pixel – Zulu Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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Keybot      12 Results   4 Domains
  3 Hits www.google.com.mt  
We’ve tried to keep it as simple as possible, but if you’re not familiar with terms like cookies, IP addresses, pixel tags and browsers, then read about these key terms first. Your privacy matters to Google so whether you are new to Google or a long-time user, please do take the time to get to know our practices – and if you have any questions contact us.
Sizamile ukugcina kulula ngakho konke okusemandleni kodwa uma ungenalo ulwazi lwamagama afana nelithi, cookies, ikheli le-IP, amathegi ama-pixex kanye neziphequluli, funda ngalamagamaabalulekilekuqala. Ubumfihlo bakho bubalulekile ku-Google ngakho ngisho ngabe umusha ku-Google noma kade waqala ukuwusebenzisa, uyacelwa ukuthi uthathe isikhathi sokuthi wazi izinqubo zethu – kanti uma unanoma iluphi uhlobo lombuzoxhumana nathi.
  3 Hits maps.google.it  
We use information collected from cookies and other technologies, like pixel tags, to improve your user experience and the overall quality of our services. For example, by saving your language preferences, we’ll be able to have our services appear in the language you prefer.
Sisebenzisa imininingwane eqoqwe kuma-cookies kanye nobunye ubuchwepheshe obufana ne-pixel tags ukuthuthukisa ukuba khona kwakho njengomsebenzisi kanye neqophelo lonkana lohlelo lwethu. Isibonelo, ngokulondoloza ulimu oluncamelayo, sizokwazi ukwenza ukuthi uhlelo lwethu luvele ngolimu oluncamelayo. Uma sikhombisa izikhangiso ezenziwe zafanela wena, ngeke sihlobanise i-cookie noma isihlonzi esingaziwa, nemikhakha yezihlonzi ezingaziwa njengalezo ezincike ebuhlangeni, inkolo, ukukhetha olala nabo noma impilo.
  3 Hits maps.google.no  
We use information collected from cookies and other technologies, like pixel tags, to improve your user experience and the overall quality of our services. For example, by saving your language preferences, we’ll be able to have our services appear in the language you prefer.
Sisebenzisa imininingwane eqoqwe kuma-cookies kanye nobunye ubuchwepheshe obufana ne-pixel tags ukuthuthukisa ukuba khona kwakho njengomsebenzisi kanye neqophelo lonkana lohlelo lwethu. Isibonelo, ngokulondoloza ulimu oluncamelayo, sizokwazi ukwenza ukuthi uhlelo lwethu luvele ngolimu oluncamelayo. Uma sikhombisa izikhangiso ezenziwe zafanela wena, ngeke sihlobanise i-cookie noma isihlonzi esingaziwa, nemikhakha yezihlonzi ezingaziwa njengalezo ezincike ebuhlangeni, inkolo, ukukhetha olala nabo noma impilo.
  3 Hits www.google.cn  
We use information collected from cookies and other technologies, like pixel tags, to improve your user experience and the overall quality of our services. For example, by saving your language preferences, we’ll be able to have our services appear in the language you prefer.
Sisebenzisa imininingwane eqoqwe kuma-cookies kanye nobunye ubuchwepheshe obufana ne-pixel tags ukuthuthukisa ukuba khona kwakho njengomsebenzisi kanye neqophelo lonkana lohlelo lwethu. Isibonelo, ngokulondoloza ulimu oluncamelayo, sizokwazi ukwenza ukuthi uhlelo lwethu luvele ngolimu oluncamelayo. Uma sikhombisa izikhangiso ezenziwe zafanela wena, ngeke sihlobanise i-cookie noma isihlonzi esingaziwa, nemikhakha yezihlonzi ezingaziwa njengalezo ezincike ebuhlangeni, inkolo, ukukhetha olala nabo noma impilo.