user cookies – Traduction – Dictionnaire Keybot

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For the configuration of User Cookies can access:
Para la configuración de las Cookies el Usuario puede acceder a:  
Michelin is always looking for new ways to improve its websites and to offer you better service. As such, Michelin uses different types of cookies, as indicated hereafter, some of which may require prior approval from the Internet user (cookies for advertising) before the cookie can be installed on his terminal.
Michelin est toujours à la recherche de nouveaux moyens pour améliorer son ou ses sites Internet et vous offrir un meilleur service. Ainsi Michelin utilise différents types de cookies comme indiqué ci-après dont certains peuvent nécessiter le consentement préalable de l’internaute (cookies de type publicitaire) avant que le cookie ne soit installé sur son terminal.  
Cookies are small text files which are sent by the websites visited by the user to the latter’s terminals, where they are stored to then be retransmitted to the same websites during future visits by the user. Cookies are used for different purposes, have different characteristics, and can be used by both the Data Controller of the website being visited and by third parties. For more information on cookies and their general functions, visit an informational website such as
I cookie sono piccoli file di testo che i siti visitati dagli utenti inviano ai loro terminali, dove vengono memorizzati per essere ritrasmessi agli stessi siti in occasione di visite successive. I cookie sono utilizzati per diverse finalità, hanno caratteristiche diverse, e possono essere utilizzati sia dal titolare del sito che si sta visitando, sia da terze parti. Per maggiori informazioni sui cookie e sulle loro funzioni generali, visita un sito Web informativo come  
The first time you visit the Cofoco website you will automatically receive one or more cookies. A cookie is a small text file stored in your web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Firefox or Chrome) and registers you as a unique user. Cookies make it easier to use the internet, because you do not have to continually start over. The website can therefore use a cookie to remember information about your preferences.
Første gang du besøger Cofocos hjemmeside modtager du automatisk en eller flere cookies. En cookie er en lille tekstfil, der lagres i din webbrowser (f.eks. Internet Explorer, Firefox eller Chrome) og som registrerer dig som unik bruger. Cookies gør det lettere at anvende internettet, fordi du ikke hele tiden skal begynde forfra. Websitet kan med andre ord bruge en cookie til at huske information om dine præferencer.  
This site uses Cookies to save browsing preferences and to optimise the browsing experience of the User. Cookies include, for example, those required to set the language and currency or for management of statistics by Luxottica.
Questo sito utilizza Cookie per salvare le preferenze di navigazione ed ottimizzare l'esperienza di navigazione dell'Utente. Fra questi Cookie rientrano, ad esempio, quelli per impostare la lingua e la valuta o per la gestione di statistiche da parte di Luxottica.
Este site utiliza Cookies para guardar preferências de navegação e para otimizar a experiência de navegação do Usuário. Os Cookies incluem, por exemplo, os que servem para definir a língua e a moeda ou para a gestão de estatísticas pela Luxottica.  
By means of a cookie the information and offers on our website can be optimized in the sense of the user. Cookies allow us, as already mentioned, to recognize the users of our website. The purpose of this recognition is to make it easier for users to use our website. For example, the user of a website that uses cookies need not reenter their credentials each time they visit the website, as this is done by the website and the cookie stored on the user's computer system. Another example is the cookie of a shopping basket in the online shop. The online shop remembers the items that a customer has placed in the virtual shopping cart via a cookie.
Mediante una cookie, la información y las ofertas en nuestro sitio web pueden optimizarse en el sentido del usuario. Las cookies nos permiten, como ya se mencionó, reconocer a los usuarios de nuestro sitio web. El objetivo de este reconocimiento es facilitar a los usuarios el uso de nuestro sitio web. Por ejemplo, el usuario de un sitio web que utiliza cookies no necesita volver a ingresar sus credenciales cada vez que visita el sitio web, ya que esto es realizado por el sitio web y la cookie almacenada en el sistema informático del usuario. Otro ejemplo es la cookie de una cesta de la compra en la tienda en línea. La tienda en línea recuerda los artículos que un cliente ha colocado en el carrito de compras virtual a través de una cookie.  
Cookies consists of portions of a code installed inside the browser. Cookies are small text files which the sites visited by users send to the user’s terminal, where they are memorised in order to be sent back later to the sites during subsequent visits by the user. Cookies are used for many purposes, they have different features and they can be used both by the owner  of the Site which the User is visiting and by third parties. Cookies are typically divided into the following categories:
I Cookie sono costituiti da porzioni di codice installate all’interno del browser. Si tratta di piccoli file di testo che i siti visitati dagli utenti inviano ai loro terminali, dove vengono memorizzati per poi essere ritrasmessi agli stessi siti in occasione di visite successive. I Cookie sono utilizzati per diverse finalità, hanno diverse peculiarità e possono essere utilizzati sia dal titolare del sito che l’Utente sta visitando, sia da terze parti. Le principali categorie in cui sono suddivisibili i Cookie sono le seguenti:  
Cookies are small text files sent from a website to the terminal (usually the browser) of the user, where they are stored and then transmitted to the website upon the next visit by the same user. Cookies cannot retrieve any other data from your hard drive, nor pass on computer viruses or capture e-mail addresses. Each cookie is unique to the user’s web browser.
Cookies sind kleine, von der Seite an das Gerät des Nutzers (normalerweise an den Browser) gesendete Textdateien. Sie werden gespeichert, um beim nächsten Besuch desselben Nutzers wieder an die Seite übertragen zu werden. Ein Cookie kann keine anderen Daten von der Festplatte des Nutzers abrufen, keine Computerviren übertragen oder E-Mail-Adressen erfassen. Jedes Cookie ist für den Web-Browser des Nutzers einzigartig.
I cookie sono piccoli file di testo inviati dal sito al terminale dell’interessato (solitamente al browser), dove vengono memorizzati per essere poi ritrasmessi al sito alla successiva visita del medesimo utente. Un cookie non può richiamare nessun altro dato dal disco fisso dell’utente né trasmettere virus informatici o acquisire indirizzi email. Ogni cookie è unico per il web browser dell’utente.  
Use of “cookies”. The procedure of navigation of a user in, as in any other web site, leaves a trace called an IP address that is assigned during that session by the access provider. The register of such IP address is only and exclusively used for internal purposes, such as statistics of access to this web site. The IP address for any given user is different from one Internet connection to another, so it is impossible to deduct any “habit” of navigation through the Nous Items, S.L. sites for one particular user. Cookies used cannot read the cookie files created by other providers or web sites. The user has the choice to set up the browser to give an on screen warning when cookies are being sent to the hard drive. Please consult the instructions and manuals of your browser for more information. To use the website it is not necessary that the user allows the installation of the cookies sent by Nous Items, S.L..
Utilización de “cookies”. El proceso de navegación de un usuario en, al igual que en cualquier otro sitio web deja como rastro la dirección IP que en esa sesión le ha sido asignada por su proveedor de acceso. El Registro de dicha dirección IP sirve solo para fines exclusivamente internos, como son las estadísticas de acceso a este sitio web. La dirección IP para un mismo usuario es distinta de una conexión a Internet a otra, con lo que no es posible deducir ningún “hábito” de navegación a través de las páginas de Nous Items, S.L. por un determinado usuario. Las cookies utilizadas no pueden leer los archivos cookie creados por otros proveedores o sitios web. El usuario tiene la posibilidad de configurar su navegador para ser avisado en la pantalla de la recepción de cookies en su disco duro. Por favor, consulte las instrucciones y manuales de su navegador para ampliar esta información. Para utilizar la página web no resulta necesario que el usuario permita la instalación de las cookies enviadas por Nous Items, S.L..
  2 Résultats  
The cookies used on this website are used in a way that does not infringe the privacy of the service user. Cookies are used, for example, for measurement and research purposes to determine the type and volume of the use of the website. Cookies may also be used in direct marketing aimed at companies or marketing based on user lists and remarketing. The purpose of such marketing is to provide information on topical services of the company to users that have previously visited the company’s website. We do not gather any personalization data on the user, such as e-mail addresses, telephone numbers or credit card numbers.
Sivustolla käytetään evästeitä tavalla, mikä ei riko palvelun käyttäjän yksityisyyttä. Evästeitä käytetään esimerkiksi mittaamis- ja tutkimustarkoituksiin sivuston käyttötapojen ja käytön laajuuden määrittelemiseksi. Evästeitä voidaan myös käyttää yrityksille suunnattuun suoramarkkinointiin tai käyttäjäluetteloihin perustuvaan markkinointiin ja uudelleenmarkkinointiin. Tällaisen markkinoinnin tarkoituksena on tarjota tietoa yhtiön ajankohtaisista palveluista sellaisille käyttäjille, jotka ovat aiemmin vierailleet yrityksen sivustolla. Emme kerää mitään henkilökohtaisia käyttäjän tietoja, kuten esimerkiksi sähköpostiosoitteita, puhelinnumeroja tai luottokorttinumeroja.
Файлы куки используются на сайте таким образом, что конфиденциальность пользователя не нарушается. Куки используются, в частности, для измерения и анализа с целью выяснить тип и объем использования сайта. Куки могут быть использованы также для прямого маркетинга, направленного на компании, или для маркетинга на основе списков пользователей, а также для ремаркетинга. Цель такого маркетинга — сообщить об актуальных услугах компании пользователям, которые ранее посещали сайт компании. Мы не собираем индивидуальные сведения о пользователе, например, адрес эл.почты, номера телефонов или кредитных карт.  
Cookies are small text files that websites send to the user's terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) and which are stored before being re-transmitted to the same sites at the next visit by the same user. Cookies are used for different purposes: execution of authentication information, monitoring sessions, storing information about specific configurations about users accessing the server, sending targeted advertisements to the interests expressed by the user during navigation, etc.. When visiting a site, a user can receive and store cookies that have been sent to Web sites from different servers ("third parties") in its terminal.
I cookie sono piccoli file di testo che i siti inviano al terminale dell’utente (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) e vengono memorizzati per essere poi ritrasmessi agli stessi siti in occasione della successiva visita del medesimo utente. I cookie sono usati per differenti finalità: esecuzione di autenticazioni informatiche, monitoraggio di sessioni, memorizzazione di informazioni su specifiche configurazioni riguardanti gli utenti che accedono al server, invio di messaggi pubblicitari mirati agli interessi manifestati dall'utente nel corso della navigazione, etc.. Visitando un sito, l’utente può ricevere e memorizzare sul suo terminale anche cookie che vengono inviati da siti o da web server diversi (c.d. "terze parti").  
The use of "cookies". The navigation process of a user in , the same as in any other website, leaves as a trace the IP address that in this session was assigned by his/her access provider. The Register of said IP address is used solely for internal purposes such as access statistics for this website. The IP address for a same user is different from an internet connection to another, thus it is not possible to deduce any navigation "habits" via the pages of CARRASCO BITOCA S.A. by a determined user. Cookies used cannot read cookie files created by other providers or websites. The user has the possibility of configuring his/her navigator in order to be warned on screen of the reception of cookies in the hard disk. Please consult the instructions and manuals of your navigator for further information. In order to use the web page, it is not necessary that the user allows the installation of cookies sent by CARRASCO BITOCA S.A.
Utilización de “cookies”. El proceso de navegación de un usuario en , al igual que en cualquier otro sitio web deja como rastro la dirección IP que en esa sesión le ha sido asignada por su proveedor de acceso. El Registro de dicha dirección IP sirve solo para fines exclusivamente internos, como son las estadísticas de acceso a este sitio web. La dirección IP para un mismo usuario es distinta de una conexión a Internet a otra, con lo que no es posible deducir ningún “hábito” de navegación a través de las páginas de CARRASCO BITOCA S.A. por un determinado usuario. Las cookies utilizadas no pueden leer los archivos cookie creados por otros proveedores o sitios web. El usuario tiene la posibilidad de configurar su navegador para ser avisado en la pantalla de la recepción de cookies en su disco duro. Por favor, consulte las instrucciones y manuales de su navegador para ampliar esta información. Para utilizar la página web no resulta necesario que el usuario permita la instalación de las cookies enviadas por CARRASCO BITOCA S.A.  
Cookies are small text files or bits of information, which are stored on the hard disk of a user. Cookies are files that, so to say, keep an up-to-date record of preceding visits of certain websites, including the information that is linked to these visits. There are technical cookies (for instance for recording language settings), session cookies (temporary cookies) and tracking cookies (cookies that refer to the behaviour of the website visitor or, so to say, follow the visitor on the website and store his/her behaviour, with an eye to maximising the user experience for the website visitor). Web beacons are electronic pictures, which make it possible to count the number of visitors on a certain website and, which are able to grant access to certain cookies.
Cookies zijn kleine tekstbestanden of informatiedeeltjes die opgeslagen worden op de harde schijf van een gebruiker. Cookies zijn bestanden die als het ware de sporen bijhouden van de voorafgaande bezoeken van bepaalde websites en de informatie die met deze bezoeken gepaard gaat. Er bestaan technische cookies (bijvoorbeeld m.b.t. taalinstellingen), sessiecookies (tijdelijke cookies) en tracking cookies (cookies die betrekking hebben op het gedrag van een website-bezoeker die deze bezoekers a.h.w. op de website gaan volgen en de gedragingen bijhouden met het oog op een optimale gebruikservaring voor de website-bezoeker). Web beacons zijn elektronische beelden die het mogelijk maken het aantal bezoekers op een bepaalde website te tellen en die toegang verlenen tot bepaalde cookies.  
Cookies are small text files that websites send to the user's terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) and which are stored before being re-transmitted to the same sites at the next visit by the same user. Cookies are used for different purposes: execution of authentication information, monitoring sessions, storing information about specific configurations about users accessing the server, sending targeted advertisements to the interests expressed by the user during navigation, etc.. When visiting a site, a user can receive and store cookies that have been sent to Web sites from different servers ("third parties") in its terminal.
I cookie sono piccoli file di testo che i siti inviano al terminale dell’utente (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) e vengono memorizzati per essere poi ritrasmessi agli stessi siti in occasione della successiva visita del medesimo utente. I cookie sono usati per differenti finalità: esecuzione di autenticazioni informatiche, monitoraggio di sessioni, memorizzazione di informazioni su specifiche configurazioni riguardanti gli utenti che accedono al server, invio di messaggi pubblicitari mirati agli interessi manifestati dall'utente nel corso della navigazione, etc.. Visitando un sito, l’utente può ricevere e memorizzare sul suo terminale anche cookie che vengono inviati da siti o da web server diversi (c.d. "terze parti").  
Cookies are small text files, which are deposited in your computer, if you visit certain websites. This website, including its sub-domains, uses cookies; the consent of the user is always requested, where this is expressly required by law or other applicable provisions. The use of cookies facilitates navigation on the website and allows the information transmitted to the user to be personalised. In addition, systems are used for security and statistical purposes to collect information on the user, such as his IP address, the browser and operating system used and/or the websites visited by a user. Cookies will not damage your computer, tablet or Smartphone.
Cookies sind kleine Textdateien, die auf Ihrem Computer abgelegt werden, wenn ein Benutzer bestimmte Websites besucht. Diese Website inklusive der Subdomains verwendet Cookies, wobei der Benutzer immer um seine Zustimmung gebeten wird, wo dies ausdrücklich per Gesetz oder anderen einschlägigen Bestimmungen verlangt wird. Durch die Verwendung von Cookies wird dem Benutzer das Navigieren erleichtert und die an den Benutzer übermittelten Informationen werden personalisiert. Es werden darüber hinaus Systeme verwendet, um Informationen über den Benutzer zu sammeln, wie zum Beispiel seine IP-Adresse, den verwendeten Browser und das Betriebssystem und/oder von einem Benutzer besuchte Websites für Sicherheits- und Statistikzwecke.
I cookie sono piccoli file di testo che vengono salvati sul computer del visitatore determinati siti internet. Per il sito e relativi sotto-domini utilizziamo cookie, chiedendone il consenso all'utente ove la legge o i regolamenti applicabili lo prevedano, per agevolare la navigazione e personalizzare le informazioni rivolte all’utente. Vengono utilizzati inoltre sistemi per raccogliere informazioni sugli utenti, quali ad esempio indirizzo IP, tipo di browser e sistema operativo utilizzato e/o pagine web visitate da un utente, per finalità statistiche o di sicurezza.  
Cookies are small text files, which are deposited in your computer, if you visit certain websites. This website, including its sub-domains, uses cookies; the consent of the user is always requested, where this is expressly required by law or other applicable provisions. The use of cookies facilitates navigation on the website and allows the information transmitted to the user to be personalised. In addition, systems are used for security and statistical purposes to collect information on the user, such as his IP address, the browser and operating system used and/or the websites visited by a user. Cookies will not damage your computer, tablet or Smartphone.
Cookies sind kleine Textdateien, die auf Ihrem Computer abgelegt werden, wenn ein Benutzer bestimmte Websites besucht. Diese Website inklusive der Subdomains verwendet Cookies, wobei der Benutzer immer um seine Zustimmung gebeten wird, wo dies ausdrücklich per Gesetz oder anderen einschlägigen Bestimmungen verlangt wird. Durch die Verwendung von Cookies wird dem Benutzer das Navigieren erleichtert und die an den Benutzer übermittelten Informationen werden personalisiert. Es werden darüber hinaus Systeme verwendet, um Informationen über den Benutzer zu sammeln, wie zum Beispiel seine IP-Adresse, den verwendeten Browser und das Betriebssystem und/oder von einem Benutzer besuchte Websites für Sicherheits- und Statistikzwecke.
I cookie sono piccoli file di testo che vengono salvati sul computer del visitatore determinati siti internet. Per il sito e relativi sotto-domini utilizziamo cookie, chiedendone il consenso all'utente ove la legge o i regolamenti applicabili lo prevedano, per agevolare la navigazione e personalizzare le informazioni rivolte all’utente. Vengono utilizzati inoltre sistemi per raccogliere informazioni sugli utenti, quali ad esempio indirizzo IP, tipo di browser e sistema operativo utilizzato e/o pagine web visitate da un utente, per finalità statistiche o di sicurezza.  
Cookies are small text files, which are deposited in your computer, if you visit certain websites. This website, including its sub-domains, uses cookies; the consent of the user is always requested, where this is expressly required by law or other applicable provisions. The use of cookies facilitates navigation on the website and allows the information transmitted to the user to be personalised. In addition, systems are used for security and statistical purposes to collect information on the user, such as his IP address, the browser and operating system used and/or the websites visited by a user. Cookies will not damage your computer, tablet or Smartphone.
Cookies sind kleine Textdateien, die auf Ihrem Computer abgelegt werden, wenn ein Benutzer bestimmte Websites besucht. Diese Website inklusive der Subdomains verwendet Cookies, wobei der Benutzer immer um seine Zustimmung gebeten wird, wo dies ausdrücklich per Gesetz oder anderen einschlägigen Bestimmungen verlangt wird. Durch die Verwendung von Cookies wird dem Benutzer das Navigieren erleichtert und die an den Benutzer übermittelten Informationen werden personalisiert. Es werden darüber hinaus Systeme verwendet, um Informationen über den Benutzer zu sammeln, wie zum Beispiel seine IP-Adresse, den verwendeten Browser und das Betriebssystem und/oder von einem Benutzer besuchte Websites für Sicherheits- und Statistikzwecke.
I cookie sono piccoli file di testo che vengono salvati sul computer del visitatore determinati siti internet. Per il sito e relativi sotto-domini utilizziamo cookie, chiedendone il consenso all'utente ove la legge o i regolamenti applicabili lo prevedano, per agevolare la navigazione e personalizzare le informazioni rivolte all’utente. Vengono utilizzati inoltre sistemi per raccogliere informazioni sugli utenti, quali ad esempio indirizzo IP, tipo di browser e sistema operativo utilizzato e/o pagine web visitate da un utente, per finalità statistiche o di sicurezza.  
Your browser does not seem to support cookies, to register a new user, cookies need to be supported and enabled!
Le support des cookies dans votre navigateur semble désactivé. Pour créer votre compte cette fonctionnalité doit être activée!
Seu navegador parece não ter suporte a cookies, para registrar um novo usuário, os cookies precisam de ser suportados e habilitados!  
On the website of Student Agency k.s. cookies are set by us or third parties (parties with whom we have entered into an agreement). The so called session cookies and persistent cookies are used. Session cookies are permanently removed after the session has ended. On the other hand, persistent cookies are stored in your computer until their validity ends (max. 2 years) or are deleted from the computer by the user. Cookies allow our company to recognize your repeated visit.
Auf den Webseiten der Gesellschaft Student Agency k.s. sind die Cookie-Dateien von uns, bzw. von Dritten (Subjekten, mit denen wir einen Vertrag abgeschlossen haben) eingestellt. Es werden so genannte dauerhafte und Relationsdateien verwendet. Die Relationsdateien sind Cookie-Dateien, die nach dem Ende der Relation dauerhaft gelöscht werden. Dagegen werden dauerhafte Cookies in Ihrem Computer während ihrer Gültigkeit (max. 2 Jahre) gespeichert, es sei denn sie werden von Ihnen gelöscht. Die Dateien ermöglichen uns, Ihren wiederholten Besuch zu erkennen.  
Your browser does not seem to support cookies, to register a new user, cookies need to be supported and enabled!
Votre navigateur ne semble pas accepter les cookies. Or pour enregistrer un nouvel utilisateur, les cookies doivent être acceptées et autorisées.  
By means of a cookie, the information and offers on our website can be optimised to suit the user. Cookies enable us, as already mentioned, to recognise the users of our website. The purpose of this recognition is to make it easier for users to use our website. For example, the user of a website who uses cookies does not need to re-enter his or her access data each time he/she visits the website, as this is done by the website and the cookie stored on the user’s computer. Another example is the cookie for a shopping cart in an online shop. The online shop uses a cookie to remember the items that a customer has placed in the virtual shopping cart.
Mittels eines Cookies können die Informationen und Angebote auf unserer Internetseite im Sinne des Benutzers optimiert werden. Cookies ermöglichen uns, wie bereits erwähnt, die Benutzer unserer Internetseite wiederzuerkennen. Zweck dieser Wiedererkennung ist es, den Nutzern die Verwendung unserer Internetseite zu erleichtern. Der Benutzer einer Internetseite, die Cookies verwendet, muss beispielsweise nicht bei jedem Besuch der Internetseite erneut seine Zugangsdaten eingeben, weil dies von der Internetseite und dem auf dem Computersystem des Benutzers abgelegten Cookie übernommen wird. Ein weiteres Beispiel ist das Cookie eines Warenkorbes im Online-Shop. Der Online-Shop merkt sich die Artikel, die ein Kunde in den virtuellen Warenkorb gelegt hat, über ein Cookie.  
Your browser does not seem to support cookies, to register a new user, cookies need to be supported and enabled!
Le support des cookies dans votre navigateur semble désactivé. Pour créer votre compte cet fonctionnalité doit être activée.  
Your browser does not seem to support cookies, to register a new user, cookies need to be supported and enabled!
Es scheint, dass Ihr Browser keine Cookies akzeptiert. Daher können Sie keinen neuen Benutzer anlegen!
Sembra che il tuo browser non supporti i cookies, per registrare un nuovo utente i cookies devono essere supportati ed usati!  
Your browser does not seem to support cookies, to register a new user, cookies need to be supported and enabled!
Your browser does not seem to support cookies, to register a new user, cookies need to be supported and enabled!
Nettleseren din aksepterer ikke informasjonskapsler (cookies). For å registrere deg som bruker må nettleseren støtte informasjonskapsler, og de må være aktivert!  
Web pages do not have memory. To another on a web page is not recognized a user going on a page as the same user. Cookies enable the website to recognize the user's browser. Therefore, cookies are generally used to remember the options that the user has chosen (for example, remember the language used) or to recognize users who frequent the website.
Las páginas web no tienen memoria. A un usuario que va de una página a otra en una página web no se le reconoce como el mismo usuario. Las cookies permiten que la página web reconozca el navegador del usuario. Por lo tanto, las cookies se utilizan generalmente para recordar las opciones que el usuario ha escogido (por ejemplo, recordar el idioma que utiliza) o para reconocer a usuarios que frecuentan la página web.  
Your browser does not seem to support cookies, to register a new user, cookies need to be supported and enabled!
Le support des cookies dans votre navigateur semble désactivé. Pour créer votre compte cet fonctionnalité doit être activée.  
Moreover, the browsing data and user cookies can be processed for the purposes of improving accessibility for the user, to personalise and analyse their browsing, and to show publicity and advertising based on the user’s interests in accordance with our cookies policy, which must be accepted as a step previous to browsing on our website.
Ebenso können die aufgrund der Navigation und über die Cookies erhobenen Benutzerdaten mit dem Zweck verarbeitet werden, die Zugänglichkeit für den Benutzer zu verbessern,  die Navigation zu personalisieren und zu analysieren, sowie Werbung und Werbeanzeigen, entsprechend den Interessen des Benutzers anzuzeigen, gemäß unserer Cookie-Richtlinie, die vor der Navigation auf unserer Website angenommen werden muss.  
Cookies are small text files, which are deposited in your computer, if you visit certain websites. This website, including its sub-domains, uses cookies; the consent of the user is always requested, where this is expressly required by law or other applicable provisions. The use of cookies facilitates navigation on the website and allows the information transmitted to the user to be personalised. In addition, systems are used for security and statistical purposes to collect information on the user, such as his IP address, the browser and operating system used and/or the websites visited by a user. Cookies will not damage your computer, tablet or Smartphone.
Cookies sind kleine Textdateien, die auf Ihrem Computer abgelegt werden, wenn ein Benutzer bestimmte Websites besucht. Diese Website inklusive der Subdomains verwendet Cookies, wobei der Benutzer immer um seine Zustimmung gebeten wird, wo dies ausdrücklich per Gesetz oder anderen einschlägigen Bestimmungen verlangt wird. Durch die Verwendung von Cookies wird dem Benutzer das Navigieren erleichtert und die an den Benutzer übermittelten Informationen werden personalisiert. Es werden darüber hinaus Systeme verwendet, um Informationen über den Benutzer zu sammeln, wie zum Beispiel seine IP-Adresse, den verwendeten Browser und das Betriebssystem und/oder von einem Benutzer besuchte Websites für Sicherheits- und Statistikzwecke.
I cookie sono piccoli file di testo che vengono salvati sul computer del visitatore determinati siti internet. Per il sito e relativi sotto-domini utilizziamo cookie, chiedendone il consenso all'utente ove la legge o i regolamenti applicabili lo prevedano, per agevolare la navigazione e personalizzare le informazioni rivolte all’utente. Vengono utilizzati inoltre sistemi per raccogliere informazioni sugli utenti, quali ad esempio indirizzo IP, tipo di browser e sistema operativo utilizzato e/o pagine web visitate da un utente, per finalità statistiche o di sicurezza.  
Sharing content on social networks set user cookies.
Freigabe Inhalte in sozialen Netzwerken eingestellt Nutzer Cookies.
La condivisione di contenuti sui social network imposta cookie utente.
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