zones rocheuses – English Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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Découvrez ainsi le côté traditionnel de la ville d’Echternach – ses grandes forêts, ses zones rocheuses et ses ruisseaux clairs – ou la pittoresque « Petite Suisse » dont les façades rocheuses massives en pierre de taille font la joie des amateurs d’escalade.
The Müllerthal Trail (video) is the perfect spot for nature lovers and trekkers. There are three tours available, varying from around 30 to 40km. They give you an insight into Luxembourg’s different landscapes. Discover traditional Echternach – large forests, rocky areas and clear creeks. Or the picturesque “Little Switzerland” with its massive freestone rock faces perfect for climbing.  
En fait, 80% de son territoire a été classé Espace Naturel Protégé. Son importance en tant que site naturel est due à la grande quantité de malachite ou vert de montagne disséminée dans la zone, en particulier dans les zones rocheuses et les plus difficiles d’accès.
However, in spite of the name, Valleseco is a humid area once forming part of the great forest of laurisilva that covered the municipality at one time, as well as those of Teror, Firgas, Moya and parts of some other areas too.  
Habitat : Gravières des toundras de fjeld, zones rocheuses escarpées, rocailles, landes, rocailles et rives sablonneuses des ruisseaux de la ceinture forestière.
Habitat: Fell tundra gravels, crags, rocky outcrops, moors, rocky outcrops and sandbanks along stream margins in the forest belt.
  11 Hits  
On retrouve cette espèce au large dans les eaux froides et profondes, habituellement à des températures inférieures à 5oC et à des profondeurs variant entre 50 et 800 m, mais aussi dans des eaux aussi peu profondes que 25 m (populations de l'Arctique canadien). Elle préfère un fond de gros sable et de sable/coquillage avec zones rocheuses situées tout près où s'abriter et construire son nid.
This species is found offshore in cold, deep water, usually below 5oC and between 50 and 800 m in depth but as shallow as 25 m (Canadian arctic populations). They prefer a coarse sand and sand/shell hash bottom with rocky areas nearby for shelter and nest building. Spawning occurs in summer to late fall/early winter. As many as 54,600 large eggs (up to 6 mm in diameter) are laid in deep water in clusters on the sea floor and are guarded primarily by males. Growth rate is slower for this species than for the Atlantic and Northern Wolffish (Barents Sea). Fish become mature at seven years of age or older and can live to 21 years. The species does not form large schools and migrations are local and limited.  
Éviter de se lancer dans des zones rocheuses ou des zones desquelles on ne connaisse pas la profondeur.
Do not jump into the water in rocky areas or areas where you do not know the depth.  
On le retrouve également en Angola et dans les plaines et les zones rocheuses.
It is also found in Angola and in the plains and rocky areas.
  3 Hits  
Postez-vous sur le terrain de pique-nique des Hangars, immédiatement à l'est du Centre de renseignements du col Rogers, et cherchez à repérer leurs silhouettes d'un blanc jaunâtre, près des zones rocheuses.
Goats may be seen all year above the highway snowsheds on the eastern side of Rogers Pass. From the Tractor Sheds picnic area just east of the Rogers Pass Information Centre, look for off-white forms near rocky areas. (Binoculars are recommended). Many visitors to the parks mistake our mountain goats for sheep. Bighorn sheep are brown and white and are not found in these mountains because there is no suitable winter range.  
Les résultats sont très encourageants sur les deux zones : Yves Bühler a pu déterminer très précisément les hauteurs de neige sur les prés et zones rocheuses. Les données ont été également satisfaisantes sur les endroits où poussent des buissons ou des herbes hautes.
Where is the snow and how much? To what degree do snow depths vary through the course of the winter? Whoever needs to answer such questions is dependent on data from the automated weather stations. Snow depths in the regions extending between stations are simply extrapolated by applying mathematical formulas, albeit with correspondingly wide margins of error and imprecision, since snowpack depths in fact vary greatly, including over the smallest areas.  
La centre d'abondance est à la côte du Colombie-Britannique. On la trouve au fond, avec la plupart des individus occupant des zones rocheuses aux profondeurs de 10 à 100 m. Les études d'étiquetage ont révélé que la morue-lingue est une espèce surtout sédentaire, et la colonisation et le recrutement se produisent seulement dans les secteurs localisés.
) are unique to the west coast of North America, with the centre of abundance off the coast of British Columbia. They are found on the bottom with most individuals occupying rocky areas at depths of 10-100 m. Tagging studies have shown that lingcod are a largely non-migratory species, with colonization and recruitment occurring in localized areas only.  
La Sicile a de magnifiques mers telles aue les plages de Sampieri, Marina di Modica, Marina di Ragusa, les réserves Vendicari, Marzamemi et Kamarina, à seulement quelques kilomètres de la Casa Talía. En voiture, vous pouvez rejoindre les services de plage et choisir le sable ou les zones rocheuses.
Sicily has wonderful seashores such as the beaches of Sampieri, Marina di Modica, Marina di Ragusa, the Reserve Vendicari, Marzamemi and Kamarina, just a few km away from Casa Talía. By car you can reach shore beach services and choose sand or rocky areas.
  2 Hits  
Le manteau neigeux glisse intégralement sur le sol, le plus souvent sur des surfaces lisses (pentes herbeuses ou zones rocheuses de faible rugosité). Les périodes d’activité importante correspondent à des manteaux neigeux épais et assez homogènes, secs ou humides.
The entire snowpack is gliding on the ground, typically on smooth ground such as grassy slopes or smooth rock zones. High activity of glide‐snow avalanches are typically related to a thick snowpack with no or only few layers. Glide snow avalanches can occur both with a cold dry snowpack and with a warm wet snowpack. The release of a glide‐snow avalanche is difficult to predict, although glide cracks open usually before a release.  
Situé à trois kilomètres au nord du terrain de camping sur la route 144, ce sentier offre des panoramas spectaculaires. Le sentier franchit de nombreuse zones rocheuses en direction du lac Antrim.
Three km north of the campground on Highway 144, this trail offers breathtaking vistas. The trail climbs up and over many rocky areas towards Antrim Lake.  
La carte morpho-bathymétrique montre le relief sous-marin particulièrement accidenté. La carte des formations superficielles informe sur la nature des fonds, l'importance des zones rocheuses et la présence de figures sédimentaires, engendrées par les houles spécifiques à cette côte.
Geological surveying of the coastal marine area of the Basque country (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) by Ifremer in collaboration with the University Bordeaux I, provided accurate information about the bottom nature and morphology. The results are presented in four, 1:20 000 colour maps, along with instructions. Two maps provide an assembly of the original images of the bottom taken during three oceanographic cruises. The morphobathymetric maps show a particularly uneven underwater relief. The surface deposit maps gives information about the nature of the bottoms, the size of rocky areas and the presence of sedimentary figures, created by the waves which are specific to this coast. These documents provide useful information for maritime activities, professional or leisure, practiced in this sector.
  10 Hits  
On retrouve cette espèce au large dans les eaux froides et profondes, habituellement à des températures inférieures à 5oC et à des profondeurs variant entre 50 et 800 m, mais aussi dans des eaux aussi peu profondes que 25 m (populations de l'Arctique canadien). Elle préfère un fond de gros sable et de sable/coquillage avec zones rocheuses situées tout près où s'abriter et construire son nid.
This species is found offshore in cold, deep water, usually below 5oC and between 50 and 800 m in depth but as shallow as 25 m (Canadian arctic populations). They prefer a coarse sand and sand/shell hash bottom with rocky areas nearby for shelter and nest building. Spawning occurs in summer to late fall/early winter. As many as 54,600 large eggs (up to 6 mm in diameter) are laid in deep water in clusters on the sea floor and are guarded primarily by males. Growth rate is slower for this species than for the Atlantic and Northern Wolffish (Barents Sea). Fish become mature at seven years of age or older and can live to 21 years. The species does not form large schools and migrations are local and limited.  
Un beau domaine préalpin de randonnée est situé au sud de Château-d’Oex : La Pierreuse, la plus grande réserve naturelle de Suisse romande avec des zones rocheuses, des forêts, une flore très riche et des bas marais.
The La Braye ski region of Château d'Oex has seven ski lifts and 40 km of pistes. Thanks to the Videmanette cableway, Rougemont has a direct connection to the ski area of Gstaad. In winter, the railway also brings winter sports enthusiasts to the nearby ski areas of Schönried and Saanenmöser. The high plateau of Les Mosses – La Lécherette is very popular with cross-country skiers. 35 km of trails lead through snow-covered fields and forests. Further activities and facilities include snow-shoe treks, toboggan runs and winter walking trails.  
Le golfe de Noto est caractérisée par des plages de sable fin et de mer cristalline, mais aussi pour les amateurs de pêche, de plongée et snokkerling zones rocheuses, que tout est réglé dans les deux belles criques rocheuses.
The Gulf of Noto is characterized by beaches of fine sand and crystalline sea, but also for fans of fishing, diving and snokkerling rocky areas, as everything is set in two beautiful rocky coves. The Lido is characterized by most of the free beach, but the fact remains that your choice you can also find Lidi Attrezzati fee, with showers, cabins, beach umbrellas and deck chairs.
  2 Hits  
Le modèle de répartition et d'utilisation des terres, qui vont des zones rocheuses situées en altitude, aux bandes forestières, aux versants aménagés en terrasses, aux prairies d'élevage extensif, aux champs de culture fourragère, aux vignes et aux cultures fruitières implantées sur des terrains moins accidentés, ont autorisé, de tout temps, la pleine exploitation des ressources existantes.
The property bears credible witness to the historical, cultural and socio- economical processes that have taken place in the Tramuntana area, gradually modifying the landscape to make it productive, and have shaped its actual aspect, although these traditional dynamic processes are declining in favour of tourism activities. The setting still exhibits a strong continuity with past layouts and the aesthetic qualities of this landscape have been appreciated by well-known artists and intellectuals who have contributed to amplify its evocative value. Traditional skills for the building and repair of the dry-stone structures have been consciously maintained through the establishment of a school of dry-stone masonry, to counter the changes brought by social and economic change.