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Keybot      928 Results   60 Domains   Page 10
  3 Hits  
NGCC Amundsen
CCGS Amundsen
  192 Hits  
NGCC Griffon
CCGS Griffon
  16 Hits  
Le navire-hydrographe Gannet du Service hydrographique du Canada s’en retourne vers le NGCC Sir Wilfrid Laurier.
The Canadian Hydrographic Service survey boat Gannet, on its way back to the CCGS Sir Wilfrid Laurier.
  2 Hits  
NGCC Amundsen
  14 Hits  
NGCC Matthew
CCG Matthew
  2 Hits  
Le NGCC Des Groseilliers brise la glace
CCGS Des Groseilliers breaks the ice
  3 Hits  
Isle-aux-Coudres, printemps 2013 – Le chantier naval Industries Océan réalise la cale sèche du bateau de sauvetage NGCC Cap d’Espoir appartenant à la Garde côtière canadienne.
Isle-aux-Coudres, spring 2013 - Ocean Industries’ shipyard performs the drydock of the CCGS Cap d’Espoir lifeboat belonging to the Canadian Coast Guard.
  94 Hits  
NGCC Teleost
CCGS Teleost
  2 Hits  
refait le plein le long du NGCC
is being fuelled with the CCGS  
Durant les missions de recherche annuelles du NGCC Hudson, les promoteurs de ce projet mesureront la rétrodiffusion acoustique multifréquence dans la zone de protection marine (ZPM) du Gully. Ces travaux permettront d’étoffer une série de données continues (depuis 2006) sur la distribution d’espèces de macrozooplancton qu’il n’est pas possible d’échantillonner efficacement au moyen de filets ou de techniques optiques.
During annual research voyages of the CCGS Hudson, proponents of this project will measure multifrequency acoustic backscatter within the Gully Marine Protected Area (MPA). This will contribute to a set of continuous (since 2006) distribution data for macrozooplankton species that are not sampled efficiently by net or optical techniques. This work will be conducted during two Atlantic Zone Monitoring Program (AZMP) cruises to be conducted in the ...
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Le NGCC Henry Larsen se retrouve en présence de glace pluriannuelle dans le détroit de Nares.
CCGS Henry Larsen encounters multi-year ice in Nares Strait.
  7 Hits  
NGCC Amundsen
  3 Hits  
Un conflit d’horaire a fait en sorte que la Garde côtière canadienne aura à payer 55 millions $ supplémentaires pour assurer la poursuite de l’exploitation du NGCC Louis S. St-Laurent, un navire vieux de 44 ans, qui aura à servir la garde côtière jusqu’à ce que le navire qui le remplace soit prêt, en 2022.
“Thanks to Conservative mismanagement, Canadians are going to have to pay more and wait longer to ensure that both the Navy and Coast Guard have the vessels they need to operate. Due to a scheduling conflict, the Canadian Coast Guard will now have to pay an additional $55 million to ensure the continued operation of the ice-breaker CCGS Louis S. St-Laurent, a 44-year-old vessel that will have to serve the Coast Guard until a replacement is completed in 2022.  
Mon rôle en tant que scientifique en chef est de coordonner le travail de 6 - 8 membres de l'équipage scientifique en vue d’assurer que les objectifs de recherche sont atteints à un niveau élevé tout en tenant compte des contraintes de temps et des facteurs de sécurité. Les équipages du NGCC Vector ont été essentiels au succès de ce programme.
I am a physical oceanographer in the Ocean Sciences Division at the Institute of Ocean Sciences. I plan and supervise DFO’s British Columbia Shore Station Oceanographic Program with responsibility for the operation and development of the long-term monitoring of sea surface temperature and salinity at 14 stations on the west coast of Canada. This program includes the analysis, interpretation and presentation of oceanographic information, the maintenance of the monitoring instruments and the coordination of lighthouse keepers who collect the data. Since 1999, a series of about 73 stations, extending from the mouth of Juan de Fuca Strait up to the northern end of the Strait of Georgia, are monitored four times each year; (1) low winter discharge (December), (2) early freshet (April), (3) peak freshet (June), and (4) end of freshet period (September). My role as Chief Scientist is to coordinate the work of the 6 – 8 member science crew to make sure that the research objectives are accomplished to a high standard within the appropriate time and safety framework. The crews of the CCGS Vector have been integral to the success of this program. I am also the person to contact if you are interested in accessing the oceanographic information contained in the data archive at the Institute of Ocean Sciences.
  77 Hits  
L'équipe de scientifiques du NGCC Louis S. St-Laurent en 2007.
CCGS Louis S. St-Laurent science team 2007.
  12 Hits  
Le paysage de Le NGCC
Scene from the CCGS Louis  
Amundsen. Inauguré le 26 août 2003, le NGCC Amundsen est l'un des rares navires de la Garde côtière canadienne à avoir un double usage. Durant la moitié de l'année, l'Amundsen est à l'entière disposition d'un consortium de scientifiques dirigé par des Canadiens, tel que le réseau CASES (Étude internationale du plateau continental arctique canadien), tandis que le reste de l'année il sert aux opérations de déglaçage.
Amundsen. Inaugurated on August 26 2003, the CCGS Amundsen is one of the few Canadian Coast Guard vessels to have a dual purpose. During half the year, the Amundsen is reserved for exclusive use by a Canadian-led scientific consortium, such as the Canadian Arctic Shelf Exchange Study, while the other half remains dedicated to the Coast Guard's icebreaking operations. The CCGS Amundsen was newly named after Roald Amundsen, a notable Norwegian explorer of the Canadian Arctic who was the first person to navigate the Northwest Passage 100 years ago, from 1903 to 1906. In 1911, he was also the first person to reach the South Pole.
  2 Hits  
Les images montrent l'épave du S.S. Nicoya gisant sur le fond marin de l'estuaire du Saint-Laurent. L'épave a été détectée à l'aide d'un échosondeur EM-1002 de Kongsberg à bord du NGCC Frederick G. Creed.
The illustration shows the wreck of the S.S. Nicoya as it lies on the seafloor of the St. Lawrence Estuary. The wreck was detected using a Kongsberg multibeam echosounder EM-1002 onboard the CCGS Frederick G. Creed. The illustration was obtained by processing the data using CARIS HIPS software.
  81 Hits  
  12 Hits  
NGCC Amundsen (version PDF)
CCGS Amundsen (PDF version)
  5 Hits  
La cérémonie du lancement officiel de la nouvelle coupure de 50 dollars, qui met en valeur l’attachement du Canada à la recherche dans l’Arctique ainsi qu’au développement et à la protection des collectivités nordiques, se tiendra à la base de Québec de la Garde côtière canadienne. On y verra le NGCC Amundsen, le navire de recherche arctique illustré au verso du nouveau billet.
A ceremony to officially issue the new $50 note, which highlights Canada’s commitment to Arctic research and the development and protection of northern communities, will be held at the Canadian Coast Guard’s Québec port facility, and will feature the CCGS Amundsen – the Arctic research vessel depicted on the back of the new bill. (13:00 ET, Québec, Quebec.)
  95 Hits  
Le ministre Ashfield annonce l'acceptation du NGCC
Minister Ashfield Announces the Acceptance of the CCGS
  3 Hits  
NGCC Martha L. Black,
the NGCC Martha L. Black
  5 Hits  
NGCC Louis S. St‑Laurent
CCGS Louis S. St-Laurent
  5 Hits  
Le vaisseau de recherche  NGCC Amundsen de la Garde côtière canadienne fait route vers l’Arctique après avoir passé les deux dernières années en radoub en cale sèche. Il a repris les eaux douces du Lac Ontario à St-Catherines vendredi dernier.
In 1845, renowned polar explorer, Sir John Franklin left England with two specially-prepared ships and 129 crew heading toward the Canadian Arctic.  They were attempting to discover a fabled Northwest Passage to the Orient. They were never seen again. Over the…»
Un equipo de científicos estadounidenses hizo el sorprendente descubrimiento de un órgano en la boca de la ballena boreal.  Hay que decir que la Ballena Boreal es, después de la Ballena Azul, el mamífero más grande que existe sobre la Tierra.…»  
Amundsen. Inauguré le 26 août 2003, le NGCC Amundsen est l'un des rares navires de la Garde côtière canadienne à avoir un double usage. Durant la moitié de l'année, l'Amundsen est à l'entière disposition d'un consortium de scientifiques dirigé par des Canadiens, tel que le réseau CASES (Étude internationale du plateau continental arctique canadien), tandis que le reste de l'année il sert aux opérations de déglaçage.
Amundsen. Inaugurated on August 26 2003, the CCGS Amundsen is one of the few Canadian Coast Guard vessels to have a dual purpose. During half the year, the Amundsen is reserved for exclusive use by a Canadian-led scientific consortium, such as the Canadian Arctic Shelf Exchange Study, while the other half remains dedicated to the Coast Guard's icebreaking operations. The CCGS Amundsen was newly named after Roald Amundsen, a notable Norwegian explorer of the Canadian Arctic who was the first person to navigate the Northwest Passage 100 years ago, from 1903 to 1906. In 1911, he was also the first person to reach the South Pole.  
Mon rôle en tant que scientifique en chef est de coordonner le travail de 6 - 8 membres de l'équipage scientifique en vue d’assurer que les objectifs de recherche sont atteints à un niveau élevé tout en tenant compte des contraintes de temps et des facteurs de sécurité. Les équipages du NGCC Vector ont été essentiels au succès de ce programme.
I am a physical oceanographer in the Ocean Sciences Division at the Institute of Ocean Sciences. I plan and supervise DFO’s British Columbia Shore Station Oceanographic Program with responsibility for the operation and development of the long-term monitoring of sea surface temperature and salinity at 14 stations on the west coast of Canada. This program includes the analysis, interpretation and presentation of oceanographic information, the maintenance of the monitoring instruments and the coordination of lighthouse keepers who collect the data. Since 1999, a series of about 73 stations, extending from the mouth of Juan de Fuca Strait up to the northern end of the Strait of Georgia, are monitored four times each year; (1) low winter discharge (December), (2) early freshet (April), (3) peak freshet (June), and (4) end of freshet period (September). My role as Chief Scientist is to coordinate the work of the 6 – 8 member science crew to make sure that the research objectives are accomplished to a high standard within the appropriate time and safety framework. The crews of the CCGS Vector have been integral to the success of this program. I am also the person to contact if you are interested in accessing the oceanographic information contained in the data archive at the Institute of Ocean Sciences.
  10 Hits  
NGCC Hudson
CGGS Hudson  
Chaque chantier naval au Canada peut présenter des offres pour ce travail de réparation et de carénage de 16 gros navires et pour la modernisation complète de deux aéroglisseurs au cours des 10 prochaines années. Seaway Marine and Industrial Inc. effectue déjà d’importants travaux sur le NGCC Amundsen à St. Catharines (Ontario).
Last month I had the honour of travelling to Newfoundland and Labrador to announce a $360 million investment to extend the life of several vessels in the Coast Guard fleet. It is notable for this audience that this funding will benefit the shipbuilding industry across the country. Every shipyard in Canada can bid on this work to repair and refit 16 large vessels and complete modernizations on two hovercraft over the next 10 years. Important work on the CCGS Amundsen is already underway in St. Catharines, Ontario at Seaway Marine and Industrial Inc.  
Levé métrologique de l’échosondeur multifaisceaux Em 300 du NGCC Amundsen < 2009
Feasibility study of an IMII for the Douala (Cameroun) autonomous harbour < 2009
  81 Hits  
  4 Hits  
L'équipage de pont s'est levé tôt ce matin pour préparer l'arrivée du garde‑côte américain Healy qui est apparu vers 9 h 30 à l'avant de l'étrave du NGCC Louis S. St-Laurent...
Our deck crew was up early this morning preparing for the arrival of U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Healy, which appeared off the bow of CCGS Louis St-Laurent around 9:30...
  4 Hits  
Autre précision sur notre accord de collaboration avec ArcticNet: jamais il n'y a eu d'accord entre BP et la Garde côtière canadienne pour noliser le NGCC Amundsen. BP a conclu un accord avec l'Université Laval, qui joue le rôle de secrétariat pour le programme de recherche d'ArcticNet.
To further clarify our collaborative agreement with ArcticNet, at no time was there an agreement between BP and the Canadian Coast Guard to lease the CCGS Amundsen. BP's agreement was with the Université Laval, which acts as the secretariat for the ArcticNet research program.
  3 Hits  
Ancien NGCC GULL ISLE -259064
Former CCGS Gull Isle -259064
  3 Hits  
Isle-aux-Coudres, printemps 2013 – Le chantier naval Industries Océan réalise la cale sèche du bateau de sauvetage NGCC Cap d’Espoir appartenant à la Garde côtière canadienne.
Isle-aux-Coudres, spring 2013 - Ocean Industries’ shipyard performs the drydock of the CCGS Cap d’Espoir lifeboat belonging to the Canadian Coast Guard.
  3 Hits  
Portes ouvertes : visitez le navire-patrouilleur NGCC Caporal Kaeble
RCMP Headingley Traffic Services on scene of collision on Perimeter
  9 Hits  
Portes ouvertes : visitez le navire-patrouilleur NGCC Caporal Kaeble
CCGS Corporal Kaeble Patrol Vessel Open House
  81 Hits  
  10 Hits  
Nouveau navire météorologique, le NGCC Vancouver, remplace le NGCC St. Catharines.
New weathership, CCGS Vancouver, replaced CCGS St. Catharines.
  2 Hits  
Abordage, entre le NGCC «GRIFFON», et le B.P. «CAPTAIN K»
Collision between the CCGS "GRIFFON" and, the F.V. "CAPTAIN K"
  8 Hits  
Les unités de la GCC et de la GCAC, y compris le NGCC Isle Rouge, ont répondu à l'appel pour évacuer les " blessés " et diriger sur place les opérations de recherche et de sauvetage des " survivants ", qu'ils ont transportés jusqu'aux quais du gouvernement à Tadoussac et à Baie-Sainte-Catherine où les OMU locales avaient aménagé des points d'accueil.
The event began at 7:30am on May 2, with an exercise Mayday call. Both CCG and CCGA units, including the cutter CCGS ISLE ROUGE, responded to evacuate 'casualties' and to direct on-scene operations to search for and recover survivors. The 'survivors' from the distressed vessels were landed at the Government Quay at Tadoussac and at Baie St. Catherine, where the local EMOs had set up reception points.  
NGCC Wilfrid Laurier
ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᑕᐅᑐᒐᕆᔮ ᓯᕗᓂᒃᓴᒧᑦ  
Amundsen Science est la corporation à but non-lucratif responsable de la gestion du programme scientifique du brise-glace de recherche NGCC Amundsen. Hébergé à l’Université Laval et financé principalement par la Fondation canadienne pour l’innovation, Amundsen Science gère le parc d’équipement scientifique du navire, coordonne le déploiement du brise-glace pour la science, et fournit un soutien technique pour les programmes utilisateurs.
Amundsen Science is the not-for-profit corporation responsible for the management of the scientific program of the research icebreaker CCGS Amundsen. Hosted at Université Laval and primarily funded by the Canada Foundation for Innovation, Amundsen Science maintains the ship’s pool of scientific equipment, coordinates the deployment of the icebreaker for science, and provides technical support for user programs. The Amundsen is Canada’s only dedicated research icebreaker. The ship is a 98-metre long icebreaker of the Canadian Coast Guard retrofitted for science in 2003. The platform is accessible to Canadian academics and their partners from governments, the private sector and other countries. In addition to the ship itself and the expertise of its personnel, the Amundsen includes a comprehensive pool of 79 instrumentation systems. The ship can accommodate the needs of physical, chemical and biological oceanographers, paleo-oceanographers, marine geologists and geophysicists, marine ecologists, atmosphere and ocean colour specialists, and epidemiologists studying Inuit health.  
Pour les engins mobiles, leurs activités sont similaires au relevé scientifique que le personnel du ministère des Pêches et des Océans fait annuellement à bord du NGCC Teleost. C'est-à-dire qu'ils suivent un plan d'échantillonnage dit "stratifié aléatoire".
Mobile gear fishermen's activities are similar to the scientific survey conducted by Fisheries and Oceans staff each year on board the NGCC Teleost. In other words, they follow a so-called "stratified random" sampling plan. This method divides the area to be sampled (the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence) according to depth. This parameter (depth) was chosen because it is more likely to influence the distribution of cod. The following depth strata are used: 20-50 fathoms 1, 51-100 fathoms, 151-200 fathoms and 201 or more fathoms. Trawlers must perform one tow lasting no more than 30 minutes at a towing speed of 2.5 knots 2 in fishing areas determined by depth. A minimum tow of 15 minutes is required for the fishing activity to be significant. A total of nine trawlers conduct one survey a year in July. For given survey, 300 fishing tows are carried out at predetermined fishing stations that will cover the area as a whole. Only one type of trawl is used on these nine vessels. The gear has been calibrated to sample the same area on each tow. The trawls are all lined with fine netting that makes it possible to catch specimens as young as one year (~ 7 cm). This makes it necessary to have observers on board vessels at all times when trawling surveys are being conducted. The observers work for BIOREX in Quebec and SEAWATCH in Newfoundland.
  2 Hits  
Galerie des images de conception du NGCC John G. Diefenbaker, qui sera le premier grand brise-glace construit au Canada en plus de vingt ans.
Concept image of the CCGS John G. Diefenbaker, which will be the first large icebreaker constructed in Canada in more than 20 years.
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