zones périphériques – English Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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Afin de comprendre le changement climatique, quelle que soit l’époque à laquelle il se produit, nous devons examiner les zones périphériques en cause, car ce sont ces zones qui sont les premières à en sentir les effets.
To understand climate change in any area, you must look at the periphery because the fringe unravels first. In northern Newfoundland and particularly at Port au Choix, we are looking at Palaeo-Eskimo people who lived at the periphery of their Arctic range and who were therefore highly sensitive to any kind of environmental change. What is really interesting is how different cultures reacted to climate change in their own way. For example, we are finding that while increased warming was bad for the Palaeo-Eskimos, it was beneficial for Amerindians.  
L’urbanisation non planifiée et le développement industriel rapide dans les zones périphériques des villes polluent les sources d’eau, ce qui a entraîné une augmentation des maladies d’origine hydrique.
Climate change was found to affect water security the most in Khulna. Located near the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh’s third largest city relies exclusively on groundwater, which is showing higher levels of salinification as sea levels rise. Unplanned growth and rapid industrial development around the city are polluting water sources and have led to an increase in water-borne diseases.  
L’urbanisation non planifiée et le développement industriel rapide dans les zones périphériques des villes polluent les sources d’eau, ce qui a entraîné une augmentation des maladies d’origine hydrique.
Climate change was found to affect water security the most in Khulna. Located near the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh’s third largest city relies exclusively on groundwater, which is showing higher levels of salinification as sea levels rise. Unplanned growth and rapid industrial development around the city are polluting water sources and have led to an increase in water-borne diseases.  
exclura les zones périphériques comme Gloucester, Nepean, etc.
excludes outlying areas like Gloucester, Neapean, etc.  
delta du Rhône et les zones périphériques. Réserve Nationale de Camargue. Aménagements
Duration and date of the submarine emissary : From 16h00 to 18h00 the 5 September only (if the weather allows it, max 100 persons)  
Projets courants dans la ville de Banff et les zones périphériques (révisé) (2003-2013)
Operation and Maintenance of Electrical Power Transmission Facilities in Banff National Park (2003-2008)  
D’importants déséquilibres territoriaux en résultent, analysés en termes de polarisation des territoires entre des centres urbains et des zones périphériques, d’étalement urbain avec une imbrication de plus en plus forte entre milieux urbains et milieux ruraux, et de concentration des problèmes sociaux.
Significant territorial disequilibria result from this: polarization of the territories between urban centers and peripheral zones, urban spread leading to increased overlap between urban and rural areas and the spatial concentration of social problems. What’s more, this variety is based on a large number of geographical particularities, some of which may be seen as a handicap, even if they are advantages from the point of view of tourism. Such is the case of low population territories (counting 2.6 million or fewer individuals), mountain zones (with their 50 million European inhabitants) and islands (representing 3% of the European population). In addition to constituting sites of territorial discontinuity, border regions can sometimes accrue some of the traits underscored above. Taken together, such regions contain more than 30% of the EU’s population.  
Elimination de la formation de trous en zones périphériques
Holes on the edge of cheese are prevented  
Le Parc national aura cinquante ans l'année prochaine. Dès le début, le cœur du parc a fait l'objet d'une réglementation spéciale, ce qui n'était pas le cas des zones périphériques, baptisées " aire d'adhésion " par la loi de 2006.
Vanoise National Park will celebrate its fiftieth birthday in the coming year. From the very beginning there were rules for the core area, but not for the rest of the Park. The charter is now intended to enable lasting co-operation between the individual municipalities and the Park and define common priorities. "At issue is the solidarity between the National Park and the municipalities of the surrounding areas", says National Park Director Emmanuel Michau. If the municipalities do not sign up, the Park will have no competence within individual municipal areas. Or, in other words, no support, no projects, no money. "It would be a step backwards as we would have to work with a piecemeal action programme", he says. That would suit some, however, as they fear for their economic development and resent interference in their urban planning operations: the Park borders on some major winter sports areas.  
Des initiatives de développement régional lancées dans des zones périphériques ou peu développées contribuent à la création de nouvelles sources de revenus. © Ministère des infrastructures et du développement (Pologne)
135 doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers have taken part in a fixed-term research residency at a Swiss university thanks to a SCIEX fellowship. Strategic cooperation between Poland and Switzerland has also been strengthened thanks to 50 research institutions that have taken part in a joint Swiss-Polish research programme.
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5.12 Advenant une charge microbienne avant la stérilisation, en particulier par un micro-organisme résistant à l'agent stérilisant, on peut trouver des indices de la cause première de la contamination dans des situations similaires en zones périphériques.
5.12 In the event of the loss of control of presterilization bioburden, particularly if this is due to a type of micro-organism resistant to the sterilization process, clues as to the root cause of the problem may be found in parallel loss of control in more peripheral areas.  
La baisse de la population de Saint John et la hausse de la population des collectivités avoisinantes de Rothesay, Quispamsis, Hampton et Grand Bay-Westfield résulte d’un exode vers ces collectivités. Malgré la migration vers les zones périphériques, la ville de Saint John demeure un important centre de service pour toutes ces collectivités.
Saint John's population loss and the rise in population in the neighbouring communities of Rothesay, Quispamsis, Hampton and Grand Bay-Westfield reflect a transfer of population from the City to surrounding communities. Despite the shift to outlying areas, the City of Saint John remains the major service centre for all the communities mentioned.  
Les pérégrinations artistiques de notre réseau, tournées plus particulièrement vers l’Europe centrale, orientale et ses zones périphériques, nous ont révélés clairement une agitation manifeste autour de la question de la mémoire, qu’elle soit collective ou individuelle.
The artistic travels of our network, with a particular orientation towards Central and Eastern Europe and its peripheral zones, have clearly revealed to us an evident agitation with regard to the question of memory, whether it be collective or individual. This virtually permanent, almost obsessive search for oneself is thrown into view against various horizons, but it proves to be predominant at the heart of the cultural and artistic milieu.  
, Nes met en lumière le spectre de l’identité masculine, suggérant des associations érotiques homosexuelles tout en investiguant la mythologie de l’une des institutions fondamentales d’Israël – son armée. Ses plus récentes œuvres analysent la sphère civile, se penchant sur la vie dans les zones périphériques des grandes villes.
series, illuminate the spectrum of masculine identity, conveying homoerotic associations while investigating the mythology of one of Israel’s bedrock institutions—its army. His later works study the civilian sphere, focusing on life in peripheral cities. Invoking memories of his adolescence and childhood, he is able to confront his personal history with the classical mythology of Israel. Adi Nes’s photographs have been presented in various exhibitions around the world. In the past year, an extensive one-person show,  
Mais ce sont bien les économies d’énergie et de place qui concentrent les plus gros potentiels d’exploitation : « Notre micromachine est le premier pas vers des micro-usines, se réjouit Claude Jeannerat. Un développement qui ouvre la possibilité de réindustrialiser des zones périphériques et, partant, d’apporter une solution au trafic pendulaire. » Des perspectives que Philippe-Emmanuel Grize, directeur de la HE-Arc Ingénierie, résume par cette formule : « Avec nos coûts les plus élevés au monde, nous avons tout intérêt à être aussi les plus malins. »
The project was developed as part of the EcoSwissMade programme, initiated by the Engineering and Architecture Faculty at Western Switzerland University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HES-SO). The programme aims to significantly reduce energy consumption in Swiss industrial production, both in making and using machines. Much is at stake: “One objective is that Switzerland should continue to produce these tools,” notes Dean of Faculty Olivier Naef. Micro5‘s greatest potential, however, lies with its space-saving and energy-saving capabilities. “Our micromachine is a step closer to microfactories, which open up new possibilities for redeveloping industry in peripheral zones, and in doing so can help resolve the problem of commuter traffic,” enthuses Claude Jeannerat. Philippe-Emmanuel Grize, who heads the Engineering department at HE-Arc Ingénierie, takes a pragmatic view: “When you have the highest costs in the world, you have to think smart.”  
Le Parc national aura cinquante ans l'année prochaine. Dès le début, le cœur du parc a fait l'objet d'une réglementation spéciale, ce qui n'était pas le cas des zones périphériques, baptisées " aire d'adhésion " par la loi de 2006.
Vanoise National Park will celebrate its fiftieth birthday in the coming year. From the very beginning there were rules for the core area, but not for the rest of the Park. The charter is now intended to enable lasting co-operation between the individual municipalities and the Park and define common priorities. "At issue is the solidarity between the National Park and the municipalities of the surrounding areas", says National Park Director Emmanuel Michau. If the municipalities do not sign up, the Park will have no competence within individual municipal areas. Or, in other words, no support, no projects, no money. "It would be a step backwards as we would have to work with a piecemeal action programme", he says. That would suit some, however, as they fear for their economic development and resent interference in their urban planning operations: the Park borders on some major winter sports areas.  
Aussi, l’instabilité est-elle à prévoir, d’abord, dans l’une ou l’autre de ces zones périphériques et sous-développées du Liban, où se côtoient des populations divisées par les enjeux actuels, animées par les souvenirs de la guerre civile, et laissées essentiellement livrées à elle-même jusqu’à ce que l’éclatement de violences les intègre opportunément au jeu politique.
Many politicians and commentators evoke the possibility of an impending coup d’état or even a new civil war. But the more probable short-term scenario is repetition of a recurring Lebanese cycle: a political stalemate that triggers popular tensions which, in turn, political actors manipulate in order to bolster their leverage. As a result, instability is most likely to occur in Lebanon’s under-developed peripheral areas, whose populations are deeply divided by current events, harbour painful memories of the civil war and are largely left to their own devices until escalating violence brings them into the political game. Such is the case of the Bab-Tebbaneh and Jabal Mohsen neighborhoods of Tripoli, which recently have witnessed both verbal and military escalation, including the firing into the latter neighborhood of a rocket that injured two.  
Projets courants dans la ville de Banff et les zones périphériques (révisé) (2003-2013)
Operation and Maintenance of Electrical Power Transmission Facilities in Banff National Park (2003-2008)  
Projets courants dans la ville de Banff et les zones périphériques (révisé) (2003-2013)
Operation and Maintenance of Electrical Power Transmission Facilities in Banff National Park (2003-2008)
  2 Hits  
Chaud : Produisez une image aux tons rouges. Les zones périphériques de la photo s'assombrissent.
Warm: Produce an image with a red tone. The areas around the edge of the image become darker.  
Résultats de sondage – Zone de : Edmonton et les zones périphériques
Survey Results - Area of: Edmonton and surrounding areas
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Résultats de sondage - Zone de: Edmonton et les zones périphériques
Survery Results - Area of: Edmonton and surrounding areas
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Il souligne à juste titre que les zones de plaines seront également affectées, et non seulement, comme certains le pensent, les zones périphériques telles que les cô-tes, les montagnes et le grand nord.
7. The Green Paper offers a satisfactory concise assessment of the situation in Europe and of the challenges that we are facing. It rightly stresses that plain areas will be affected too, and not just, as some believe peripheral areas such as coasts, mountains and the far North.
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Chercher des GAB affichant une notification ‘international cards accepted’ (cartes internationales acceptées), car le plus souvent, seule un GAB par emplacement accepte les cartes étrangères. Ce phénomène est moins problématique en centre-ville et aux succursales de grandes banques internationales (par ex., Citibank), mais est exacerbé dans des zones périphériques et rurales.
Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs) are widely available throughout the city, however many do not accept foreign debit cards. Look for the ATM displaying an ‘international cards accepted’ notification, as often only one of a group ATMs will accept foreign debit cards. This is less a problem in central areas and at branches of well-known international banks (such as Citibank), but can be a particular challenge in outlying and rural areas. ATMs and bureaux de change are also available at Incheon International Airport.
  2 Hits  
Produit un flou qui irradie à partir du centre de l'image. Le centre de l'image demeure relativement calme tandis que les zones périphériques deviennent floues. Cette option donne un effet de mouvement vers l'avant à l'intérieur de l'image, comme si un objet ou un personnage venait vers vous.
Produces a blur that radiates out from the center of the image. The center of the image remains relatively calm, whilst the outer areas become blurred toward the center. This filter option produces a perceived forward movement, into the image. Length is the main setting here, and affects the amount of speed, as it were, toward the center of the image.  
Le Parc national aura cinquante ans l'année prochaine. Dès le début, le cœur du parc a fait l'objet d'une réglementation spéciale, ce qui n'était pas le cas des zones périphériques, baptisées " aire d'adhésion " par la loi de 2006.
Vanoise National Park will celebrate its fiftieth birthday in the coming year. From the very beginning there were rules for the core area, but not for the rest of the Park. The charter is now intended to enable lasting co-operation between the individual municipalities and the Park and define common priorities. "At issue is the solidarity between the National Park and the municipalities of the surrounding areas", says National Park Director Emmanuel Michau. If the municipalities do not sign up, the Park will have no competence within individual municipal areas. Or, in other words, no support, no projects, no money. "It would be a step backwards as we would have to work with a piecemeal action programme", he says. That would suit some, however, as they fear for their economic development and resent interference in their urban planning operations: the Park borders on some major winter sports areas.  
Boris Chouvellon prélève dans le monde réel objets, formes et impressions qu’il transforme et photographie lors de ses déambulations dans les espaces frontières (zones périphériques, de loisirs, agricoles, industrielles, commerciales, en construction ou à l’abandon.) Fasciné par cette « esthétique de la zone et de la ruine », il produit avec ses sculptures une représentation de la ruine par anticipation.
Boris Chouvellon samples objects, forms, and impressions from reality that he transforms and photographs on his wanderings in border zones (peripheral areas; places of leisure, agriculture, industry, or retail; sites under construction or left to wrack and ruin). Fascinated by this “aesthetic of the zone and of ruins”, he produces a representation of ruin-by-anticipation with his sculptures.  
Acquisition d’Investimmo, qui se concentre sur le développement et la promotion de zones périphériques à Bruxelles et en Région flamande.
Acquisition of Investimmo, which concentrates on development on the Brussels periphery and in the Flemish region.  
Le Parc national aura cinquante ans l'année prochaine. Dès le début, le cœur du parc a fait l'objet d'une réglementation spéciale, ce qui n'était pas le cas des zones périphériques, baptisées " aire d'adhésion " par la loi de 2006.
Vanoise National Park will celebrate its fiftieth birthday in the coming year. From the very beginning there were rules for the core area, but not for the rest of the Park. The charter is now intended to enable lasting co-operation between the individual municipalities and the Park and define common priorities. "At issue is the solidarity between the National Park and the municipalities of the surrounding areas", says National Park Director Emmanuel Michau. If the municipalities do not sign up, the Park will have no competence within individual municipal areas. Or, in other words, no support, no projects, no money. "It would be a step backwards as we would have to work with a piecemeal action programme", he says. That would suit some, however, as they fear for their economic development and resent interference in their urban planning operations: the Park borders on some major winter sports areas.  
Transfert dans les zones de haute fréquentation des véhicules de flottes déposés dans des zones périphériques
Pick-up and return of fleet vehicles dropped off in peripheral regions to zones of high-frequency use
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