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If in spite of this, his computer follows without being able to sail ( when HIMSELF THAT DID IT Before connecting to VPNUA ) pongase in contact with us through
Si pese a esto, su ordenador sigue sin poder navegar ( cuando SÍ QUE LO HACÍA ANTES de conectarse a VPNUA ) pongase en contacto con nosotros a través de
Si malgrat açò, el seu ordinador segueix sense poder navegar ( quan SI QUE HO FEIA ABANS de connectar-se a VPNUA ) pongase en contacte amb nosaltres a través de  
Recognizing one’s own physical appearance in the mirror in early childhood––according to structuralist psychology––gives rise to an imaginary self-image, it arouses a desire for an ideal totality and intactness of the ego that develops in the very moment one sees one’s own body in the mirror. Paul de Reus’ figures address the ideal image of desire, also central to the myth of Narcissus, for a complete identification of the ego with oneself and at the same time reflect that desire by means of alienating elements. It is not merely that his ensembles that work with reflections do not provide a realistic image of his figures––they also reveal the imaginary structure of the human self-image, and question this. His sculptures often have monstrous proportions entire parts of the body are missing, some consists only of fragments, others are caught in unnatural, grotesque situations and positions. The sometimes alarming realistic effects are caused, on the one hand, by the fact that the sculptures are life-sized and on the other hand by the use of various natural looking materials like hair or textiles and their coloring. […] Paul de Reus’ works do not have a reproducing function. They are neither portraits, nor dolls, nor robots, nor machines; they are creations that radiate their own individuality and suggest the intensity of their creator’s analysis of himself, his surroundings, his thoughts and his fantasies.
Das Wiedererkennen des eigenen körperlichen Erscheinungsbildes im Spiegel führt – nach den Erkenntnissen einer strukturalistisch orientierten Psychologie – in der frühen Kindheit zu einem imaginären Selbstbild, es erweckt den Wunsch nach der idealen Ganzheit und Unversehrtheit des „Ich“, das sich im Anblick des eigenen Körpers im Spiegel herausbildet. Dieses Idealbild des auch im Mythos Narziss angesprochenen Wunsches einer vollständigen Identifikation des „Ich“ mit sich selbst wird in den Figuren von Paul de Reus angesprochen und zugleich mittels verfremdeter Elemente gebrochen. Nicht nur, dass seine mit Spiegelungen arbeitenden Ensembles kein realistisches Abbild seiner Figuren wiedergeben – sie entlarven auch die imaginäre Struktur des menschlichen Selbstbildes und stellen es infrage. Seine Plastiken haben oft monströse Proportionen, ganze Körperteile fehlen, manche von ihnen bestehen nur aus Fragmenten, oder andere sind in unnatürlichen, grotesken Situationen und Positionen gefangen. Eine gelegentlich erschreckend realistische Wirkung gewinnen die Plastiken zum einen durch ihre Lebensgröße, zum anderen aber auch durch die Verwendung verschiedener natürlich wirkender Materialen wie Haar oder Textilien sowie durch ihre farbige Fassung. […] [Jedoch haben seine] Arbeiten keine abbildende Funktion. Sie sind weder Porträts noch Puppen noch Roboter oder Automaten, sondern Gestalten, die ihre eigene Individualität ausstrahlen und die eine intensive Auseinandersetzung ihres Schöpfers mit sich selbst, seiner Umwelt, seine Gedanken und Fantasien erahnen lassen. […]  
If the legal representative of the legal entity is him/herself the person who has committed the driving offence, s/he is obliged to designate him/herself. If s/he does not do this, his/her permit cannot have points deduced from it and the legal entity of which s/he is the legal representative will receive an Offence Notice for non-designation. When s/he has committed un offence him/herself, the legal representative must therefore transmit his/her name, date of birth and driving licence, in the same way as all the other drivers.
Si le représentant légal de la personne morale est lui-même la personne qui a commis l’infraction routière, il est dans l’obligation de se désigner. En effet, s’il ne le fait pas, son permis ne pourra pas faire l’objet d’un retrait de points et la personne morale dont il est le représentant légal recevra un avis de contravention pour non-désignation. Lorsqu’il a lui-même commis une infraction, le représentant légal doit donc obligatoirement transmettre son nom, sa date de naissance et son permis de conduire, au même titre que tous les autres conducteurs.
Wenn der gesetzliche Vertreter der juristischen Person selbst die Person ist, die den Verkehrsverstoss begangen hat, muss er sich selbst bezeichnen. Falls er es nicht tut, können keine Punkte von seinem Führerschein abgezogen werden, und die juristische Person, deren gesetzlicher Vertreter er ist, erhält einen Verstossbescheid für Nicht-Bezeichnung. Wenn der gesetzliche Vertreter selbst einen Verstoss begangen hat, muss er also unbedingt seinen Namen, sein Geburtsdatum und seinen Führerschein mitteilen, genau wie alle anderen Fahrer.
Se il rappresentante legale del soggetto giuridico é la stessa persona che ha commesso l'infrazione stradale, é nell'obbligo di designarsi. In effetti se non lo fa la sua patente non potrà fare l'oggetto di una decurtazione di punti e la persona giuridica di cui é il rappresentante legale riceverà un verbale di contravvenzione per mancata designazione. Se é lui stesso ad aver commesso l'infrazione, il rappresentante legale deve pertanto ed obbligatoriamente trasmettere il suo nome e cognome, data di nascita e patente, allo stesso titolo di qualsiasi altro conducente.
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As a part of our cultural co-operation, an exhibition concerning Tapio Wirkkala was opened today at the Castle of Fuzine. Tapio Wirkkala was an eminent Finnish designer whose work has contributed to the high international reputation of Finnish design. The natural environment of Lapland greatly influenced his work. Many of his most successful designs are still in production and, after so many years, still look very modern. The Chanterelle vase, which you, Mr President, received as a gift last year, is a good example of this. His other well-known glassware creations are the Iceberg vase and the Ultima Thule crystal collection. For many people, his best-known design may of course be the Finlandia vodka bottle.
Fuzinen linnassa avattiin tänään Tapio Wirkkala -näyttely, joka on osa maidemme välistä kulttuuriyhteistyötä. Tapio Wirkkala oli tunnettu suomalainen muotoilija, joka oli työllään luomassa suomalaisen muotoilun korkeaa kansainvälistä arvostusta. Lapin luonnon vaikutus tuntuu selvänä hänen tuotannossaan. Monet hänen suosituimmista malleistaan ovat edelleenkin tuotannossa ja vaikuttavat vuosien kuluttuakin edelleen hyvin moderneilta, hyvänä esimerkkinä Kantarelli-maljakko, jonka te, herra presidentti, saitte viime vuonna lahjaksi. Wirkkalalta tunnetaan hyvin myös Jäävuori-maljakko ja Ultima Thule -lasisto. Monille tutuin lienee luonnollisesti hänen Finlandia Vodka -pullonsa.
I slottet i Fuzine öppnades i dag en presentation av Tapio Wirkkalas design. Utställningen är ett led i det kulturella samarbetet mellan våra länder. Tapio Wirkkala var en framstående finsk formgivare som med sitt arbete bidragit till att ge den finska formgivningen högt internationellt anseende. Hans produktion är uppenbart inspirerad av den lappländska naturen. Många av hans mest populära modeller finns fortfarande i produktion och känns fortfarande efter alla dessa år mycket moderna. Ett bra exempel är vasen ”Kantarell”, som Ni, herr President, fick i gåva förra året. Wirkkala är också känd för vasen ”Isberg” och glasserien ”Ultima Thule”. För de flesta torde givetvis Finlandia Vodka-flaskan vara mest bekant.  
Still on course to win the two trophies that he targeted in this his first year with his new club, Didier has already picked up a winner’s medal, thanks to Chelsea’s victory over Liverpool in the League Cup.
Toujours en course pour décrocher les deux titres qu'il s'était fixé dès cette année avec son nouveau club, Didier a aussi ouvert son palmarès en remportant, fin février, la Coupe de la Ligue anglaise au terme d'une victoire à l'arraché face à Liverpool. Un succès auquel Drogs a largement prit part, inscrivant l'un des trois buts des Blues. La première ligne de son palmarès s'est enfin écrite mais l'éléphant ne veut pas en rester là. Au terme d'une saison où il gagne progressivement l'estime de ses coéquipiers ainsi que le respect des fans, Didier réussit son examen de passage en Premier League. Il s'offre au passage de superbes réalisations, comme un doublé au Parc des Princes lors de la phase de poule de la Ligue des Champions, dont un maître coup-franc, et il inscrira également deux buts lors du quart de finale face au Bayern Munich. Et malgré une élimination plus que litigieuse lors des demi-finales de cette compétition face à Liverpool, le futur vainqueur, les Blues réalisent le doublé en gagnant, pour la première fois depuis 50 ans, le titre de champion d'Angleterre. C'est un rêve qui devient réalité pour Didier, auteur de 10 buts en championnat, avec un doublé qui lui procure «énormément d'émotion !»  
Accompanying all this are previously unpublished original plans of the movie sets (up to the point that they can be reconstructed), as well as some introductory chapters that present – concisely but with good examples – a series of force lines determining Hitchcock’s general approach to architectural and urban space: his eminently visual sense (which takes priority even over the narrative), his penchant for enclosed spaces (and with this, his preference for filming in studios), his capacity to give symbolic and psychological meaning to everyday domestic objects, his keen interest in the modern city, and his constant injection, in his films, of all the tourist clichés (with special attention to monuments and urban landmarks).
Todo este esfuerzo de estudio y catalogación viene acompañado de planos originales e inéditos de los escenarios de las películas (hasta donde es posible reconstruirlos) y por una serie de capítulos introductorios en los que Jacobs establece de manera sumaria —pero con buenos ejemplos— una serie de líneas de fuerza que determinan la aproximación general de Hitchcock al espacio arquitectónico y urbano: el sentido eminentemente visual (por encima incluso de lo narrativo) del cine del maestro; su interés por los espacios acotados (y consecuentemente su preferencia por la filmación en estudio); su capacidad para dotar a los objetos domésticos de significados simbólicos y psicológicos; el interés de Hitchcock por la ciudad moderna, y la constante subversión que encontramos en su obra de todos los tópicos turísticos (con una especial atención hacia los monumentos e hitos urbanos).  
. When I told him this, his world fell apart. I blame myself for having providing that information too late. Naturally, we are quickly aware if anyone is extremely ambitious. Then it’s not such a good idea to speak up at once,” says Asle. One month after the boy had received the disappointing news, his mother rang the cardiologist and said the boy had now decided on a different career – another that would also place extreme demands on his body.
como una limitación. “Puede que no tengas problemas hasta los 17 ó 18 años pero, cuando llegas a un determinado nivel de competición, has de someterte a un examen médico que no habría superado. Un electrocardiograma puso de manifiesto su verdadera situación. Cuando se lo dije, se le cayó el mundo encima. Me culpé por no haberle dado esa información mucho antes. Naturalmente, si el paciente es muy ambicioso, lo percibimos de inmediato. En ese caso, no es buena idea decírselo todo al mismo tiempo”, aconseja Asle. Un mes después de que el chico recibiera la mala noticia, su madre llamó al cardiólogo para decirle que había decidido decantarse por otra profesión, una que también requería un esfuerzo físico extremo.  
Almar is the last lord of a place called La Cumbre, the mansion from which his family has dominated for centuries a valley of undefined boundaries. His blindness is real and symbolic time, and that sometimes prevents the desire to recognize and above all understand the reality. It is what is called a man of origins and destinations, always wandering times that seem to get away from this. His role in the novel, It is transcendent, hence you give name, It has the function of creating a fund to real time and allegorical, as it happens with mansion, surrounding forests or the valley, a background on passing the two main characters, the child loves and who cares.
Almar é o último senhor de um lugar chamado La Cumbre, a mansão de onde sua família tem dominado durante séculos um vale de limites indefinidos. Sua cegueira é em tempo real e simbólica, e que, por vezes, impede o desejo de reconhecer e, acima de tudo compreender a realidade. É o que se chama um homem de origens e destinos, sempre vagando vezes que parecem ficar longe deste. Seu papel na novela, É transcendente, daí você dá nome, Ele tem a função de criar um fundo de tempo real e alegórica, como acontece com mansão, circundante florestas ou o vale, um fundo em passar os dois personagens principais, a criança ama e quem se importa.  
Dr. Léger is the medical director of LASIK MD’s Edmonton, Calgary, and Vancouver clinics. Prior to this, his professional experience in refractive and cataract surgery includes work at Institut Laser Visuel in Québec City, and Laservue in Montréal. Dr. Léger was medical director at Lasik Vision’s Windsor, Ontario clinic—one of Canada’s busiest— and also worked at the company’s Vancouver and Burnaby clinics in British Columbia.
Au cours des trois dernières années, le Dr Léger a occupé le poste de directeur médical aux cliniques LASIK MD d’Edmonton, de Calgary et de Vancouver. Auparavant, il avait acquis une expérience professionnelle en chirurgie réfractive et de la cataracte à la clinique Institut Laser Visuel à Québec, ainsi qu’à Laservue à Montréal. Le Dr Léger a également été directeur médical à la clinique Lasik Vision de Windsor, en Ontario, l’une des plus grandes cliniques au Canada, ainsi qu’aux succursales de Vancouver et de Burnaby, en Colombie-Britannique.  
Starting about 1640, his figures become sculptural and three-dimensional and resemble painted sculptures. With this, his work is connected with the oeuvre of Annibale Carracci (1560-1690), or the Classicist branch of the Baroque. Quellinus travels to Italy, but learns about Roman Classicism via his brother and sculptor Artus Quellinus I, who spent some time in Rome.
Vanaf circa 1640 worden zijn figuren sculpturaal en driedimensionaal, en lijken op geschilderde beelden. Hiermee krijgt zijn werk aansluiting bij het oeuvre van Annibale Carracci (1560-1690), of de classicistische tak van de barok. Quellinus reist nooit naar Italië, maar leert het Romeinse classicisme via zijn broer en beeldhouwer Artus Quellinus I, die een tijd in Rome verblijft, kennen.
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What then was the relationship between Dr. Porteous and the hospital? Dr. Porteous, as has been noted already, was a highly skilled, trained anaesthetist—a specialist with several years experience in this his chosen line of work.
[TRADUCTION] Quelles étaient donc les relations entre le Dr Porteous et l’hôpital? Comme on l’a déjà signalé, le Dr Porteous était un anesthésiste d’une compétence et d’une formation supérieures; c’était un spécialiste qui avait plusieurs années d’expérience dans ce domaine, la branche de son choix. A ce titre, il faisait partie à plein temps du personnel hospitalier; c’est l’hôpital qui le payait et le chargeait d’assister de temps à autre les anesthésistes consultants dans les salles d’opération de l’hôpital. L’hôpital fournissait l’équipement et le patient était facturé pour l’usage de la salle d’opération; en d’autres termes, l’hôpital s’engageait à fournir au  
First is the need to fight widespread corruption. Making this his main priority, President Xi warned that corruption could lead to “the collapse of the Party and the downfall of the state.” New leaders usually vow to get rid of corruption, but few have succeeded.
Primeiro está a necessidade de combater a corrupção generalizada. Convertendo-a em sua principal prioridade, o Presidente Xi advertiu que a corrupção poderia levar “ao colapso do Partido e à queda do Estado”. Os novos líderes costumam prometer acabar com a corrupção mas poucos conseguiram. Se o Presidente Xi ganhar esta batalha, será uma grande conquista.  
Add to this his involvement as an athlete on a slew of champion baseball, hockey and track and field teams, his contributions as a speaker, teacher, organizer and administrator and his lasting influence on hundreds of young men and women over the course of their education at the Université de Moncton, and you have an exceptional builder of sports.
Il faut encore ajouter sa participation comme athlète à une poignée d’équipes championnes de baseball, de hockey et d’athlétisme; sa contribution en tant que conférencier, enseignant, organisateur et administrateur, ainsi que l’influence qu’il a exercée sur des centaines de jeunes hommes et de jeunes femmes au cours de leurs années de formation à son Université de Moncton ¬– et vous avez un bâtisseur de sport sans pareil.
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What then was the relationship between Dr. Porteous and the hospital? Dr. Porteous, as has been noted already, was a highly skilled, trained anaesthetist—a specialist with several years experience in this his chosen line of work.
[TRADUCTION] Quelles étaient donc les relations entre le Dr Porteous et l’hôpital? Comme on l’a déjà signalé, le Dr Porteous était un anesthésiste d’une compétence et d’une formation supérieures; c’était un spécialiste qui avait plusieurs années d’expérience dans ce domaine, la branche de son choix. A ce titre, il faisait partie à plein temps du personnel hospitalier; c’est l’hôpital qui le payait et le chargeait d’assister de temps à autre les anesthésistes consultants dans les salles d’opération de l’hôpital. L’hôpital fournissait l’équipement et le patient était facturé pour l’usage de la salle d’opération; en d’autres termes, l’hôpital s’engageait à fournir au
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For this master of speed, though, the most tantalizing goal is the visualization of electron behaviour using attosecond pulses. To achieve this, his group is finessing a unique computer code that could open the door to the attosecond analysis of electron behaviour in complex atoms and molecules, something that's been dubbed the Holy Grail of chemistry.
Pour ce maître de la vitesse, toutefois, le but le plus stimulant est la visualisation du comportement de l'électron à l'aide d'impulsions attosecondes. Pour atteindre ce but, son équipe est en train de mettre au point un code informatique unique qui pourrait ouvrir la voie à l'analyse attoseconde du comportement de l'électron dans des atomes ou des molécules complexes. Cet objectif est considéré comme le Saint-Graal de la chimie.  
, based on the Ngāti Porou tribe’s tradition of Paikea. According to the story, the ancestor Paikea was enticed on a fishing trip with others. During this, his jealous brother Ruatapu sank the canoe in an effort to drown them. However, Paikea called on the guardians of the sea to help him. A taniwha in the form of a whale was sent to take him to safety. He eventually landed at Aotearoa (New Zealand). A similar tradition, thought to be from the Waikato, is that of Waihuka who was also carried back to land on a whale, after being abandoned by his brother who left him to drown at sea.
ka hora ngā kōrero nei ki te ao. I tauiratia te kiriata i tō Ngāti Porou kōrero mō Paikea. Ka whai te kōrero nei ki te kawenga atu o Paikea me ōna tuākana ki te hī. I te putanga atu ki te moana uriuri, ka taupokina te waka e Ruatapu nā tōna kaha harawene. Toremi katoa rātou. Ko Paikea te mōrehu i ora ai i ōna kauhau ki ngā ariki o te moana hei āwhina i a ia. Ko te whakautu ko te tohorā hei kawe i a ia ki uta, ā, ki Aotearoa nei. Arā anō tētahi kōrero nō Waikato e ōrite ana ki tēnei. Ko Waihuka i whakarerea e tōna tungāne kia toremi ki waho ki te moana.  
Like this, his goal is to learn and catalyse new experiences in the way that best suits him at each moment: “Sometimes in a more gastronomic or gourmet fashion”, he states. That is why he tries to use local produce wherever he goes and make it part of his cooking because, above all, what concerns him is the diner and not rankings: “The only religion when it comes to eating is the customer. The consumer is the best star”.
Su meta es así aprender y catalizar las nuevas experiencias como más le conviene a cada momento, “a veces de una manera más gastronómica o gourmet”, según declara. Por eso, trata de emplear los productos locales allá donde va y de incorporarlos a su cocina. Ya que, ante todo, le preocupa el comensal y no los ránkings: “La única religión en el consumo es el cliente. El consumidor es la mejor estrella”.  
He will be an Irishman, and an EU citizen, never a refugee again. He says he wants to make this his home, as the UK didn’t want him but Ireland did. He loves the rain because it makes Ireland green. He will go to school and to university if he wants.
Il va être un Irlandais et un citoyen de l’Union Européenne, il ne sera plus jamais un réfugié. Il dit qu’il veut faire de l’Irlande sa maison, car le Royaume-Uni ne voulait pas lui, contrairement à l’Irlande. Il aime la pluie, parce qu’elle rend l’Irlande verte. Il va aller à l’école et à l’université s’il le veut. Il a une famille maintenant et il fait partie de ma famille maintenant.
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Completing the programme is Bruckner’s Ninth Symphony. Unfinished at his death, Bruckner dedicated this, his final symphony to God. It is one of his darkest and most gripping works, full of emotional power and thunderous energy.
Nawfed Symffoni Bruckner sy’n cwblhau’r rhaglen. Heb eto ei gorffen pan fu farw, cyflwynodd Bruckner hon, ei symffoni olaf, i Dduw. Mae’n un o’i weithiau tywyllaf a mwyaf gafaelgar, yn llawn grym teimladol ac egni taranol.
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The Canadian photographer Benoit Paillé, as he explains, "focuses on questioning the limits imposed by humanity." His profoundly powerful portraits of strangers are proof of this. His
El fotógrafo canadiense Benoit Paillé, como él mismo explica, "se centra en cuestionar los límites impuestos por la humanidad." Sus retratos profundamente poderosos de desconocidos son prueba de ello. Su
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On this, his first album, John Carty presents banjo lovers all over the world with a long-awaited treasure. Accompanied by the lively, distinctive piano-vamping of Brian McGrath, this album must surely be one of the highlights of recent traditional music releases.
Ceol den scoth atá ar chéad albam seo John Carty, bainseó, le tionlacan ar an phianó ó Bhrian McGrath. Ba rófhada ar fad móidíní bainseó ar fud na cruinne ag fanacht ar albam mar seo..ach is maith an t-anlann an t-ocras.
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You should inform Mr. Petit this his is not a true point of order.
Vous devez dire à M. Petit que son rappel au Règlement n'en est pas un.  
God wants us to rely on His love. Love is the principle He constantly acts from, and from this He never swerves. When He frowns with His brow, rebukes with His lips, or strikes with His hand, even in all this, His heart burns with love and all His thoughts toward us are of peace and goodness.
God wil hê dat ons op Sy liefde moet staatmaak. Liefde is die prinsiep waarvandaan Hy gereeld optree en waarvan Hy nooit afwyk nie. Wanneer Hy met Sy wenkbrou frons, met sy lippe bestraf, of met Sy hand slaan, selfs deur dit alles, brand Sy hart met liefde en al sy gedagtes rakende ons is van vrede en goedheid.  
Thomas Turine, creates in this his fourth musical composition for the company, a sound environment composed of abrasiveness and passion, of ominous or more insouciant layers, within which the skaters’ movements glide.
Thomas Turine, dont c'est la quatrième composition musicale pour la Compagnie, crée ici un environnement sonore fait d’aspérités et d’emportements, de nappes menaçantes ou plus insouciantes, dans lesquelles se glissent les mouvements des patineurs.  
Carlo knows all about this. His family has lived in Castelnuovo since when Ferdinando III was Grand Duke of Tuscany and he knows – and loves – this land in its every cleft.
Te lo dice Carlo, la cui famiglia vive a Castelnuovo fin dai tempi del Granduca di Toscana Ferdinando III e questo territorio conosce in ogni suo anfratto e lo ama.
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"The president was clear that he considered this his responsibility, and this was the appropriate time to do it," Rossello said.
"El presidente fue claro al señalar que consideraba esto como su responsabilidad, y que ahora es el momento apropiado para hacerlo", explicó Rosselló.  
If you ask a developer how to fix this, his answer will most likely be “just fork a thread”. And that does make sense! So our webserver becomes:
Si vous demandez à un développeur comment fixer cela, sa réponse sera très probablement “il suffit de détacher un thread”. Et cela fait tout à fait sens. Notre serveur devient :  
Maori warriors used to have their face entirely tattooed. Mike Tyson affirm by this his fighting spirit. He commented that his tattoo was "not even half done".
Les guerriers maori étaient reconnaissable à leur visage entièrement tatoué. Mike Tyson affirme ainsi son esprit de combattant. Il a déclaré que le tatouage n'était pas terminé, "même pas à moitié".
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"Retail therapy just got better! Shopping centres are fast becoming the apple of architecture's eye, with retail spaces the new blank canvas for fabulous design. Phillip Jodidio, the master of architectural books himself, delves into the most elaborate and quirky of commercial centres, and everything in between, in this, his latest homage to the unlimited possibilities of architecture... Retail architecture has emerged as one of the most exciting new areas of contemporary creativity, with world-renowned and respected architects hustling to grab a piece of the architectural pie... The calibre of the retail spaces themselves are not to be outdone, with Chanel, Hugo Boss, Fendi and others undergoing a magnificent makeover. Shops of all sizes in all their spectacular glory are splashed across 416 pages, making this book essential for both the shopaholic and the architecture buff combined."— Specifier Magazine, Sydney, Australia
"Retail therapy just got better! Shopping centres are fast becoming the apple of architecture's eye, with retail spaces the new blank canvas for fabulous design. Phillip Jodidio, the master of architectural books himself, delves into the most elaborate and quirky of commercial centres, and everything in between, in this, his latest homage to the unlimited possibilities of architecture... Retail architecture has emerged as one of the most exciting new areas of contemporary creativity, with world-renowned and respected architects hustling to grab a piece of the architectural pie... The calibre of the retail spaces themselves are not to be outdone, with Chanel, Hugo Boss, Fendi and others undergoing a magnificent makeover. Shops of all sizes in all their spectacular glory are splashed across 416 pages, making this book essential for both the shopaholic and the architecture buff combined."— Specifier Magazine, Sydney, Australie
"Retail therapy just got better! Shopping centres are fast becoming the apple of architecture's eye, with retail spaces the new blank canvas for fabulous design. Phillip Jodidio, the master of architectural books himself, delves into the most elaborate and quirky of commercial centres, and everything in between, in this, his latest homage to the unlimited possibilities of architecture... Retail architecture has emerged as one of the most exciting new areas of contemporary creativity, with world-renowned and respected architects hustling to grab a piece of the architectural pie... The calibre of the retail spaces themselves are not to be outdone, with Chanel, Hugo Boss, Fendi and others undergoing a magnificent makeover. Shops of all sizes in all their spectacular glory are splashed across 416 pages, making this book essential for both the shopaholic and the architecture buff combined."— Specifier Magazine, Sydney, Australien
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At a rather young age, Thévenet comes into contact with Oleffe, a very important painter in the then Brussels scene who had a strong influence on the so-called Brussels Fauves, which included, among others, Rik Wouters. Thévenet becomes very good friends with Oleffe. In 1896 he moves with him to Nieuwpoort where they will both live for some time. He paints his first paintings in 1900, the Church of Nieuwpoort and Oleffe’s interior. In 1905, he moves back to Brussels. In 1906 he meets François Van Haelen, one of Belgium’s then most famous collectors who will from then on continue to support him. In 1906 he marries Emma Tevens, who will also manage his accounts, giving us a clear view of Thévenets sales from 1908 onward. He enjoys great success until 1914, his work sells well, and he takes part in all the major exhibitions and exhibits at the famous Brussels Gallery Georges Giroux. Even Queen Elizabeth buys one of his canvases. The interest in his work, however, was largely inspired by the beautiful and seductive aspect of his petty-bourgeois interiors and the air of naivety that pervaded his canvases. Thévenet felt greatly misunderstood because of this. His alcohol abuse and his reticence made him quite unpopular, and he was almost shunned by everyone from 1914 onward, except for René Lyr, who later in 1945 wrote a wonderful biography about him titled ‘Mon ami Louis Thévenet’. Thévenet died on August 16, 1930 at 56 years of age, lonely and withdrawn.
Op vrij jonge leeftijd komt Thévenet in contact met Oleffe, een zeer belangrijke schilder in het toenmalige Brusselse die een sterke invloed uitoefende op de zogenaamde Brusselse Fauvisten met onder andere Rik Wouters. Thévenet wordt zeer goed bevriend met Oleffe en verhuist vanaf 1896 voor een tijd met hem naar Nieuwpoort. Zijn eerste doek schilderde hij in 1900, de kerk van Nieuwpoort en het interieur van Oleffe. Vanaf 1905 verhuist hij terug naar Brussel. In 1906 ontmoette hij François Van Haelen, één van België’s bekendste toenmalige collectioneurs, die hem vanaf dan is blijven steunen. Ook in 1906 huwde hij Emma Tevens, die zijn boekhouding bijhield, waardoor we een degelijk zicht hebben op Thévenets verkoop vanaf 1908. Tot 1914 heeft hij groot succes, hij verkoopt goed, neemt deel aan alle belangrijke tentoonstellingen en exposeert bij de bekende Brusselse Galerij Georges Giroux. Zelfs koningin Elisabeth koopt een doek. De interesse voor zijn werk werd echter eerder ingegeven vanwege het mooie en verleidelijke aspect van zijn kleinburgerlijke interieurs en de naïviteit die zijn doeken uitstraalden. Thévenet voelde zich hierdoor sterk misbegrepen. Zijn drankmisbruik en zijn geslotenheid maakte hem niet geliefd, en hij werd bijna door iedereen geweerd vanaf 1914, behalve door Rene Lyr, die later in 1945 een prachtige biografie over hem schrijft met de titel ‘Mon ami Louis Thévenet’. Thévenet sterft op 16 augustus 1930 op 56jarige leeftijd, vereenzaamd en teruggetrokken.
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