated debates within Turkish society over the question of their remaining coreligionists' 'citizenship' and 'loyalty to Turkey'. On one hand they were criticized for having failed to fully assimilate into Turkish society, and accused of ingratitude toward the Turkish state and to the Turks themselves, while others issued claimed that they were in any case still foreigners, and that Turkey should be glad to see them go. Those Turkish Jews of the lower middle class, who had internalized this sense of foreignness within Turkish society and felt demoralized at the twin pressures of the regime's 'Turkification' policies on one hand, and the persistent discrimination on the other, were swept up in the excitement surrounding the fulfillment of the age-old Jewish dream of return to Zion. But the road to the new state was a difficult one. A great many were forced to leave friends and family behind, while others soon perished, either on the journey to Israel or in its War of Independence. A good number became agriculturalists, despite their complete unfamiliarity with the land. Others, after serving their compulsory military service, went on to become career officers in the IDF and thereby adapted to their new homeland. Another, smaller portion, unable to adapt to the conditions in Israel, ultimately returned to Turkey. The successes, the failures, the hardships and adventures: all of these stories are told in this lively, moving and striking account of the early Turkish immigrants to Israel.