zygomatiques – Traduction en Anglais – Dictionnaire Keybot

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Keybot      53 Résultats   18 Domaines
  34 Résultats www.braquedubourbonnais.info  
Joues : Les arcades zygomatiques sont bien développées.
Cheeks : The zygomatic arches are clearly marked.
La Japan Expo, comme chaque année, vous promet ainsi d'exacerber vos sens, de titiller votre curiosité, de tacler vos papilles et de venir à bout d'une quelconque panne de zygomatiques.
Japan Expo, like every year, promises to exacerbate your senses, titillate your curiosity, tackle your taste buds and overcome any zygomatic breakdown.
  2 Résultats aeromag2000.com  
Implants Zygomatiques
Mais ce sont les mets délicieux proposés par le chef qui remportent le plus grand succès. Que ce soit pour rire, vous étonner ou savourer de bons plats, nul doute que vos zygomatiques seront grandement sollicités au Kultur im Bären.
You will be greeted by a refreshing mix of exhibitions, cabaret, and concerts. The celebration of cultural highlights is accompanied by culinary delights prepared by the resident chef. You can rest assured that you will have a chance to laugh, be amazed and indulge at Kultur im Bären!
Ce n’était pas mon premier choix et il ne s’est imposé qu’après que j’eus tenté d’aimer le calcul (je n’allais pas être ingénieur minier) et la chimie organique (aucun don à la Walter White), pour finalement découvrir que l’anatomie et la physiologie me correspondaient parfaitement. La connaissance du corps humain était une certitude incontestable : quelle satisfaction de le réaliser ! Prenez ce simple fait : Barishnikov possède deux os zygomatiques. C’est la pure vérité.
Through trial and error, I discovered that choosing a profession as a chiropractor best suited my talents and interests. It was not my initial choice and only came after attempting to love calculus (no mining engineer here), organic chemistry (not quite Walter White abilities), and, finally, discovering that anatomy and physiology fit my interests perfectly. It was gratifying that knowledge of the human body was certain, and impossible to argue. ie. It’s a fact that Barishnikov has a couple zygomatic bones. That’s just true.
Eh bien tant mieux! Vos muscles zygomatiques qui s'étendent de votre pommette jusqu'à la commissure de vos lèvres sont en pleine action. Les habitants d'Aylmer et de Sainte-Thècle en Mauricie en usent aussi de ces muscles, car ils sont tout sourire depuis la venue d'une coopérative de solidarité Santé dans leur milieu.
Does this word make you laugh? Good! Your zygomatic muscles, which run from your cheekbones to the corners of your mouth, are working. Aylmer and Sainte-Thècle residents (in the Mauricie) are also exercising these muscles because they have been all-smiles since the inception of a health cooperative in their area, where doctors don't only heal small scrapes and serious illnesses. They also focus on education, information and prevention to encourage people to adopt healthy lifestyles.
Il veut faire une photo parfaite. Un peu plus et vous ne tiendrez plus votre pose de progéniture idéale, des fourmis pleins les zygomatiques et l’impression de jouer à “Un, deux, trois, soleil !”. Vous auriez aussi pu ne rien faire de spécial mais sur une photo, on doit prendre la pose, aussi peu naturelle soit-elle.
Your brother decides to take a nice family portrait. You look at the camera, smile on your lips, arm on your mother’s shoulders. Your brother studies the frame, struggles to bring the camera into focus. He wants to take the perfect picture. You won’t be able to hold your pose much longer. You might as well have just stood there, but in pictures you have to pose, as unnatural as it may look.
De spectacles en émissions de radio, Yann Lambiel devient le comique romand de référence. Des textes souvent écrits avec la complicité de ses compagnons de “La soupe est pleine” et son habileté à croquer les drôleries de l’actualité helvétique ne peuvent que stimuler les zygomatiques!
At last, the impressionist that all of Switzerland has been waiting for! Very quickly this performer from Valais, with a passion for music, discovered his gift for impressions. And very rapidly, a host of Swiss and foreign public figures – he has over a 100 voices in his repertoire! – have been imitated by this subtle observer of contemporary society. Through a series of live shows and radio programmes, Yann Lambiel soon became the household name in French-Swiss comedy. Often writing his scripts with the help of his accomplices from the hit radio show “La soupe est pleine”, his skill in satirising the absurdities of Swiss current affairs is guaranteed to stimulate your laughter zones! In his latest show, Lambiel reveals a whole new array of talents, including singing and dancing, and is backed on stage by a group of live musicians.
La plaisanterie et les histoires drôles nous font rire en famille, lors de manifestations ou dans les livres (audios). La randonnée de la plaisanterie entre Heiden et Walzenhausen fait travailler à l’unisson les muscles des jambes et les zygomatiques.
The cliché that residents of Appenzell are witty was born at the end of the 18th century thanks to the work of Johann Gottfried Ebel and others. Evidence of Appenzell humour goes further back, however, and in later years successful joke-tellers and satirists cemented the Appenzell people’s witty reputation. The humour in many Appenzell jokes depends on them being spoken, so they are passed on by oral tradition, but since the 19th century many have also been written down. The standard reference work is the well-known collection by Alfred Tobler, published in 1905. More recently, collections have been compiled by the great master of Appenzell humour Ruedi Rohner, Walter Koller, August Inauen and Toni-Sepp Wyss. The political side of Appenzell satire is represented by Carl Böckli, a fierce opponent of opportunism and totalitarian ideologies who published his caricatures and verses under the pseudonym Bö, primarily in the satirical magazine Nebelspalter. Simon Enzler is an exponent of the modern form of political and satirical comedy, while the 'comedy slams' that have emerged in recent years combine tradition and slam culture. Today, Appenzell jokes and humorous stories are often told at social gatherings and events or enjoyed in the form of audio books. Following the Appenzell joke trail (Witzwanderweg) between Heiden and Walzenhausen is the perfect way to get some exercise and have a good laugh at the same time.
La plaisanterie et les histoires drôles nous font rire en famille, lors de manifestations ou dans les livres (audios). La randonnée de la plaisanterie entre Heiden et Walzenhausen fait travailler à l’unisson les muscles des jambes et les zygomatiques.
The cliché that residents of Appenzell are witty was born at the end of the 18th century thanks to the work of Johann Gottfried Ebel and others. Evidence of Appenzell humour goes further back, however, and in later years successful joke-tellers and satirists cemented the Appenzell people’s witty reputation. The humour in many Appenzell jokes depends on them being spoken, so they are passed on by oral tradition, but since the 19th century many have also been written down. The standard reference work is the well-known collection by Alfred Tobler, published in 1905. More recently, collections have been compiled by the great master of Appenzell humour Ruedi Rohner, Walter Koller, August Inauen and Toni-Sepp Wyss. The political side of Appenzell satire is represented by Carl Böckli, a fierce opponent of opportunism and totalitarian ideologies who published his caricatures and verses under the pseudonym Bö, primarily in the satirical magazine Nebelspalter. Simon Enzler is an exponent of the modern form of political and satirical comedy, while the 'comedy slams' that have emerged in recent years combine tradition and slam culture. Today, Appenzell jokes and humorous stories are often told at social gatherings and events or enjoyed in the form of audio books. Following the Appenzell joke trail (Witzwanderweg) between Heiden and Walzenhausen is the perfect way to get some exercise and have a good laugh at the same time.