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Keybot      109 Results   55 Domains   Page 6  
Etant donné la lenteur avec laquelle progressait le système multilatéral, le Mexique continuait d'explorer la piste régionale afin de parvenir à une plus grande libéralisation. Parmi les nouvelles zones visées par cette coopération, l'intervenant a mentionné l'UE, Israël et l'APEC.
In reply, the representative of Mexico said that participation in the WTO, including the dispute settlement mechanism was fundamental to Mexico's trade policies. It was also a key element in how Mexico had addressed the financial crisis, having a positive effect on the expectation of the business and financial community and increasing confidence in Mexico's future. Mexico's relationship with the United States was intense and complex; NAFTA created a permanent legal basis for North American cooperation, that went beyond Uruguay Round commitments. Given the slow speed of improvements in the multilateral system, Mexico was continuing to explore the regional path as a means to greater liberalization. He mentioned the EU, Israel and APEC as new areas for such cooperation. However, Mexico supported the opening of a new round of multilateral negotiations that would lead to further bindings and liberalization.
El representante de México ha respondido que la participación en la OMC, inclusive en el mecanismo de solución de diferencias, es fundamental para las políticas comerciales de México. También ha sido un elemento clave para hacer frente a la crisis financiera, ha tenido efectos positivos en las expectativas de la comunidad empresarial y financiera y ha potenciado la confianza en el futuro de México. La relación de México con los Estados Unidos es intensa y compleja; el TLCAN ha creado una base jurídica permanente para la cooperación en América del Norte que va más lejos que los compromisos de la Ronda Uruguay. Teniendo en cuenta la lentitud de los progresos en el sistema multilateral, México continúa explorando el cauce regional para lograr una mayor liberalización. El representante de México se ha referido a la UE, Israel y el APEC como nuevos espacios para esa cooperación. No obstante, México ha apoyado la apertura de una nueva ronda de negociaciones multilaterales que propicie nuevas consolidaciones y una mayor liberalización.  
Dans des tests en laboratoire, le chercheur a été capable d'augmenter de 400 fois par rapport aux injections normales l'exposition à des médicaments dans les zones visées, et ce, avec moins d'effets secondaires.
Dr. Liu has developed a system that successfully targets lymph nodes in delivering chemotherapy drugs. Dubbed the Microparticulate Lymphatic Targeting System (MLTS), his innovation uses bioabsorbable particles that contain anti-cancer drugs and are specially designed to be taken by the lymphatic system. The particles are embedded in a special gelfoam that is meant to be implanted near lymph nodes, normally as part of regular cancer surgery. As the gelfoam dissolves, the particles are released and are then transported to the lymph nodes, where they release their drug payload. In laboratory tests, he has been able to increase the drug exposure in the desired areas to 400 times what can be achieved by regular injections, with fewer side effects. By transposing those results into a human cancer model, the system he has developed could reduce metastasis in lymph nodes by 80 percent.  
Cette section décrit la composition des groupes de discussion ainsi que les zones visées par chaque projet où l’on propose d’appliquer les principes de l’aménagement des terres (AIT). Ces régions présentent divers éléments (caractéristiques géographiques, écosystèmes, régimes en place) qui favorisent ce type de gestion.
This section describes the nature of the specific focus groups and details of the represented ILM projects. These Canadian projects have specific geographies, ecosystems and governing regimes that were considered conducive to ILM-type projects. Members with an active interest in these projects participated in the focus groups. These summaries describe the nature of the project, the members involved, and some of historical elements that shaped the need for ILM projects. The focus groups were divided into three categories: Inland Sea, Model Forest/National Park, and Aboriginal-Kaska.  
D'autres compagnies sont plus optimistes dans leur évaluation et fournissent les solutions semblables à HyperSound, une application que les aides équipent les écrans publics des capacités audio, y compris des zones visées pour l'acoustique de écoute.
Other companies are more optimistic in their evaluation and come up with solutions similar to HyperSound, an application that helps equip public displays with audio capabilities, including targeted zones for listening audio.
Andere Firmen sind in ihrer Auswertung optimistischer und kommen mit den Lösungen auf, die HyperSound, eine Anwendung ähnlich sind, dass Hilfen allgemeine Bildschirme mit Audiofähigkeiten ausrüsten, einschließlich gerichtete Zonen für hörendes Audio.
Otras compañías son más optimistas en su evaluación y suben con las soluciones similares a HyperSound, una aplicación que las ayudas equipan a pantallas públicas de capacidades audios, incluyendo las zonas apuntadas para el audio que escucha.
Outras companhias são mais otimistas em sua avaliação e vêm acima com as soluções similares a HyperSound, uma aplicação que as ajudas equipam telas públicas com as capacidades áudios, zonas alvejadas incluindo para escutar áudio.
Понимающие это компании типа BrightSign разрабатывают новые плееры, которые дополняют существующие видео плейлисты комбинированием звука, давая возможность с помощью удаленных команд включать фоновую музыку, подключать аудио файлы разных форматов, интегрировать музыку или текстовые вставки в существующие рекламные видео файлы.  
Elle définit aussi les droits et les obligations des Etats parties en ce qui concerne la navigation, les ressources biologiques et non biologiques, la conservation et la préservation du milieu marin, la recherche scientifique marine, dans l’ensemble des zones visées par la convention.
The convention also establishes an International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, an independent jurisdictional body based in Hamburg. The Tribunal’s function is to settle disputes that may arise from issues related to the interpretation and the application of UNCLOS. It can be seized by States parties to the Convention as well as other entities (States and international organisations which are not parties to the Convention as well as individuals and legal entities) whenever the Convention provides for such a case. In addition, the Tribunal can be seized if another agreement establishes the competence of the Tribunal.
El Convenio de las Naciones Unidas sobre el derecho del mar constituye un marco jurídico general en el cual debe inscribirse toda actividad relacionada con los mares y océanos. Define también los derechos y las obligaciones de los Estados Partes en cuanto a la navegación, los recursos biológicos y no biológicos, la conservación y la preservación del medio marino, la investigación científica marina, en conjunto de las zonas referidas por el convenio. Desde 1982, los Estados armonizaron sus legislaciones nacionales con las disposiciones del convenio.  
Elle définit aussi les droits et les obligations des Etats parties en ce qui concerne la navigation, les ressources biologiques et non biologiques, la conservation et la préservation du milieu marin, la recherche scientifique marine, dans l’ensemble des zones visées par la convention.
The convention also establishes an International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, an independent jurisdictional body based in Hamburg. The Tribunal’s function is to settle disputes that may arise from issues related to the interpretation and the application of UNCLOS. It can be seized by States parties to the Convention as well as other entities (States and international organisations which are not parties to the Convention as well as individuals and legal entities) whenever the Convention provides for such a case. In addition, the Tribunal can be seized if another agreement establishes the competence of the Tribunal.
El Convenio de las Naciones Unidas sobre el derecho del mar constituye un marco jurídico general en el cual debe inscribirse toda actividad relacionada con los mares y océanos. Define también los derechos y las obligaciones de los Estados Partes en cuanto a la navegación, los recursos biológicos y no biológicos, la conservación y la preservación del medio marino, la investigación científica marina, en conjunto de las zonas referidas por el convenio. Desde 1982, los Estados armonizaron sus legislaciones nacionales con las disposiciones del convenio.
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La libération : Les Forces canadiennes travaillent de concert avec leurs partenaires à la sécurité afghans et les forces américaines pour chasser les insurgés des zones visées, et pour y établir et y assurer la sécurité.
Construction was finished on seven new schools in Kandahar, for a total of a dozen completed since the project began in 2008, and work continued on 21 more. None of the Canadian-funded schools were among those that Afghan education authorities reported in mid-September were not holding classes because of physical damage, insurgent action or threats against students or staff. An example of such intimidation was the acid attack in November 2008 on a group of girls walking to school in Kandahar City. To counter such threats, Canada is now funding a year’s rental of five school buses, providing safety for schoolgirls and female teachers to attend classes. Canada also supports more than 3,000 community-based schools across the country, reaching in excess of 80,000 students, predominately girls.  
L’autre sous-programme concerne les demandes de développement de parcelles de terre publique se trouvant dans les zones visées par une licence relative à l’énergie hydraulique ou dans une réserve d’énergie hydraulique.
The Water Power Licensing program is responsible for two important sub-program areas with the most high profile of which pertains to the licensing (or re-licensing) of new and existing hydroelectric power stations and other structures related to water power generation. Currently there are 18 water power projects that have been licensed either at the Interim or Final stage. Some of these projects were first licensed over 50 years ago. The licensing process continues to react to evolving societal expectations regarding issues of stewardship of the resource and equity issues for both locally impacted residents and Manitobans as a whole.  
L’autre sous-programme concerne les demandes de développement de parcelles de terre publique se trouvant dans les zones visées par une licence relative à l’énergie hydraulique ou dans une réserve d’énergie hydraulique.
The Water Power Licensing program is responsible for two important sub-program areas with the most high profile of which pertains to the licensing (or re-licensing) of new and existing hydroelectric power stations and other structures related to water power generation. Currently there are 18 water power projects that have been licensed either at the Interim or Final stage. Some of these projects were first licensed over 50 years ago. The licensing process continues to react to evolving societal expectations regarding issues of stewardship of the resource and equity issues for both locally impacted residents and Manitobans as a whole.  
Situé à quelques centaines de mètres des zones visées par les bombardements, le Centre est opérationnel.
(Located administratively in Beirut’s southern suburbs and bordering the targeted square of the war taking place in the southern suburbs.)  
Indiquer et évaluer les distances de retrait à observer par rapport aux zones visées par le Règlement (eaux de surface, puits, etc.);
Calculate usable acres for prescribed material application as they are affected by application setbacks.  
« Ces pratiques ont des conséquences sur la politique étrangère des États-Unis. Les hauts dirigeants des services militaires et de renseignements, ainsi que les défenseurs des droits humains dans les zones visées, affirment que la multiplication des attaques de drones a conduit des familles qui en ont été victimes à se tourner vers des organisations terroristes et les civils à se retourner contre nous […] En tant que citoyens responsables, nous devons convaincre Washington de faire marche arrière et de suivre une ligne de conduite morale exemplaire, conformément aux principes internationaux de droits humains ».
Heynes afirmó que para algunos Estados «los asesinatos selectivos resultan profundamente atractivos. Otros Estados podrían usarlos en el futuro. […] Las prácticas selectivas actuales debilitan el estado de derecho». De ser ciertos los informes que indican que han tenido lugar ataques teledirigidos contra los socorristas que ayudan a los heridos tras un primer ataque, estos ataques subsiguientes constituyen crímenes de guerra.
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