gon – -Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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  61 Hits www.casabeethoven.com  
Betcha Gon Know
Babys, Children Grow
  3 Hits marcoscebrian.com  
A team of skilled volunteers worked continuously during the competitions. Mr. Kim Chang Gon (Korea), member of the Refereeing Commission of FIE managed all the referees, appointed by their delegation, along with 3 neutral referees from Germany, Kuwait and Hong Kong.
Une équipe de bénévoles compétents a œuvré en permanence durant les compétitions. Monsieur Kim Chang Gon (Corée), membre de la commission d'arbitrage de la FIE a managé l'ensemble des arbitres, désignés par leur délégation, complété par 3 arbitres neutres venant d'Allemagne, du Koweït et de Hong Kong. Trois personnes, dont 2 femmes, nommées par la Confédération Asiatique d'Escrime, composaient le Directoire Technique,
Through the institutional support project, financed by the 10th EDF (EUR 3 million) the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation’s support unit (the Gabinete do Ordenador Nacional or GON), as well as line ministries, will be supported to perform the functions and responsibilities assigned to the NAO.
Através do projecto de apoio institucional, financiado pelo 10º FED (EUR 3 milhões), a unidade de apoio do Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros e Cooperação (o Gabinete do Ordenador Nacional, ou GON), bem como os ministérios sectoriais, receberão apoio para executar as funções e responsabilidades atribuídas ao Ordenador Nacional.
The programme will be completed by sessions from Dj Fra, Dj Coco, Dj Kosmos, Graham and Daniel Gon, who will be behind the decks at Nitsa club to accompany the festival audience into the early hours.
La programación se completará con las sesiones de Dj Fra, Dj Coco, Dj Kosmos, Graham y Daniel Gon, quienes se pondrán a los platos de Nitsa Club para acompañar al público del festival hasta bien entrada la madrugada.
La programació es completarà amb les sessions de Dj Fra, Dj Coco, Dj Kosmos, Graham i Daniel Gon, que es posaran als plats de Nitsa Club per acompanyar al públic del festival fins ben entrada la matinada.
Fish Factory: This dive site was called "fish factory". A more suitable name would be "the fish have gon e to factory" because there were almost no fish here. The current was very strong here. It was like riding on a train and looking out the window.
Fish Factory: Tauchplatz "Fish Factory" sollte eher "The fish have gone to factory" heissen. Hier hatte es kaum Fisch. Die Strömung war so stark, dass das Riff im Eiltempo an einem vorbei zog. TG 404: Fish Factory, Fidschi. Nikon D200, 1/125 s, F/4.5, 10.5 mm, ISO 100, Dienstag, 10. August 2010 00:30:10
Location | Cozy duplex to buy in a neighbourhood of Incles, Canillo. A short distance away is the El Tarter gon...
Localisation | Duplex confortable à acheter dans un quartier résidentiel d'Incles, à Canillo. A courte distance...
Standort | Cozy Duplex, in einer Umgebung von Incles Canillo zu kaufen. Nicht weit davon entfernt ist das El Ta...
Localização | duplex Cozy para comprar em um bairro de Incles Canillo. A uma curta distância é a gôndola El Tar...
Locatie | Gezellige duplex te kopen in een buurt van Incles Canillo. Op korte afstand is de El Tarter gondel na...
Ubicació | Acollidor dúplex per comprar en una urbanització d'Incles, a Canillo. A poca distància es troba el t...
定位|温馨复式在Incles卡尼略的附近买。不远处是埃尔塔特缆车到Granvalira域和萨尔瓦多更酸的中心,所有必要的服务的滑雪场。 说明|这个漂亮的公寓有62平方米分为2层,分布如下: 1楼:是的壁炉和访问的客厅是...
  6 Hits www.lookban.com  
2012-02-04 NB Sai Gon - Hoang Anh Gia Lai - Vietnam V-League
2012-02-04 NB Sai Gon — Hoang Anh Gia Lai - Вьетнам V-Лига
2012-02-04 NB Sai Gon - Hoang Anh Gia Lai - เวียดนาม วี-ลีก
  16 Hits evkk.tlu.ee  
Gon TV preview
Preview Gon TV
  12 Hits www.tjf.or.jp  
The Trial Chamber was composed of Judge O-Gon Kwon, Presiding Judge, Judge Howard Morrison, Judge Melville Baird and Judge Flavia Lattanzi, Reserve Judge.
La Chambre de première instance était composée des Juges O-Gon Kwon, Président de la Chambre, Howard Morrison, Melville Baird et Flavia Lattanzi, juge de réserve.
  2 Hits mokachocolat.ca  
AN EVENING OF BONS RECORDS #3: Marcel Vogel + Pau Roca & Gon
VESPRE DE BONS RECORDS #3: Marcel Vogel + Pau Roca & Gon
Portrait of the Indian chief, "Say-say-gon" (Hailstorm)
Portrait de chef indien, "Say-say-gon" (Orage de grêle)
  3 Hits www.3isp-jv.com  
Table Gon
Mesa Gon
Taula Gon
circle angle centesimal degree gon sexagesimal degree ° centesimal minute cg sexagesimal minute ' radiant rad centesimal second cc sexagesimal second "
angle cercle degré centésimal gon degré sexagésimal ° minute centésimal cg minute sexagésimal ' radiant rad seconde centésimal cc seconde sexagésimal "
ángulo circular grado centesimal gon grado sessagesimal ° minuto centesimal cg minuto sessagesimal ' radiante rad segundo centesimal cc segundo sessagesimal "
Equilateral Triangle, Square, Pentagon, Hexagon, Heptagon, Octagon, Nonagon, Decagon, Hendecagon, Dodecagon, Hexadecagon, N-gon, Polygon Ring
Gleichseitiges Dreieck, Quadrat, Fünfeck, Sechseck, Siebeneck, Achteck, Neuneck, Zehneck, Elfeck, Zwölfeck, Sechzehneck, Vieleck, Vieleckring
  8 Hits www.tobook.com  
劇場版 HUNTER×HUNTER 緋色の幻影(ファントム・ルージュ) (2012) -- ゴン=フリークス
Intregrated Clinometer to define the exact installation position of the gearbox for both axes in degree or gon
Neigungssensor zur Bestimmung der exakten Einbaulage des Getriebes für beide Achsen in Grad oder Gon
  2 Hits www.feralinteractive.com  
Qui-Gon Jinn Unknown Human Male Jedi
Qui-Gon Jinn Unknown Mensch männlich Jedi
  17 Hits www.wu.ac.at  
Nu­bi­gon / Win­tersemester 2016/2017
Nubigon / Winter­se­mester 2016/2017
-Sai Gon Entrepreneur-
-Theo Doanh nhân Sai Gon-
The Police Commission er of Wassenaar requested that Heintje Lena Spanjar, living in Wassenaar, be located, detained and brought to trial. She was suspected of having changed her place of residence without the required authorization. This description referred to Jews who had gon…
De commissaris van politie te Wassenaar verzocht opsporing, aanhouding en voorgeleiding van Heintje Lena Spanjar, wonende in Wassenaar. Zij werd ervan verdacht van woonplaats te zijn veranderd zonder de daartoe vereiste vergunning te hebben. Met deze omschrijving werden jo…
In the ninth century, during the Tang Dynasty, there was an excellent Zen master named Zhaozhou (Joshu, in Japanese). One day a monk named Yanyang (Gon’yo, in Japanese) asked him, “I have come with nothing. What do I do in such a case?”
Au IXe siècle, pendant la dynastie des Tang, vivait un excellent maître zen nommé Zhaozhou (Joshu en japonais). Un jour, un moine nommé Yanyang (Gon’yo en japonais) lui demanda : « Je suis venu sans rien. Que dois-je faire dans ce cas ? »
Im 9. Jahrhundert, zur Zeit der Tang-Dynastie, lebte in China ein vortrefflicher Zen-Meister namens Zhaozhou (japanisch: Joshu). Eines Tages fragte ihn ein Mönch namens Yanyang (japanisch: Gon’yo): “Ich bin mit nichts gekommen. Was soll ich in diesem Fall machen?”
En el Siglo IX, durante la Dinastía Tang, existió un excelente maestro Zen llamado Zhaozhou (Joshu en japonés). Un día, un monje de nombre Yanyang (Gon’yo en japonés) le preguntó: “He venido sin nada.¿ Qué debo hacer?”.
Nel IX secolo, durante l’epoca Tang, visse uno straordinario maestro zen di nome Zhaozhou (Joshu in giapponese). Un giorno un monaco che si chiamava Yanyang (Gon’yo in giapponese) gli chiese: “Sono venuto senza niente. Cosa devo fare in questo caso?”.
Roland Patzleiner: This trip was organized by Mr. Yanc Gon Pietro Kim who came several times to the Youth Festival. He abandoned his career as a pop singer in order to carry to young people throughout Korea the testimony about Medjugorje through music.
Roland Patzleiner: Putovanje je organizirao G. Yanc Gon Pietro Kim koji je nekoliko puta dolazio na Festival mladih. On je napustio svoju karijeru pop pjevača da bi u Koreji kroz glazbu mladima nosio svjedočanstvo o Međugorju. Zajedno s Don Paulom Pak-om, korejskim svećenikom, on redovito organizira molitvene susrete po južnokorejskim župama. Ovaj puta pozvali su i nas iz Međugorja, da bismo svjedočili o promjeni naših života putem molitve. Svjedočili smo svojom nazočnošću, molitvom, glazbom, misom i klanjanjem.
Roland Patzleiner: Cestu organizoval G. Yanc Gon Pietro Kim, který již několikrát byl na Festivalu mládeže. On opustil svoji kariéru zpěváka populární hudby, aby mladým lidem v Korey přinášel svědectví o Medžugorji. Společně s P. Paulem Pakem, korejským knězem, pravidelně organizuje modlitební setkání v jihokorejských farnostech. Tentokrát pozvali i nás z Medžugorje, abychom vydávali svědectví o proměně našeho života prostřednictvím modlitby. Podávali jsme svědectví svojí přítomností, modlitbou, hudbou, mší svatou a klaněním.
Courtesy call of H.E. Mr Jang Yun Gon
Audience avec S. Exc. M. Jang Yun Gon
Wise Minneapolis Gon
  11 Hits unit-converter.org  
1.1111 gon
1,1111 gon
  7 Hits csj.jp  
Chair: GON, Masayuki (09:00-10:00)
座長 権 正行(09:00~10:00)
  37 Hits www.mithuntraining.com  
Trial Chamber Chairman O-Gon Kwon declined the Defence’s request.
O-Gon Kwon, predsjedavajući Sudskog vijeća, odbio je zahtjev Odbrane.
  10 Hits oriolaleu.com  
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