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  God Se Doel Met Hierdie...  
God wil nie die skuld van sonde aan ons gee nie. In plaas daarvan, wil Hy ons met Hom versoen. Hy begeer dat ons in die seën leef met die wete dat die sonde kwessie vir ewig aan die kruis beslis is.
Bůh nechce připisovat hříchy proti nám. Místo toho se nás snaží usmířit se sebou samým. Touží po tom, abychom žili v blaženosti poznání, že otázka hříchu byla navždy vyřešena na Kříži.
  Ses Redes Waarom Gebed ...  
In plaas daarvan om toe te gee, hardloop ons van raadgewer na raadgewer - en probeer ons hulp vind om met raadeloosheid, leegheid en rusteloosheid te help. Maar alles is verniet omdat ons sonde en begeertes nog nie uitgeruk is nie.
Instead of yielding, we run from counselor to counselor - trying to find help to cope with despair, emptiness, and restlessness. Yet, it is all in vain because sin and lust have not yet been plucked out. Sin is the root of all our problems. Peace comes only when we surrender and forsake all lust and secret sin.
  God se Wonderwerk Berg ...  
“Want die hand van die HERE sal rus op hierdie berg; maar Moab sal vertrap word op sy plek soos strooi vertrap word in die water van ‘n miskuil” (Jesaja 25:10). Jesaja het dit duidelik gemaak: Satan se vernedering vind plaas op die berg, in die plek van aanbidding, waar Christus se teenwoordigheid gemanifesteer word.
It gets even better. Isaiah foresaw the humiliation of Satan. He also watched as God brought down all the power and pride of wicked principalities. “In this mountain shall the hand of the Lord rest, and Moab shall be trodden down under him, even as straw is trodden down for the dunghill” (Isaiah 25:10). Isaiah makes it clear: Satan’s humiliation happens on the mountain, in the place of prayer and worship, where Christ’s presence is manifested.
  Die Basuin Blaas Maar N...  
En ons het vinnig ons ywer en deernis vir die verlorenes verloor. Nou was ons nie meer ‘n nasie wat baie sendelinge uitgestuur het nie. In plaas daarvan, voer ons ‘n evangelie van voorspoed en gierigheid uit.
But iniquity began to abound. God's name was mocked. And our nation became pleasure-mad. We turned to idols of wealth, prosperity, material gain. And we quickly lost our zeal and compassion for the lost. Now we're no longer a great missionary-sending nation. Instead, we're exporting a gospel of prosperity and covetousness.
  Wandel in die Gees | Wo...  
In plaas daarvan, mors ons ons tyd deur self te probeer besluit, “Het ek die regte stem gehoor? Of het ek dit mis? Was dit net my vlees? Waarom het dit nie uitgewerk op die manier wat ek gedink het dit sou nie?”
We talk a lot about Holy-Ghost guidance. We cry out, "Lead me, Lord. Show me the way to go." Yet we do not yield to His guidance! Instead, we spend our time trying to decide, "Did I hear the right voice? Or did I miss it? Was it just my flesh? Why didn't it work out the way I thought it should?" We become so concerned about "getting it right" that we end up not trusting the Holy Ghost at all! We do not believe He abides in us, that He has an eternal purpose, that if we'll just yield to Him, He'll guide us into God's plan.
  God is 'n Beloner | Wor...  
Hulle bid selde. Hulle delf selde in God se Woord. In plaas daarvan, top hulle en word hard. Hulle kerm en maak hulleself oop vir die duiwel se wil. Die punt is dat, anders as Henog, het hulle nie Jesus lief genoeg om by Hom te wil wees nie.
Why? They don't walk with God. They seldom pray. They seldom dig into God's Word. Instead they brood and get hard. They pout and open themselves up to the devil's will. The point is that, unlike Enoch, they simply do not love Jesus enough to want to be with Him.
  Wandel in die Gees | Wo...  
Jy gaan daar weg met so ‘n gevoel van ewige werklikheid dat jou probleme jou nie langer pla nie, en jy is veral nie bang vir die duiwel nie. God plaas ‘n heilige vuur in jou siel en jy sê, “Dit is bonatuurlik. Dit is nie ek nie – dit is God se Gees wat deur my werk!”
God is sealing such people right now! You can go to meetings where Jesus is so real that you taste a little bit of heaven in your soul. You come away with such a sense of eternal reality that your problems no longer bother you, the lapsing economy doesn't shake you, and you're especially not afraid of the devil. God puts a holy fire in your soul, and you say, "This is supernatural. This isn't me — this is God's Spirit working in me!"
  Die God van Hoop | Worl...  
Jy sal nie heeltyd moeg wees, huil, eensaam wees, droog en verlate voel nie. In plaas daarvan, sal jy oorgeplant word deur bloot vir Hom al jou vertroue en geloof te gee en te rus in Sy Woord. En gou sal jou wortels diep in Sy rivier van lewe ingroei.
You will not be continually tired, weeping, lonely, dry and feeling forsaken. Instead, you can be transplanted simply by giving Him your trust and faith and by resting in His Word. And soon you will grow roots down deep into His river of life.
  Ware Geestelikheid Kan ...  
Net daarna, het ‘n vriend my egter vertel dat hierdie voetbalspeler gladnie getuig nie. In plaas daarvan, het hy Christelike berading gekry. Hy wou sy huwelik herstel en hy was besig om weer sy vrou die hof te maak, haar op afsprake te neem en haar met liefde toe te gooi.
Justo despus de eso, sin embargo, un amigo me dijo que este jugador de ftbol no estaba testificando. Por el contrario, l estaba recibiendo consejera cristiana. l quera que su matrimonio fuera restaurado, y l estaba buscando a su esposa otra vez, llevndola a citas amorosas y llenndola de amor. l dijo, No tengo nada que predicar hasta que pruebe que Jess es real en mi. Y si su presencia es real, l obrara su poder sanador en mi matrimonio.
  Ware Geestelikheid Kan ...  
In der waarheid, baie van die diamante wat deur die ryk gemeenskap gedra word, is namaaksels. Hierdie ryk New Yorkers is bang dat as hulle die diamante in die publiek dra, sal dit gegryp en gesteel word. In plaas daarvan dra hulle sirkone, goedkoop namaaksels van die regte ding.
Tambin hay imitaciones de carteras costosas, gafas de sol y joyera. De hecho, muchos de los diamantes usados por los ricos en la sociedad son imitaciones. Estos neoyorquinos ricos tienen miedo de usar sus diamantes en publico, las joyas podran ser arrebatadas y robadas. As que ellos usan zirconios, imitaciones baratas de las originales.
  God se Wonderwerk Berg ...  
Geliefde, dit is die duiwel se grootste beskuldiging teen God se mense. Ons moet nooit daarna luister nie. In plaas daarvan, moet ons op God se vaste Woord staan: “En Hy sal die smaad van sy volk van die hele aarde af wegneem” (Jesaja 25:8).
Then you hear this accusation: “It’s your fault. You planted the seeds of rebellion in him. It was you who hardened his heart.” Beloved, this is the devil’s foremost rebuke against God’s people. We are never to listen to it. Instead, we’re to stand on God’s sure Word to us: “The rebuke of his people shall he take away from off all the earth” (25:8).
  Stroom van Lewe | World...  
In plaas daarvan, het daar uit hulle innerlike ‘n bestendige stroom van vuil skinderpraatjies, skynheilige gevleiery, leuens en verdraaiings uitgekom. Hulle is nie lewe-gewers nie. Rondom hulle is net twis en bitterheid!
Instead, out of their bellies flows a stream of filthy gossip, insincere flatteries, lies and distortions. They are not life-givers. All about them are strife and bitterness! They wallow in self-pity, they continually complain and question authority. They are phonies, mired in dirt! They spread death to all they touch!
  Wie Sal Sy Dae Verleng?...  
Hierdie manne kon nie Jesus se stem hoor nie, selfs nie toe Hy by hulle in die vlees gestaan en prontuit met hulle gepraat het nie. In plaas daarvan sê die Skrif, “En dit was vir hulle bedek, sodat hulle dit nie sou begryp nie” (Lukas 9:45).
Here is proof positive that defiled ears can’t receive the deeper revelations of God’s Word. These men couldn’t hear Jesus’ voice, even as he stood before them in the flesh, speaking to them plainly. Instead, Scripture says, “It was hid from them, that they perceived it not” (9:45). I have to wonder: would the disciples’ experience at the Crucifixion have been different if they’d been able to hear Jesus? Would they still have run as they did? Or would they have reacted differently?
  Die Basuin Blaas Maar N...  
Hulle het nie die armes gehelp of uitgereik na die behoeftiges nie. In plaas daarvan, was hulle lofprysings vol vlees en suurdeeg. Amos het gewaarsku, “Soek dan die HERE...sodat Hy nie teen die huis van Josef uitbreek soos ‘n vuur wat verteer...nie” (Amos 5:6).
It was probably exciting to take part in the praise gatherings at Bethel. But those worshippers had no concern for the things of God. They didn't help the poor or reach out to the needy. Instead, their praises were full of flesh and leaven. Amos warned, "Seek the Lord...lest he break out like fire in the house of Joseph" (Amos 5:6). Likewise, let me offer this warning from the Lord: does your pastor not preach a sin-exposing word? Is there no godly reproof, no call to repentance, no warning to forsake sin? Then you're probably worshipping at a Bethel altar. And you're in great danger of being deceived.
  Lewe in die Volmaakte W...  
Paulus het baie van sy sendbriewe aan die gemeentes geskryf terwyl hy opgesluit was in ‘n beknopte tronksel, vasgebind, verafsku, afgesny van gelowiges en skynbaar van alle bediening. Tog het Paulus nooit daarvan gepraat dat hy ‘n gevangene van sy omstandighede was nie. In plaas daarvan, het hy homself ‘n “gevangene van Christus” genoem.
Paul wrote many of his epistles to the churches while locked up in a cramped prison cell, bound, despised, cut off from believers and seemingly from all ministry. Talk about painful life conditions. Yet Paul never spoke of being a prisoner of his circumstances. Instead, he called himself “a prisoner of Christ.”
  Die Vrees van die Here ...  
Huidiglik kom hierdie laaste-dag volk uit die hoerkerke, uit al die sensualiteit, bohaai en vermaak. Hulle stroom nie na byeenkomste om mens te sien wonderwerke verrig nie. In plaas daarvan, gaan hulle agter Dawid – Koning Jesus – hulle Here aan! Hulle het geen ander begeerte behalwe Hom nie.
Right now, this last-day people are coming out from the harlot churches, out from all the sensuality, hype and entertainment. They are not running to meetings to see men perform miracles. Instead, they are running after David — King Jesus — their Lord! They have no other desire but Him.
  Die Basuin Blaas Maar N...  
Dit het beteken die mense sou nie meer onder sy beskerming wees nie. In plaas daarvan, sou hulle oop wees vir groot misleiding. Hulle sou geen sekuriteit teen valse leerstellinge of valse aanbidding hê nie.
Now God was telling Amos he would cut off those awesome horns of protection. The Lord was going to sever the horns from the altar and cast them to the ground. This meant the people would no longer be under his protection. Instead, they would be open to great deception. They would have no security against false doctrines or false worship.
  Wagte van die Nag | Wor...  
Jesaja het die hele naderende oordeel en verwoesting gesien en hy het uitgeroep, “DAN MOET HY SKERP LUISTER” (Jesaja 21:7). Hy roep uit, “STAAN OP...SALF DIE SKILD” (Jesaja 21:5). Maar niemand luister nie! In plaas daarvan, “Hulle maak die tafel gereed, hulle sprei die tapyt, hulle eet, drink...” (Jesaja 21:5).
Isaiah saw all the coming judgment and destruction, and he cried out, "PAY CLOSE ATTENTION, VERY CLOSE ATTENTION" (Isaiah 21:7). He calls out, "RISE UP — OIL THE SHIELDS" (verse 5). But no one is listening! Instead, "They set the table, they spread out the cloth, they eat, they drink…" (Isaiah 21:5).
  God is 'n Beloner | Wor...  
So baie ken nie die oorwinning in Christus nie. Satan plaas vrees, eensaamheid, depressie of wellus op hulle net wanneer hy wil. Is dit egter waarvoor Christus gesterf het? Om kinders groot te maak wat onder die mag van die duiwel se wil is?
So many have not known victory in Christ. Satan places fear, loneliness, depression or lust upon them at any time he chooses. Yet is this what Christ died for? To raise up children who are under the power of the devil's will? Is this the Christian testimony to the world: "Give your heart to Jesus, but your will to the devil"? Never!
  Die Vreeslike Teenwoord...  
Jy sien, die Bybel sê vir ons dat dinge erger geword het vir Israel in plaas van beter (Exodus 5:6-14). Moses het verkondig, “God is met ons. Die antwoord is hier en binnekort sal julle groot oorwinning sien!”
You see, the Bible tells us that things got worse for Israel instead of better (Exodus 5:6-14). Moses was preaching, "God is with us. The answer is here, and soon you will see great victory!"
  Ken God | World Challenge  
1. Ek is skuldig daaraan om beperkinge te plaas op God se krag en beloftes.
1. I Have Been Guilty of Putting Limits on God's Power and Promises.
  Die God van Hoop | Worl...  
As jy jou vertroue in die mens plaas, kan jy verseker wees om skade te ly. Op een of ander stadium, sal iemand jou teleurstel.
If you put your trust in man you are guaranteed to get hurt. At some point, someone is going to let you down and deeply disappoint you.
  Die God van Hoop | Worl...  
Die Hebreeuse woord wat Jeremia hier gebruik vir “vloek” beteken “uiters laakbaar.” Met ander woorde, die mens wat God verlaat en in plaas daarvan op die mens steun, is vir Hom uiters laakbaar!
The Hebrew word Jeremiah uses for "curse" means "utterly detestable." In other words, the person who departs from God and leans instead on man is utterly detestable to Him!
  Die Josefgeselskap | Wo...  
Wanneer dit kom by ewige saligheid en Sy wonderlike verbondsbeloftes, behandel God almal eenders. Maar God reageer op almal wat heelhartig op Sy roeping reageer. Hy plaas Sy spesiale guns op diegene wat hulle lewens heeltemal aan Hom oorgee!
When it comes to eternal salvation and His wonderful covenant promises, God treats all alike. But God also responds to all who respond wholeheartedly to His calling. He puts His special favor on those who yield their lives to Him entirely!
  Die Vrees van die Here ...  
Jy sien, God gaan ‘n heilige oorblyfsel opwek wat nooit sal teruggaan na die wêreld nie. Hy sal in Sy kerk ‘n hart plaas wat Hom voortdurend soek, ‘n hart heeltemal op die Here gerig. Hy sal ons dring om slegs Hom lief te hê.
You see, God is going to wake up a holy remnant church that will never go back to the world. He will put in His church a heart that continually seeks Him, a heart wholly set on the Lord. He will stir us up to love only Him.
  Ware Geestelikheid Kan ...  
Die Heilige Gees het hom gewys wat die belangrikste is. Hy was ‘n ster atleet en kon enige van sy luste te enige tyd bevredig het. Maar in plaas daarvan, wou hy sy vrou terughê met huweliksprobleme en al.
Esto me convenci de la salvacin de ese hombre. El Espritu Santo le haba mostrado lo que era ms importante. l era un atleta estrella y pudo cumplir cualquier lujuria en cualquier momento. Pero, en vez de eso, l quera a su esposa con el, problemas maritales y todo.
  Wandel in die Gees | Wo...  
Nie een van hierdie gawes het geen nut hoegenaamd nie, as dit geskei word van die Heilige Gees se ewige doel. In plaas daarvan, word dit ‘n “klinkende simbaal.” Die werking van die geestelike gawes het slegs betekenis as dit ons verander na die gelykenis van Jesus Christus!
Everything He does aims in that direction — and although we may forget this, the Holy Spirit never does. Not one of these gifts has any meaning whatsoever if it is separated from the Holy Spirit's eternal purpose. Instead, it becomes only a "clanging cymbal." The operation of spiritual gifts have meaning only as they conform us to the likeness of Jesus Christ!
  Glo die Liefde van God ...  
3. God dring daarop aan dat ons ophou fokus op ons mislukkings en sondes, en in plaas daarvan, fokus op die rykdom wat aan ons gebied word in Christus!
3. God's Love Insists We Stop Focusing on Our Failures and Sins, and Instead Focus on the Riches Offered to Us in Christ!
3. Kasih Allah Menuntut Kita untuk Berhenti Terfokus Pada Kegagalan dan Dosa-Dosa Kita, Sebaliknya Fokus pada Kekayaan yang Ditawarkan kepada Kita dalam Kristus.
  God is 'n Beloner | Wor...  
In plaas daarvan om slegs jou eie troos te soek, probeer Jesus troos: “Die smaad breek my hart, en ek is verswak; ja, ek het gewag op medelye, maar verniet; en op vertroosters, maar het hulle nie gevind nie” (Psalm 69:21).
You can get back to a diligent, loving, arm-in-arm walk with Jesus. Instead of seeking only your own comfort, try comforting Jesus: "Reproach hath broken my heart; and I am full of heaviness: and looked for some to take pity, but there was none; and for comforters, but I found none" (Psalm 69:20).
  Die Vreeslike Teenwoord...  
Wanneer daardie aangewese tyd kom, wek God mense op en bring hulle in beroering, asof uit ‘n slaap. Hierdie beroering vind altyd plaas in die mens se donkerste uur, wanneer alles hopeloos lyk – ‘n tyd wanneer slegs ‘n soewereine werk van God ons kan red!
When that designated time comes, God awakens and stirs, as if from a sleep. This stirring always occurs in man's darkest hour, when everything seems hopeless — a time when only a sovereign work of God can save the day!
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