zongo – English Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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Au lendemain du quatorzième anniversaire de l’assassinat de Norbert Zongo, et deux jours avant le huitième anniversaire de celui de Deyda Hydara, Reporters sans frontières dénonce les manœuvres qui gangrènent les enquêtes sur ces meurtres.
Australian cameraman Paul Moran was murdered by a suicide car bomb in 2003 while on assignment in Northern Iraq; groups are calling for action to ensure that his killers are brought to justice.
  6 Hits agter.org  
Rédigé par : Mahamadou Zongo
Writing date: 2010
  2 Hits jpgu.org  
Le séminaire a  été ouverte par les chefs des deux établissements et le représentant de l’USAID en Côte d’Ivoire, M. Jeff Bryan avec la participation de l’Ambassadeur du Burkina Faso en Côte d’Ivoire, S.E. Mahamadou Zongo.
Earlier that week, the Trade Hub and Coris Bank co-hosted a two-day training in Abidjan for 31 participants from both partner institutions. It was opened by heads of both institutions and USAID’s representative in Côte d’Ivoire, Mr. Jeff Bryan, and attended by Burkina Faso’s Ambassador to Côte d’Ivoire, H.E. Mahamadou Zongo..
Mise à part les activités classiques comme le montage de fenêtres et de portes, le président de Acomes Lassané Zongo et ses salariés fabriquent les fours solaires SK 14 et Papillon, de même que des réservoirs d’eau chaude pour les hôpitaux.
ACOMES. Trade and metal workshops such as ACOMES count themselves as one of our longest standing partners in Burkina Faso. Owner Lassané Zongo and his colleagues manufacture the Solar-powered stove SK14 and Papillon as well as hot water systems for health facilities. His team are also responsible for more traditional craftsmanship like windows and doors for houses.
  6 Hits www.agter.org  
Rédigé par : Mahamadou Zongo
Writing date: 2010
013/11 Norbert Zongo c/ Burkina Faso
Country: Burkina Faso | Articles: 1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 56
Deux grands crises politiques avaient déjà ébranlé le pays auparavant, déstabilisant le pouvoir en place à deux reprises : en 1998 avec l’affaire Zongo et en 2011 avec la révolte populaire et une mutinerie de l’armée.
After 27 years at the head of the country, President Blaise Compaoré who came to power in 1987 after a military coup which deposed Sankara, was forced to resign in October 2014 following a popular uprising in reaction to the revision of the Constitutions which aimed to remove any limit in the number of Presidential terms. Previously, the country had already been undermined by two major political crises which had destabilised the authorities in place: in 1988, the Zongo affair, and in 2011, a popular revolt and an army mutiny.
"J’ai convaincu mon mari de m’accompagner comme ça nous pourrons tous les deux nous occuper de notre bébé", dit Zongo Mariamou, une jeune fille souriante de 19 ans, qui assiste au cours pour la première fois.
The women here don’t see responsibility for better nutrition as solely their preserve, however. “I’ve convinced my husband to come with me, so that we can both take care of our baby,” said Zongo Mariamou, a smiling 19-year-old girl who is attending the class for the first time.
  2 Hits www.omct.org  
Congo, Rép. Dém.: RDCongo'République démocratique du Congo: Détention incommunicado et mauvais traitements de Messieurs Zelokata Baratomo, Koma Zongo Yvon et José Venze
Congo, Democratic Republic: 'D.R. CongoDemocratic Republic of Congo: Messrs. Zelokata Baratomo, Koma Zongo Yvon and José Venze arrested and detained incommunicado
Initié par le groupe thématique « Jeunesse, Formation professionnelle et emploi » du SPONG, il s’agit grâce à la formatrice, Docteur Coulibaly/ZONGO Zoenabou d’inculquer aux participants présents, les concepts de plaidoyer et de négociation et également de les informer sur les dynamiques du secteur.
“Capacity building and citizen mobilization for sustainable and equitable access to education and decent employment for young people”: This was the theme that brought together all stakeholders in education in the area of Léo. Initiated by the thematic group “Youth, Training and Employment” of Spong, the idea was, thanks to the trainer, Dr. Coulibaly / ZONGO Zoenabou, to teach the participants the concepts of advocacy and negotiation and also to inform them about the dynamics of the sector.
  3 Hits encan.esse.ca  
Dans le nord de la RDC, les réfugiés sont arrivés à Zongo depuis le mois de mars dernier, fuyant les violences dans la capitale de la RCA, à Bangui. Les chiffres officiels font actuellement état de 60 000 réfugiés centrafricains dans le pays, situés pour la plupart le long de la frontière, dans les provinces Orientale et de l’Equateur.
I find it difficult to get food here, but I am lucky to have a host family welcoming me and my three kids,” says Paulette, a 27 year old woman who has fled CAR. “I have known this family for a long time, they came to our place in Bangui when there were some clashes in DRC in 1996. Here, I work in the fields and eventually get enough money to buy some food. We need food. And we have health issues, and I don’t have the money to go to the doctor with my children.
Mr. Tertius Zongo, Premier ministre du Burkina Faso s'adressant au sommet de l'OIT sur la crise mondiale de l'emploi - 16 juin 2009
Audio Coverage of H.E. Ms. Angela Merkel, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Address to the 100th International Labour Conference (in German)
  6 Hits www.omecmotors.com  
Tags: Famille d'accueil, Réfugiés centrafricains, République Centrafricaine, Zongo
Tags: Central African refugees, Central African Republic, Host Family, Zongo @en
M Fortuné Zongo. Burkina Faso (vice-président)
Mr Fortuné Zongo. Burkina Faso (Vice-Chairperson)
La rive droite a été reconnue à la France en 1885. Le poste de Bangui a été créé en 1889 par Michel Dolisie face au poste belge de Zongo. En 1891 Poumayrac fonde le poste des Abiras au confluent du M'Bomou et de l'Ouellé.
The Oubangui is one of the main tributary on the right bank of the Congo river, cut off by rapids as most other rivers. It offered a penetration route toward the North-East. The right bank had been granted to France in 1885. The Bangui post was created in 1889 by Michel Dolisie opposite the Belgian post of Zongo. In 1891 Poumayrac created the post of the Abiras where the M'Bomou and Ouellé meet. The penetration was intensified by Victor Liotard who reached the Azande sultanates of Mbomou : Bangassou, Rafai, Zemio. The region remained however very unstable : several chiefs of post found a violent death : Musy, Poumayrac and on the Belgian side Hodister. The region was pacified jointly by Liotard and by the mission of the duc d'Uzès in an expedition against the Boubou. The French also had to face different incidents with the Belgians. A conflict threatened to break loose several times : thus Liotard was aimed at with guns in Bangassou : « We die like French killed by Belgians and disgusted by the way we are supported by France. It makes me feel so bad to leave life in such conditions ». The agreement of the 14th of August 1894 signed with Belgium set the frontier between the two states. Decazes explored the valleys around the right hand tributaries of Oubangui. From 1894 Liotard, new commissioner of the goverment, strongly intensified the thrust toward the Nile and opened the way to Marchand.
  2 Hits africacenter.org  
Avant les manifestations de 2014, le défi le plus sérieux pendant le mandat de Compaoré a eu lieu en 1999, lorsque les manifestants ont exigé de situer les responsabilités après  le meurtre du journaliste populaire Norbert Zongo pour lequel beaucoup de Burkinabés blâmaient le gouvernement.
Third is the demand for justice and accountability. Prior to the 2014 protests the most serious challenge to Compaoré’s rule came in 1999 when protestors demanded accountability for the murder of popular journalist Norbert Zongo whose death many Burkinabé blame on the government. Compaoré diffused the protests by instituting an independent commission of inquiry into the journalist’s death. Similarly, in 2011 mass demonstrations erupted across the country after the suspicious death in police custody of another civil society activist, student leader, Justin Zongo (no relation to the slain journalist). Those demonstrations broadened to include grievances about the poor state of the country’s economy and merged with mutinies in several military units. To diffuse them, Compaoré offered food subsidies and increased salaries for the civil service and the military.
  2 Hits www.worldbank.org  
Dans cette partie de la ville, les quartiers Amadoté, Yésuvito et Zongo, victimes d’inondations à chaque saison des pluies, sont maintenant assainis, grâce à un réseau de caniveaux construit pour évacuer les eaux.
Patrice Ayivi: As part of this project, several construction programs are on the verge of completion. When the work is finished, a two-lane road with street lights will run through the town to the border with Benin. In the town, the small exit ramp (Adjido) from the bridge that connects to the Messan-Kondji intersection has been completely paved and will also be lit. In this part of the town, a system of culverts to dispose of storm water has been used to clean up the neighborhoods of Amadoté, Yésuvito, and Zongo, which are flooded every rainy season.
  2 Hits www.torresburriel.com  
Le premier soir du festival est traditionnellement dédié au 7e art. L’invité d’honneur cette année est le réalisateur, documentariste et scénariste burkinabè, Michel K. Zongo. Son documentaire « Espoir Voyage » sera projeté sur la place de l’Église et suivi d’un débat.
The first night of the festival is traditionally dedicated to the 7th art. The guest of honour this year is the director, screenwriter and documentary filmmaker from Burkina Faso, Michel K. Zongo. His documentary “Espoir Voyage” will be screened at the Church square and followed by a discussion. Michel K. Zongo is a great figure of African cinema, he created since 2010 his own company producing documentaries, Diam Production. Espoir Voyage addresses the issue of migration in Africa. His other films, “Sibi, l’âme du violon” and “La Sirène du Faso Fani ” will be screened Friday and Sunday, respectively.
Les 8 et 9 juillet 2015, l'ONUDC a réuni 18 journalistes d'Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre afin de créer la Cellule Norbert Zongo pour le Journalisme d'Investigation en Afrique de l'Ouest. La CENOZO aura pour but de promouvoir le journalisme d'investigation sur des sujets tels la corruption, le crime organisé et les violations des droits de l'homme.
While Mali ratified the United Nations Convention against Corruption on 18 April 2008, its self-assessment, delayed by armed conflicts, took place between 28-31 July 2015 during a workshop supported by UNODC. Among those present were the Minister of Labour of Mali, Ms Diarra Raky Talla, and the Minister of Justice and Human Rights, Mr Mahamadou Diarra. Read More
  3 Hits www.oit.org  
Allocution de Son Excellence Monsieur Tertius Zongo, Premier Ministre du Burkina Faso, au Sommet de l'OIT sur la crise mondiale de l'emploi
Panel discussion: Coordination, development cooperation and the global jobs crisis
  3 Hits www.teatrotivolibbva.pt  
Une carte blanche au Professeur Jean-Didier Zongo ;
Bulletin FENOP Info - hors-série "Spécial semences"