Betere afwerking: de verf vernevelt eenvoudiger, zonder strepen langs de zijkant van de spuitwaaier. U hebt meer controle over de dikte van de verf en het is eenvoudiger om te vermijden dat de verf uitloopt.
Better finish: the paint atomises easier without creating stripes on the side of the tip fan. You have better control of the layer thickness and it is easier to eliminate ‘runners’.
Meilleure finition : la peinture est plus facilement atomisée sans former de bandes latérales de part et d’autre du jet de pulvérisation. Vous exercez ainsi un meilleur contrôle de l’épaisseur de la couche et vous éliminez plus facilement les coulures.
Besseres Finish: Die Farbe zerstäubt einfacher und hinterlässt keine Streifen an der Seite des Spritzbildes der Düse. Sie haben eine bessere Kontrolle darüber, wie dick die Schicht wird, und herablaufende Farbtropfen sind einfacher zu vermeiden.
Mejor acabado: La pintura se atomiza más fácilmente sin crear franjas en el lateral del abanico de pulverización. De esta forma, el control del espesor de la capa mejora y resulta más sencillo evitar que la pintura se escurra.
Finitura migliore: La vernice atomizza più facilmente senza che vi siano strisce sul lato del ventaglio. È più semplice controllare lo spessore degli strati ed è più facile eliminare le "disomogeneità".
Better finish: the paint atomises easier without creating stripes on the side of the tip fan. You have better control of the layer thickness and it is easier to eliminate ‘runners’.
Better finish: the paint atomises easier without creating stripes on the side of the tip fan. You have better control of the layer thickness and it is easier to eliminate ‘runners’.
Better finish: the paint atomises easier without creating stripes on the side of the tip fan. You have better control of the layer thickness and it is easier to eliminate ‘runners’.
Better finish: the paint atomises easier without creating stripes on the side of the tip fan. You have better control of the layer thickness and it is easier to eliminate ‘runners’.
Better finish: the paint atomises easier without creating stripes on the side of the tip fan. You have better control of the layer thickness and it is easier to eliminate ‘runners’.
Better finish: the paint atomises easier without creating stripes on the side of the tip fan. You have better control of the layer thickness and it is easier to eliminate ‘runners’.
Better finish: the paint atomises easier without creating stripes on the side of the tip fan. You have better control of the layer thickness and it is easier to eliminate ‘runners’.
Lepsze wykończenie: farba lepiej się rozpyla, nie tworząc pasków po bokach strumienia. Masz lepszą kontrolę nad grubością warstwy i możesz łatwiej eliminować zacieki.
Better finish: the paint atomises easier without creating stripes on the side of the tip fan. You have better control of the layer thickness and it is easier to eliminate ‘runners’.
Better finish: the paint atomises easier without creating stripes on the side of the tip fan. You have better control of the layer thickness and it is easier to eliminate ‘runners’.
Better finish: the paint atomises easier without creating stripes on the side of the tip fan. You have better control of the layer thickness and it is easier to eliminate ‘runners’.
Better finish: the paint atomises easier without creating stripes on the side of the tip fan. You have better control of the layer thickness and it is easier to eliminate ‘runners’.
Better finish: the paint atomises easier without creating stripes on the side of the tip fan. You have better control of the layer thickness and it is easier to eliminate ‘runners’.
Better finish: the paint atomises easier without creating stripes on the side of the tip fan. You have better control of the layer thickness and it is easier to eliminate ‘runners’.