zones septentrionales – English Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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Les coléoptères peuvent vivre à peu près partout, sauf dans les zones septentrionales de l’Arctique où le climat extrême les en empêche.
The larvae then shed their skin to become pupae and grow into adults. When they emerge, these adult beetles look soft and pale, but soon develop a carapace, elytra, and pigmentation.  
Les plaines hudsonniennes constituent la région la plus méridionale de l’écozone de l’Arctique. Elles comprennent les zones septentrionales du Québec, de l’Ontario et du Manitoba, lesquelles bordent les secteurs sud de la baie d’Hudson.
The southernmost region in the Arctic ecozone is the Hudson Plains. This includes the northern sections of Quebec, Ontario and Manitoba, which border the southern reaches of Hudson Bay.  
La densité de cette population est plus élevée au Nigéria et aux abords du Lac Tchad ; elle chute dans les zones septentrionales plus arides. La région connait aujourd’hui une urbanisation rapide dès lors que les communautés rurales sans ressources cherchent à améliorer leur quotidien dans les villes inondées du Sud, à l’instar de Kano (Nigéria), Maïduguri (Nigéria) et Ndjamena (Tchad).
Population density is higher in Nigeria and the vicinity of Lake Chad; it is lower in the more arid northern areas. The region is currently experiencing rapid urbanization as destitute rural communities seek greener pastures in flooded southern cities like Kano (Nigeria), Maiduguri (Nigeria) and N'Djamena (Chad).  
Des défis de taille en termes de technologie, formation, infrastructures et investissements se posent pour atteindre à la fois les objectifs de mélange de manioc du gouvernement et ceux de la production intérieure de blé. En outre, il existe maintenant des défis de sécurité majeurs dans les zones septentrionales ciblées pour la production de blé.
The Nigerian government is firmly committed to its cassava blending policy and is actively promoting the development of domestic wheat production. However, the question remains over whether these initiatives and plans will be enough to meet the ever-increasing demand for wheat-based products. Enormous technological, training, infrastructure and investment challenges are faced in meeting both the government’s cassava blending targets and the targets for domestic wheat production. In addition, there are now major security challenges in the northern zones targeted for wheat production.  
La zone géographique couverte par l’AEWA s’étend des zones septentrionales du Canada et de la Fédération russe jusqu’à la pointe la plus australe du continent africain. Elle couvre 119 États de l’aire de répartition en Europe, certaines parties d’Asie et du Canada, du Moyen-Orient et d’Afrique.
The Agreement area stretches from the northern reaches of Canada and the Russian Federation to the southernmost tip of Africa, covering 119 Range States from Europe, parts of Asia and Canada, the Middle East and Africa. Currently 75 countries and the European Union (EU) have become a Contracting Party to AEWA (as of 1 April 2016). The Agreement provides for coordinated and concerted action to be taken by the Range States throughout the migration system of waterbirds to which it applies.  
MERIS mesure le rayonnement solaire réfléchi par la surface de la Terre, ce qui rend la présence du Soleil nécessaire pour qu’il puisse produire une image. Comme le Soleil est bas en hiver dans les zones septentrionales, les images de la Scandinavie, par exemple, ne sont pas disponibles à cette époque, sauf les images d’archives.
Envisat circles the Earth in polar orbit at an altitude of 800 km, enabling MERIS to acquire global coverage every three days. MERIS measures the solar radiation reflected by Earth, which means that the sun must be present for it to produce an image. Because the sun is low over Nordic areas during the winter, images of Scandinavia for instance are not currently available, except through the archive. The situation will however reverse from March onwards, when images of those areas will be acquired daily. In contrast, Antarctica is visible for the next two months.
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En outre, par sa procrastination quant à la DMB, le Canada s'est progressivement marginalisé dans le cadre de l'organisation de la défense commune. Le gouvernement Chrétien, par exemple, a résisté à l'idée d'adhérer en 2002 au commandement américain des zones septentrionales.
Additionally, through its procrastination on BMD, Canada has progressively marginalized itself in the organization of joint defence. The Chrétien government, for example, balked at the idea of joining the United States Northern Command in 2002. The results of Canada's reluctance to participate are significant. For the first time in the history of Canada-U.S. relations, a unilateral geographic command has been created that places Canada within its area of operations. The command, like all American geographic commands, is charged with defending American security interests in its area of operations, in this case, Canada, the U.S., and Mexico. Northern Command could conceiveably act to defend American security interests in Canada without consulting the Canadian government and perhaps without Canadian knowledge or consent.
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L'ampleur des changements du climat variera d'une région à l'autre du pays, avec une élévation des températures plus marquée dans les zones septentrionales et dans le centre sud des Prairies (voir la figure 2).
Increases in temperature and changes in precipitation have been observed across most of Canada over the past century. During the past 50 years (1948-2006; the period for which data are available for both northern and southern Canada), average national temperature has increased 1.3 °C (see Chapter 2; Environment Canada, 2006). This is more than double the increase in mean global surface temperature during the same time interval. Canada is projected to continue to experience greater rates of warming than most other regions of the world throughout the present century (see also Chapter 2; Environment Canada, 2006). The magnitude of changes in climate will vary across the country, with northern regions and the south-central Prairies warming the most (Figure 2). Average annual precipitation is also projected to rise, although increases in evaporation and transpiration by plants in some regions are expected to more than offset increases in annual precipitation, resulting in increased aridity. More frequent heavy precipitation events, less precipitation during the growing season and more precipitation during the winter are also projected for Canada.