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Tra�eni mjesec i godina nemaju unesenih vijesti koliko god nevjerojatno to zvu�alo...
There aren't any news for the requested month in the database  
- čije bi korištenje vrijeđalo pravo na lično ime poznatog lica,
- чије би кориштење вријеђало право на лично име познатог лица,
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Glačalo i daska za glačanje dostupni na zahtjev
Iron and ironing board on request
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Godinu za godinom školska su ga pravila sve više opterećivala, kao i osjetilni podražaji. Zlostavljanje se pogoršalo, a škola je postala prava noćna mora ili Joshovim riječima: “fobija u pravom smislu riječi”.
Josh never understood the games other children played. They didn’t make sense to him. He preferred walking all alone following the lines designed on playgrounds. He started to be seen as a “weird boy” and became quickly a target for school bullies. Year after year while he was increasingly overwhelmed by school rules and sensory overload, the bullying got worse and school became like a living nightmare or in the Josh’s words “a full-blown phobia”. With Josh's testimony we gain a precious insight into the world of Asperger’s syndrome discovering how some pupils can struggle at school and consequently suffer from profound emotional distress.
  371 Hits  
stol i stolice, sudoper, štednjak sa 4 kola, štednjak je samo na plin, pećnica, hladnjak, zamrzivač, toster, glačalo.
asztal és székek, mosogató, tűzhely 4 lappal, gáz tűzhely, sütő, hűtő, fagyasztó, kenyér pirító, vasaló.
stół i krzesła, zlew, kuchenka czteropalnikowa, kuchenka gazowa, piekarnik, lodówka, zamrażarka, toster, żelazko.
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Godinu za godinom školska su ga pravila sve više opterećivala, kao i osjetilni podražaji. Zlostavljanje se pogoršalo, a škola je postala prava noćna mora ili Joshovim riječima: “fobija u pravom smislu riječi”.
Josh never understood the games other children played. They didn’t make sense to him. He preferred walking all alone following the lines designed on playgrounds. He started to be seen as a “weird boy” and became quickly a target for school bullies. Year after year while he was increasingly overwhelmed by school rules and sensory overload, the bullying got worse and school became like a living nightmare or in the Josh’s words “a full-blown phobia”. With Josh's testimony we gain a precious insight into the world of Asperger’s syndrome discovering how some pupils can struggle at school and consequently suffer from profound emotional distress.
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Usprkos tabuima i predrasudama sve više se prepoznaje važnost teme gubitka i žalovanja i potrebe za pomoći kako bi se poboljšalo prihvaćanje i doprinijelo funkcionalnosti i operativnosti u radu s odraslima, a također i s djecom.
The lectures were held by psychologist Linda Dina Veronika, member and associate of Association for Palliative Care Split. After the first set of lectures, she concluded that there is a huge interest for these topics, although resistance is great. Despite taboos and prejudices, importance of the topic of loss and mourning and the need for assistance is increasingly recognized. It is important to improve acceptance and contribute to functionality and operability of working with adults and also with the children.
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Održalo se i godišnje humanitarno plivanje u Liffeyu, a do kraja mjeseca čeka nas i “Depaul raft race” utrka raftova. U toku je i lokalna rugby sezona koja je uvod u novu sezonu natjecanja šest nacija.
There was this years charity Liffey swim and we’ll have “Depaul Raft Race” that takes place at the end of the month. There is rugby season going around, and everything is warming up for a new season of six nations competition.  
Ministarstvo za ljudska i manjinska prava u saradnji sa nacionalnom Kancelarijom za borbu protiv trgovine ljudima, Centrom za socijalni rad Podgorica i Crvenim krstom Crne Gore, održalo je 18.oktobra, 2018.
Министарство за људска и мањинска права у сарадњи са националном Канцеларијом за борбу против трговине људима, Центром за социјални рад Подгорица и Црвеним крстом Црне Горе, одржало је 18.октобра, 2018. године у Подгорицу, обуку за ромске и египћанске родитеље, заједно са ученицима/ама средњих школа из ове општине о проблематици малољетних бракова. Са ученицима је разговарано како да препознају насиље у породици и како треба поступити уколико се насиље догоди, као и о посљедицама малољетних уговорених бракова. Поред наведених тема предавачи/це су указали/е и на изузетан значај образовања за ромску и египћанску популацију, што је предуслов за укључивање у све токове друштвеног живота у Црној Гори.
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podržalo je mišljenje nastavnika mentora koji su, u okviru već pomenutog istraživanja mentorskog procesa, na pitanje:
подржало је мишљење наставника ментора који су, у оквиру већ поменутог истраживања менторског процеса, на питање:
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U pokušaju da ispravi tu pogrešku, Stevan luta od jedne do druge ustanove. Vijest o njegovoj smrti brzo se proširila malim provincijskim gradom te je ožalošćena masa počela pohoditi njegovu kuću želeći izraziti sućut njegovoj ženi.
In an effort to correct this error, Stevan wanders from one institution to another. The news of his death spread quickly across the small provincial town and the bereaved start coming to his house to express their condolences to his wife.
  40 Hits  
Perilica rublja, sušilica, klimatizacija, grijanje, sušilo za kosu, glačalo, SAT TV, bežićni internet, DVD, MP3, prijenosni roštilj (plinski), vanjski namještaj, ležaljke
washing machine, dryer, air conditioning, heating, hair dryer, iron set, LCD/SAT/TV, wireless internet, DVD, MP3, portable BBQ (gas), outdoor furniture, sun chairs, outdoor swimming pool
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Opis apartmana apartman za 2 osobe 20m2 + 10 m2 terase soba sa bračnim krevetom terasa sa garniturom za sjedenje - pogled na more kupaona sa tuš kabinom klima + TV osigurani parking ostali aparati na zahtjev gosta (fen, glačalo,...)
Apartment description apartment for 2 persons area of 20m2 + 10 m2 of terrace bedroom with matrimonial bed terrace with assortment for sitting - view of the sea bathroom with shower cabin air conditioning + television assured parking lot other electrical devices on guest´s request (hair-dryer, iron, ...)
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, koje se odavnina držalo ljekovitim, jer je čisto. Noću se moralo dobiti što više tijesta da za sutra može biti spremno za iduću fazu, tiskanje tijesta kroz prešu tzv.
poured. The fresh oil was deemed as medicinal since ancient times because of its purity. As much dough as possible needed to be obtained during the night, so that it would be ready for the next day and the next phase, namely the pushing of the dough through a press, the so-called
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podržalo je mišljenje nastavnika mentora koji su, u okviru već pomenutog istraživanja mentorskog procesa, na pitanje:
подржало је мишљење наставника ментора који су, у оквиру већ поменутог истраживања менторског процеса, на питање:
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Stereo/Pojačalo Bluetooth
Stéréo/Amplificateur Bluetooth
Bluetooth Stereo/Verstärker
Stereo/Amplificatore Bluetooth
Stereo/Wzmacniacz Bluetooth  
Virtualno pojačalo za gitaru s cijevnom simulacijom i 24-bitnim efektima.
Amplificateur de guitare virtuel à tube et effets 24 bits.
Virtueller Gitarrenverstärker mit Röhrensimulation und 24-Bit-Effekten.
Tüp benzetimi ve 24 bit etkiler ile sanal gitar amfisi.
Gitarra birtual handigailua hodi antzezpenarekin eta 24-biteko eraginak.  
• Glačalo.
• Fer à repasser
  8 Hits  
Tijekom svibnja završen je proljetni ciklus obrazovnih programa i tečajeva. Sveukupno 150 polaznika je uredno pohađalo i završilo tečajeve (stranih jezika, kompjutera te kreativnih vještina). Svi polaznici koji su uredno završili tečajeve dobili su pismene potvrde (diplome).
During the May we finished spring cycle of our educational programmes and courses. Entirely 150 beneficiaries had regularly attended and mastered our courses (foreign languages, PC usage and sewing and tayloring). All attendees received written certificate.  
Također, istaknut je utjecaj na resurse centara i institucija kada se oni suočavaju sa značajnim povećanjem zahtjeva za priznavanje. Više osoblja i više obuke osoblja bi ojačalo dosljednost među ENIC/NARIC centrima u Europi u implementiranju članka 7.
The first round of discussion focused on two main topics: the challenges that education systems and HEIs are facing and best practices which already exist. Challenges noted were the lack of standardized procedures, uncertainties in the understanding of the background paper on the labour market, and how to evaluate unfinished degrees. Contacting employers and dissemination of information among stakeholders were other issues identified as crucial to address as most recognition requests are for entering the labour market. Regarding existing practices, integration measures in terms of reception, language learning and placement, were established in many countries, as well as measures to reduce obstacles to higher education in some countries, such as by providing access free of charge. The impact on resources in recognition centres and institutions when facing large increases in requests for recognition was also noted. More staff, and more training of staff, would strengthen consistency among ENIC/NARIC centres across Europe and in implementing Article VII of the LRC in those countries where legislation is still incompatible.
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Isplati se samo vremenom koje je potrebno da bi se pronašlo svih 100+ izvora i držalo ih se ažuriranima.
Pays for itself with the time required to find all 100+ sources and keep them updated.
Es lohnt sich schon, wenn man bedenkt, wie viel Zeit man braucht, um aus über 100 Quellen Informationen zu schöpfen und sie zu aktualisieren.
Se paga por sí mismo que el tiempo que necesita para encontrar todas las fontes, 100+, y las mantiene actualizadas.
Si ripaga con il tempo necessario per trovare tutte le fonti - oltre 100 - e tenerle aggiornate.
Окупает себя уже благодаря тому, что позволяет экономить время, необходимое для поиска всех 100+ источников и их обновления.  
Kombinacija različitih solarnih tehnologija će se koristiti za procjenu, prikaz  i promociju koncepta  novog infrastrukturnog ekonomskog modela kako bi se olakšalo korištenje solarne energije i smanjili troškovi  krajnjih korisnika u tercijarnom sektoru.
InfraSUN se basa en la elaboración de modelos estructurales de calor y frío solar. Una combinación de varias tecnologías de solar térmica se usará para evaluar, mostrar y promover el concepto de un nuevo modelo económico estructural que facilita el uso de la energía solar y reduce el gasto para usuarios finales en el sector terciario.
InfraSUN si basa sulla elaborazione di modelli infrastrutturali di riscaldamento e di raffrescamento solare. Verrà  utilizzata una combinazione di varie tecnologie solari termiche per valutare, dimostrare e promuovere il concetto di un nuovo modello economico infrastrutturale in grado di facilitare l'uso di energia solare e per ridurre le spese per gli utenti finali del settore terziario.  
Dok žene kuhaju, djeca plešu uz glazbu sa starih radioaparata na baterije, a odrasli plješću. Za večerom se pričalo što je bilo prije 100, 200 godina, povijesne priče itd. Nema tu istine, više su to bile izmišljene priče i mitovi.
-Dinner is abundant and shared by whole family. Everyone is sitting on colorful cushions on the floor and waiting for the women to finish cooking. While women cook, children dance to the music from old radios powered by batteries and grown-ups clap their hands. Over dinner people share stories of the events from 100, 200 years ago, historical stories, etc. There is no truth in it, they are more like invented stories and myths. There was always a big plate of food on the table and one would eat using their hands, and even now I love to eat in that way. I shared a plate with my sister or three of us would eat together. Father was eating together with our mother or grandmother, and since our family was big, two or three kids would eat from one plate. In Afghanistan, those who have small families make one big plate and eat all together. Our family had 15 members and we would share a plate between two or three people. And we always ate with our hands, even now at home I still eat with my hands.  
Komoru podržavaju najuglednije tvrtke u regiji. Njezino ustanovljenje je podržalo 63 tvrtki, uključujući i većinu od najvećih u regiji. Moć nove komore se najbolje pokazuje sa sljedećim iskazima. Samo osnivački članovi komore su u 2006 generirali gotovo 2 milijarde eura (pola prihoda cijele regije).
The Chamber was granted support by the most respected companies in the region. Its foundation was supported by 63 companies, majority of them are the largest. The easiest way to show strength of the new Chamber is by citing the following information. In 2006 founder members themselves have created almost 2 billion € of income (half of the entire region income). More importantly they have generated the profit of 160 million € or almost three quarters of all region’s profit respectively. Added value per employee within founder members is stated at 46,768 € which is higher by 29 % than added value per employee in the region. The region is extremely export oriented. We create more than 64 % of income on foreign markets (by comparison – entire Slovenia creates 28.9 % of all income on foreign markets). This data shows the greatest interest to become a member is found among the most successful companies.
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No, sjećam se da smo, vrlo brzo nakon osnivanja Centra, zaključile da smo mu dale krivo ime. Pod dojmom svega sto se je tada događalo, i mi smo se usredotočile na “žene žrtve”. No, već nakon prvih obilazaka izbjegličkih centara u okolici Zagreba -- a radili smo u dvadesetak kampova i sa tisućama žena-- ustanovile smo da žene jesu žrtve nasilja i ratnog i mirnodopskog, ali žene znaju i 1000 načina kako preživjeti.
But, I remember that very soon after we had founded the Centre we concluded that we had given it the wrong name. Under the impression of everything that was happening at the time, we too focused on “women victims”. However, after the first visits to refugee camps in the Zagreb area – and we worked in twenty or so camps with thousands of women – we have realized that women are victims of violence, both war violence and peace time violence. But women also know a thousand ways to survive. Not only survive, but resist war and nationalisms that ruled in the countries of former Yugoslavia and brought to power the regimes that rushed into war back then.  
Potkrovlje u jednoj od najstarijih kuća u mjestu Mondsee pravo je blago. Korjenito preuređenje pružalo bi prekrasan pogled na baziliku Mondsee i obližnje brdo Drachenwald.
Der Dachboden in einem der ältesten Häuser in Mondsee ist ein regelrechtes Juwel. Radikal umgestaltet würde er einen spektakulären Blick auf die Basilika von Mondsee und die Drachenwand, einem Berg nahe des Ortes, bieten.
Podstrešje v eni izmed najstarejših hiš v kraju Mondsee je pravi zaklad. Korenita preureditev bi omogočila veličasten razgled na baziliko Mondsee in bližnji hrib Drachenwald.
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