zones tempérées – English Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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) est l’un des légumes les plus importants au monde, en particulier dans les zones tempérées. La plupart des choux transformés sont destinés à la production de choucroute.
) is one of the world’s most important vegetables, especially in the temperate zone. Most processed cabbage goes for the production of sauerkraut.
  5 Hits  
Le réchauffement global entraînera de basses températures du sol et une augmentation des cycles hivernaux de gel et de dégel dans les zones tempérées et de hautes latitudes. Nous avons étudié l’effet, sur la disponibilité du phosphore (P) de la couche superficielle de sols sous semis direct ou labour conventionnel, d’une période hivernale dans les conditions du champ et d’un nombre croissant de cycle de gel et de dégel fait au laboratoire.
Projected global warming may result in colder soil temperatures and a greater number of soil freezing and thawing cycles (FTC) during the winter in cool temperate and high-latitude regions. We evaluated the effects of seasons and repeated FTC on soil P availability in the topsoil of no-till (NT) and conventional tillage (CT) systems. In order to determine P availability during fall 2007 and spring 2008, soil samples (0-15 cm) were collected in both seasons from a long-term corn-soybean rotation experiment in plots that received 0, 17.5 and 35 kg P ha-1 and 160 kg N ha-1 every 2 yr since 1992. In addition, soil cores (0-5 cm) were collected in fall 2007 in plots that received 35 kg P ha-1 and 160 kg N ha-1 every 2 yr and were enriched or not with 2 g of soybean residues. Under controlled conditions, the cores were subjected to various FTC treatments, with each cycle consisting of 5 d of freezing and 5 d of thawing. The water-extractable P (Pw) and Mehlich 3 extractable P (PM3) contents were higher in soil samples collected in the spring compared with those collected the previous fall. After one and three FTC, Pw values averaged 17.4 mg kg-1 in NT and 7.5 mg kg-1 in CT and were not influenced by the addition of soybean residues. At the end of the sixth FTC, the Pw content of soil cores collected in NT increased up to 25.9 mg kg-1 with the addition of residues but decreased in the absence of residues. The effects of freezing and thawing on soil cores with crop residues occurred at the end of the sixth FTC, where PM3 in the NT + residues treatment increased twofold, reaching 100 mg P kg-1. These results confirm that both Pw and PM3 in NT can be enhanced by increasing the number of FTC.
  5 Hits  
Le réchauffement global entraînera de basses températures du sol et une augmentation des cycles hivernaux de gel et de dégel dans les zones tempérées et de hautes latitudes. Nous avons étudié l’effet, sur la disponibilité du phosphore (P) de la couche superficielle de sols sous semis direct ou labour conventionnel, d’une période hivernale dans les conditions du champ et d’un nombre croissant de cycle de gel et de dégel fait au laboratoire.
Projected global warming may result in colder soil temperatures and a greater number of soil freezing and thawing cycles (FTC) during the winter in cool temperate and high-latitude regions. We evaluated the effects of seasons and repeated FTC on soil P availability in the topsoil of no-till (NT) and conventional tillage (CT) systems. In order to determine P availability during fall 2007 and spring 2008, soil samples (0-15 cm) were collected in both seasons from a long-term corn-soybean rotation experiment in plots that received 0, 17.5 and 35 kg P ha-1 and 160 kg N ha-1 every 2 yr since 1992. In addition, soil cores (0-5 cm) were collected in fall 2007 in plots that received 35 kg P ha-1 and 160 kg N ha-1 every 2 yr and were enriched or not with 2 g of soybean residues. Under controlled conditions, the cores were subjected to various FTC treatments, with each cycle consisting of 5 d of freezing and 5 d of thawing. The water-extractable P (Pw) and Mehlich 3 extractable P (PM3) contents were higher in soil samples collected in the spring compared with those collected the previous fall. After one and three FTC, Pw values averaged 17.4 mg kg-1 in NT and 7.5 mg kg-1 in CT and were not influenced by the addition of soybean residues. At the end of the sixth FTC, the Pw content of soil cores collected in NT increased up to 25.9 mg kg-1 with the addition of residues but decreased in the absence of residues. The effects of freezing and thawing on soil cores with crop residues occurred at the end of the sixth FTC, where PM3 in the NT + residues treatment increased twofold, reaching 100 mg P kg-1. These results confirm that both Pw and PM3 in NT can be enhanced by increasing the number of FTC.
  7 Hits  
La laminaire japonaise se développe dans des zones tempérées d'eau froide. Ses crampons développés sont fermement attachés à la roche ou à d'autres substrats solides dans la zone sublittorale. Sa distribution en profondeur peut atteindre jusqu’à 10 m, ou plus, selon la turbidité de l'eau de mer.
Japanese kelp grows in temperate cold water zones. Its developed holdfast firmly attaches to rock or other solid substrates in the sublittoral zone. Its deepest distribution is about 10 m, or more, depending on turbidity of seawater. In the Asian-Pacific region, the species is native to the northwest coasts of the Pacific ocean. It is found along the northern coastline of the Sea of Japan from northern Hokkaido Island and coastal regions near the Kinkazan Mountains of Honshu Island, across the Kuril Island chain to Yamchatka Peninsula in Russia, along the northern coastline of the Okhotsk Sea, south to Sakhalin Island and south-east as far as the Tartar Channel near Wonsan in the Korean Peninsula. Laminaria exhibits generation alternation, i.e. the sporophyte generation alternates with the gametophyte generation. The diploid (2n) sporophyte plant is a large multicellular macroalgae, whereas the haploid (1n) microscopic female and male gametophytes have one or a few cells. Thus, Laminaria exhibits heterothallism.
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Pour bon nombre d'autres produits, les restrictions de l'accès aux marchés comprenaient toutefois des obstacles non tarifaires. Cela était souvent, mais pas uniquement, le cas pour les principaux produits agricoles des zones tempérées.
In many cases, tariffs were the only form of protection for agricultural products before the Uruguay Round — the Round led to the “binding” in the WTO of a maximum level for these tariffs. For many other products, however, market access restrictions involved non-tariff barriers. This was frequently, though not only, the case for major temperate zone agricultural products. The Uruguay Round negotiations aimed to remove such barriers. For this purpose, a “tariffication” package was agreed which, amongst other things, provided for the replacement of agriculture-specific non-tariff measures with a tariff which afforded an equivalent level of protection. The tariffs resulting from the tariffication process account, on average of the developed country Members, for around one fifth of the total number of agricultural tariff lines. For the developing country Members, this share is considerably smaller. Following the entry into force of the Agreement on Agriculture, there is now a prohibition on agriculture-specific non-tariff measures, and the tariffs on virtually all agricultural products traded internationally are bound in the WTO.
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Cette région, située dans les zones tempérées du tropique du Cancer, bénéficie de conditions climatologiques particulières issues de la rencontre entre les courants sahariens chauds et le Gulf Stream, l’un des principaux courants océaniques du monde.
The best way to discover the more than 300 volcanic craters, lava fields and caves that adorn the local countryside is on foot. You’ll find plenty of variety on over 20 footpaths of low to medium difficulty that meander through the diverse vegetation of the Famara mountain range (670 m – 2200 ft high) or the solitary slopes of the Ajache mountains. It is wonderful to see how plants, animals and people have managed to adapt and breathe life into an area marked by such harsh conditions. From Puerto del Carmen and Tías you can reach the area of La Geria, where signalled footpaths will guide you through a land of vineyards. From here, you can take a trip to discover the lunar landscape of Los Volcanes National Park and the origins of the volcanic eruptions in the 18th century.  
On explique cette nidification hâtive (de novembre à mai) comme étant une stratégie qui permet d'éviter la compétition avec les autres espèces de colibris des zones tempérées, notamment dans la végétation arbustive de la côte californienne.
The beginning of the reproductive season varies according to the species and region. As a general rule, the peak in reproduction occurs when flowers are the most abundant. The nesting period of North American hummingbirds usually extends from the spring to the end of summer, except for the Anna's Hummingbird (Calypte anna), which generally nests in the winter. The female of this species can incubate its eggs when the temperature is low and there is snow in the area. This early nesting period (from November to May) is explained as a strategy that allows the species to avoid competition with other hummingbird species in temperate zones, especially in the bush growth of the California coast.
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Le rendement de certaines cultures importantes et de l’élevage du bétail devrait diminuer, au détriment de la sécurité alimentaire. On anticipe en revanche une augmentation du rendement des cultures de soja dans les zones tempérées.
Productivity of some important crops is projected to decrease and livestock productivity to decline, with adverse consequences for food security. In temperate zones, soybean yields are projected to increase. Overall, the number of people at risk of hunger is projected to increase (medium confidence). {WGII 13.4, Box TS.6}  
Le printemps (de l'ancien français prins, premier, et temps) est l’une des quatre saisons de l’année, dans les zones tempérées. Il suit l'hiver et précède l'été. Il existe plusieurs définitions du printemps, notamment météorologique (demi-saison se trouvant entre les saisons froide et chaude) et calendaire (dont les dates varient selon les pays).
Spring is one of the four conventional temperate seasons, following winter and preceding summer. There are various technical definitions of spring, but local usage of the term varies according to local climate, cultures and customs. When it is spring in the Northern Hemisphere, it is autumn in the Southern Hemisphere and vice versa. At the spring, or vernal, equinox, days are approximately 12 hours long with day length increasing as the season progresses. Spring and "springtime" refer to the season, and also to ideas of rebirth, rejuvenation, renewal, resurrection and regrowth. Subtropical and tropical areas have climates better described in terms of other seasons, e.g. dry or wet, monsoonal or cyclonic. Cultures may have local names for seasons which have little equivalence to the terms originating in Europe.
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Cette tisane a un goût légèrement acide et astringent de baies épicées. La Camarine noire (Empetrum nigrum) est un arbrisseau dans les zones tempérées et froides de l’hémisphère boréal, aussi connue aux Îles-de-la-Madeleine sous le nom de goule noire.
With an intense purple color, the infused crowberry spreads a fruity aroma. This herbal tea has a slightly astringent and acid taste. Crowberries grow in a cold and moderate climate, in Northern Quebec. The First Nations used it to reduce gastric pains. Flavor also available Assorted flavours (wood box), Assorted flavours (20 bags), Arctic blend,...
  12 Hits  
Les zones tempérées chaudes (ou subtropicales) procurent les conditions optimales à la majorité des variétés de cannabis élaborées pour la culture commerciale. Ce type de climat est caractérisé par des étés longs et ensoleillés et des hivers doux, et les variations saisonnières dans la longueur des journées fournissent aux plantes un signal clair qu’il est temps de fleurir lorsque l’ensoleillement passe en deçà de douze heures, à l’équinoxe du printemps.
In tropical areas near the equator, temperatures are extremely high and, together with the lack of seasonal variation in the amount of daylight, which limits the choice of varieties a grower can successfully cultivate outdoors. The closer you are to the equator, the more difficult cultivation is, as well as is successfully achieving flowering with varieties that prefer temperate climates. What they need are long days during the summer months and a clear-cut reduction in daylight to induce flowering.
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Ils peuvent être modifiés afin de refléter les conditions particulières des rives ou de mazoutage lors d’un déversement, dans le respect toutefois des besoins en données de l’approche SCAT et des techniques de documentation décrites dans le manuel SCAT. Les formulaires génériques standard ont été établis pour les milieux côtiers tidaux des zones tempérées.
Different shoreline oiling documentation and survey forms have been developed. These can be modified to reflect the specific shoreline or oiling conditions of a spill, bearing in mind the essential SCAT data requirements and documentation techniques outlined in the SCAT Manual. The standard generic forms relate to temperate tidal coastal environments.  
Retrouvez maintenant Durban chez Alchimia, la version de la variété de cannabis Durban Poison acclimatée aux zones tempérées grâce à Sensi Seeds. Cette Sativa narcotique présente une saveur citri [...]
Now you can purchase Durban cannabis seeds from Sensi Seeds in Alchimia Growshop, a new version of the Durban Poison marijuana which has been acclimatized to temperate zones. This narcotic sativa has a sweet citrus [...]  
Dans les zones tempérées, les cas de diphtérie atteignent leur niveau le plus élevé pendant les mois froids. Sous les Tropiques, les tendances saisonnières sont moins différenciées. En Amérique du Nord, le programme de vaccination a énormément réduit l'incidence de la diphtérie.
The number of diphtheria cases is highest during the colder months in temperate zones. In the tropics, seasonal trends are less distinct. In North America, vaccines have greatly reduced the incidence of diphtheria. However, diphtheria has been a major problem in countries of the former Soviet Bloc, where immunization programs were not maintained. The largest outbreak in the developed world in recent years was the one in the Newly Independent States of the former Soviet Union, with over 150,000 cases and 4500 deaths reported during 1990-1995. Click here for more epidemiological information about the disease.  
Dans les zones tempérées, les cas de diphtérie atteignent leur niveau le plus élevé pendant les mois froids. Sous les Tropiques, les tendances saisonnières sont moins différenciées. En Amérique du Nord, le programme de vaccination a énormément réduit l'incidence de la diphtérie.
The number of diphtheria cases is highest during the colder months in temperate zones. In the tropics, seasonal trends are less distinct. In North America, vaccines have greatly reduced the incidence of diphtheria. However, diphtheria has been a major problem in countries of the former Soviet Bloc, where immunization programs were not maintained. The largest outbreak in the developed world in recent years was the one in the Newly Independent States of the former Soviet Union, with over 150,000 cases and 4500 deaths reported during 1990-1995. Click here for more epidemiological information about the disease.
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Dans les zones tempérées, la plupart des épidémies sévissent l’hiver.
In temperate zones, most epidemics occur during the winter months.  
Dans les zones tempérées, on observe un pic de cas de méningite en hiver. En effet, les muqueuses respiratoires seraient irritées par l’air sec et les éventuels épisodes de rhume et de grippe.
In temperate zones, the number of cases of meningitis peaks in the winter. The respiratory mucous membranes are already irritated by the dry air and any episodes of cold and flu.
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Les acariens sont répandus dans toutes les zones tempérées du globe.
Grain mites are found throughout the temperate regions of the world.  
L'angélique pousse dans les endroits humides des zones tempérées d'Europe et d'Asie, et jusqu'en Islande. A l'état sauvage, on trouve surtout la plante dans les régions côtières de la mer du Nord et de la Baltique, rarement en Autriche ou en Suisse.
Angelica thrives in moist locations in the temperate climes of Europe and Asia, and as far north as Iceland. The wild plant is prevalent in the coastal regions of the North and Baltic Seas, but is seldom found in Austria or Switzerland.  
Ce guide, abondamment illustré, aborde les différents aspects de la conservation des bois tropicaux, de l'abattage en forêts tropicales naturelles ou plantées jusqu'à l'utilisation finale de ces essences, en zones tropicales comme en zones tempérées.
This abundantly-illustrated guide addresses the various aspects of tropical wood conservation, from felling in natural or planted tropical forests to the final use for these species, in both tropical and temperate zones.
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Dans les zones tempérées, la plupart des épidémies sévissent l’hiver.
In temperate zones, most epidemics occur during the winter months.
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Nicheurs des zones tempérées
Temperate Breeders  
Les algues vertes marines préfèrent en général les eaux chaudes des tropiques aux eaux fraîches des zones tempérées.
Dead man's fingers (Codium fragile), which is a type of green algae.  
Cépage de 1ère époque tardive, le Galotta requiert des sols moyennement fertiles situés dans des zones tempérées.
A late Period I variety, Galotta needs moderately fertile soils situated in temperate areas.
  5 Hits  
Le réchauffement global entraînera de basses températures du sol et une augmentation des cycles hivernaux de gel et de dégel dans les zones tempérées et de hautes latitudes. Nous avons étudié l’effet, sur la disponibilité du phosphore (P) de la couche superficielle de sols sous semis direct ou labour conventionnel, d’une période hivernale dans les conditions du champ et d’un nombre croissant de cycle de gel et de dégel fait au laboratoire.
Projected global warming may result in colder soil temperatures and a greater number of soil freezing and thawing cycles (FTC) during the winter in cool temperate and high-latitude regions. We evaluated the effects of seasons and repeated FTC on soil P availability in the topsoil of no-till (NT) and conventional tillage (CT) systems. In order to determine P availability during fall 2007 and spring 2008, soil samples (0-15 cm) were collected in both seasons from a long-term corn-soybean rotation experiment in plots that received 0, 17.5 and 35 kg P ha-1 and 160 kg N ha-1 every 2 yr since 1992. In addition, soil cores (0-5 cm) were collected in fall 2007 in plots that received 35 kg P ha-1 and 160 kg N ha-1 every 2 yr and were enriched or not with 2 g of soybean residues. Under controlled conditions, the cores were subjected to various FTC treatments, with each cycle consisting of 5 d of freezing and 5 d of thawing. The water-extractable P (Pw) and Mehlich 3 extractable P (PM3) contents were higher in soil samples collected in the spring compared with those collected the previous fall. After one and three FTC, Pw values averaged 17.4 mg kg-1 in NT and 7.5 mg kg-1 in CT and were not influenced by the addition of soybean residues. At the end of the sixth FTC, the Pw content of soil cores collected in NT increased up to 25.9 mg kg-1 with the addition of residues but decreased in the absence of residues. The effects of freezing and thawing on soil cores with crop residues occurred at the end of the sixth FTC, where PM3 in the NT + residues treatment increased twofold, reaching 100 mg P kg-1. These results confirm that both Pw and PM3 in NT can be enhanced by increasing the number of FTC.  
Dans les zones tempérées septentrionales et dans les zones boréales, l'échantillonnage en continu de la solution du sol au moyen d'un dispositif à lysimètre requiert i) que le lysimètre puisse s'installer en dérangeant le sol le moins possible
In northern temperate and boreal zones, long-term sampling of the soil solution using lysimeter systems requires (i) a lysimeter that can be installed with a minimum of soil disturbance, (ii) a lysimeter that is small enough to install in stony soil but large enough to representatively sample the soil solution, (iii) a system with a constant tension that integrates soil solution sample collection over time, and (iv) a system that will not break under freezing conditions. A lysimeter system that meets these requirements was designed, and consists of a lysimeter (a fritted glass plate mounted on a glass casing) connected in series to a sample bottle and a tension-generating unit. The glass casing of the lysimeter has two ports: a drainage port for continuous flow of soil solution to the sample bottle, and an access port that can be used (i) for air entry to facilitate complete sample retrieval, (ii) for cleaning, (iii) for re-wetting the fritted glass plate, or (iv) for winterizing the lysimeter with alcohol. A 1 m hanging water column was used to supply a constant tension of approximately 10 kPa. A potential 93% efficiency rate of sample collection can be achieved, and the systems are capable of sampling soil solution beneath organic horizons, as well as in the rooting zone in mineral horizons. The system is presently being used to evaluate the effects of different harvesting and silvicultural treatments on nutrient cycling processes in the soil. Almost 700 of these lysimeter systems are in use in the Atlantic provinces of Canada. The lysimeters have been functioning satisfactorily for over 10 years and are suitable for long-term monitoring of the soil solution.  
Conséquence du déclin du financement public de la recherche, la recherche agricole est maintenant de plus en plus entre les mains de sociétés privées, qui ont vocation à satisfaire la demande du marché plutôt que les besoins des agriculteurs pauvres dont le pouvoir d'achat est limité. Elle se concentre donc sur les cultures et le bétail intéressant les riches producteurs des zones tempérées, et non les agriculteurs pauvres des zones arides.
27. Financing for agricultural research has been one of the victims of declining ODA flows. Global public goods, like their domestic counterparts, tend to be underfunded. Agricultural research is a particularly important example. Funding for the research institutions of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), for instance, fell steadily through the 1990s and at the end of the decade was some 10% lower than at the beginning. As a consequence of the decline in publicly financed research, agricultural research is now increasingly in the hands of private corporations, which respond to market demands rather than to the needs of poor farmers who have limited purchasing power. Thus, their focus is on the crops and animals of rich farmers in temperate zones, and not on those of poor farmers in dryland conditions. This is especially true with regard to the new research methods provided by biotechnology, which are directed largely towards crops grown in the richer countries. In parallel with this decline in resources for research, growth rates in crop yields of cereals, roots and tubers, which provide the bulk of food to poor people, have declined quite substantially. In the case of cereals, for example, rates have fallen from 2.8% in 1971-1981 to 1.6% in 1991-1998.  
Les forêts d’algues des zones tempérées face au changement climatique
Temperate kelp forests in a changing climate
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Climat humide des zones tempérées:
Humid atmosphere of temperate zone:  
Le houblon est une plante grimpante vivace originaire des zones tempérées d'Europe, d'Asie et d'Amérique du Nord. Les fleurs femelles et mâles se retrouvent sur des plants différents. Il est largement utilisé pour la fabrication de la bière.
Hops is a perennial climbing plant native to temperate regions of Europe, Asia and North America. Male and female flowers usually develop on separate plants. It is mainly used in beer making.
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