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We make the design for your campaign for you, we import your contact list, we sent and monitored the status of the emails.
Hacemos por ti el diseño de tu campaña, importamos tu lista de contactos enviamos y monitoreamos el estado de los correo enviados.
We remind you that you have the right to object to the reception of such commercial communications by clicking “unsubscribe” in any of the communications we sent or by sending us an email at dataprivacy@applus.com, enclosing a copy of your ID card or equivalent identification document.
Le recordamos que Usted tiene derecho a oponerse, en cualquier momento, a la recepción de dichas comunicaciones comerciales haciendo clic en la opción "Darse de Baja" incluida en cada una de las comunicaciones que le enviaremos, o poniéndose en contacto con nosotros a través de dataprivacy@applus.com, adjuntando una copia de su DNI o documento de identificación equivalente.
We sent it in, and we didn’t hear back,” Karl said. “I almost thought that it was lost and the whole job opportunity was down the drain.”
“La enviamos, pero no hubo respuesta”, dijo Karl. “Casi pensé que se había perdido y la oportunidad de empleo se había ido por el caño”.
“Depois disso, não tivemos mais notícias”, conta Karl. “Quase achei que não dera certo e que aquela oportunidade fora por água abaixo”.
  5 Hits viva64.com  
During Monday and Tuesday, we sent Mikhail a few versions with highly detailed logging. But we still got no idea of what was happening. The notification about new messages just would not be displayed - on his computer, actually.
За понедельник и вторник мы выдали Михаилу несколько версий с максимально детализированными отладочными логами. Но понять, что происходит не могли. Уведомления о новых ошибках просто не было. У него. А у нас было, всегда.
We sent a gift via email to all the data base of Let’s Beer! . But it wasn’t any email, since they had to wait until Christmas to open it. The email was programmed so that the content would change in case it was opened before the 25th.
Enviamos un regalo vía email a toda la base de datos de Let’s Beer!. Pero no era un email cualquiera, ya que tenían que esperar hasta Navidad para abrirlo. El email estaba programado para que el contenido de su interior cambiara si este se abría antes del 25.
  2 Hits sustainability.telus.com  
We sent a similar online survey to a broad sample of external stakeholders — with a greater focus on prioritized groups such as customers, shareholders and suppliers. We achieved a 51 per cent response rate and had three key learnings:
Nous avons envoyé un sondage en ligne semblable à un vaste échantillon de parties prenantes externes, en mettant l’accent sur les groupes prioritaires (clients, actionnaires et fournisseurs). Nous avons obtenu un taux de réponse de 51 pour cent et tiré trois grands enseignements sur ce que nous devons faire :
  2 Hits klauke.com  
As a global company, Klauke needs skilled personnel with international work experience and a good command of foreign languages. So this year, for the second time, we sent two of our commercial trainees to Klauke UK in Bungay during their summer break.
Klauke benötigt als global agierendes Unternehmen Fachkräfte mit internationaler Arbeitserfahrung und guten Fremdsprachenkenntnissen. Daher haben wir in diesem Jahr bereit zum zweiten Mal zwei unserer kaufmännischen Auszubildenden in ihrer schulfreien Zeit im Sommer zu unserem Standort nach Klauke UK in Bungay entsendet.
We sent an email to the email address indicated in phase of registration. Click the link contained in the email to confirm and complete your registration.
Vous recevrez un mail de confirmation à l'adresse que vous avez indiqué lors de votre inscription. Pour terminer l'inscription, cliquez sur le lien que vous trouverez dans le mail.
Wir haben Ihnen eine E-Mail an die Adresse geschickt, mit der Sie sich registriert haben. Bitte auf den Link in der E-Mail klicken, um die Registrierung abzuschließen.
Hemos enviado un mensaje a la dirección de correo electrónico con la que te has inscrito. Haz clic en el enlace que encontrarás en el mensaje para confirmar y completar tu inscripción.
  2 Hits domset.de  
Firstly we sent employees from both subsidiaries on a GPS reconnaissance rally through the new sales territory. In mixed teams, participants tackled custom-made corporate challenges, based around communication, teamwork and solution orientation.
Für ein ungezwungenes Kennenlernen schicken wir die Mitarbeiter beider Standorte zunächst auf eine GPS-Rallye durch das neue Vertriebsgebiet. In gemischten Teams bewältigen die Teilnehmer auf das Unternehmen maßgeschneiderte Herausforderungen rund um Kommunikation, Teamarbeit und Lösungsorientierung. Für jede erfolgreich gelöste Aufgabe erhalten die Mitglieder Materialien, die am noch unbekannten Zielpunkt zum Einsatz kommen werden.
  14 Hits cra-arc.gc.ca  
the name and business number on the printed remittance voucher we sent you are correct.
le nom et le numéro d'entreprise apparaîssant sur le bon de versement imprimé que nous vous avons fait parvenir sont exacts.
On 9th November we sent this protest e-mail to the US Embassy to in Tokyo:
Enviamos este e-mail de protesta a la Embajada americana en Tokio el 9 noviembre:
  2 Hits lissangel.com  
We sent it packed in a nice decorated box like the one you can see in the photo. It can be a nice and original gift. Enjoy our animal mugs!
Te la enviamos embalada en una bonita caja decorada como la que puedes ver en la foto. Puede ser un bonito y original regalo. ¡Disfruta nuestras tazas de animales!
  3 Hits cangobox.com  
We have automatically included the discount code in the details of your shipment. Also we sent it by email in case you want to complete your shipment later on. The code is valid for 10 days.
Hemos incluido el código de descuento en los detalles de tu envío automáticamente. Además, te lo hemos mandado por email por si quieres completar tu envío más adelante. El código es válido durante 10 días.
On 9th November we sent this protest e-mail to the US Embassy to in Tokyo:
Enviamos este e-mail de protesta a la Embajada americana en Tokio el 9 noviembre:
Enter the key we sent you via email to activate your account.
Hier kannst du den Schlüssel aus deinem Mail eintragen und den Benutzer damit freischalten.
Today, we sent out the first invitations to our private beta of O&O Syspectr. We are looking forward to your feedback!
Heute haben wir die ersten Einladungen zur Private Beta für Familie und Freunde von O&O verschickt. Wir sind gespannt auf das Feedback!
  2 Hits sodapdf.com  
You can go back to the email we sent about this signature request and click the link to continue signing.
Vous pouvez retourner dans le courriel envoyé concernant cette demande de signature et cliquer sur le lien pour continuer le processus de signature.
In the past, we sent e-mail to clients “as and when necessary” and did not do it in an automated or regular basis.
In die verlede het ons e-pos aan kliënte gestuur “soos nodig” en dit nie op ‘n geoutomatiseerde manier of gereelde basis gedoen nie.
We sent photos to all our partner companies, along with a special ‘thank you’ note from the children. That way, the project became a gift for everyone: our business partners are happy to know that their Christmas present helped improve the living conditions of all the children at Casa Hogar.”
"Nous avons envoyé des photos à toutes nos entreprises partenaires, avec un remerciement particulier de la part des enfants. De cette façon, le projet est devenu un cadeau pour tout le monde. Nos partenaires commerciaux sont heureux de savoir que leur cadeau de Noël a permis d’améliorer les conditions de vie de tous les enfants de la Casa Hogar."
I haven’t decided the tactics of play against Dinamo. I have watched both matches of Dinamo VS Steaua. After that we sent scout at Dinamo match and I know how they play. Dinamo can make good contr-attacks.
ანდრე ვილაშ–ბოაში – ამ სეზონში ეს ჩვენი მეორე ოფიციალური თამაშია. დინამოს წინააღმდეგ თუ რა ტაქტიკით ვითამაშებთ ჯერ კიდევ არ გადამიწყვეტია. დინამო – სტიაუას დაპირისპირების ორივე მატჩი ვნახე, შემდეგ კი ჩვენ სკაუტი გვყავდა გამოგზავნილი დინამოს თამაშზე და დაახლოებით გვაქვს წარმოდგენა როგორ თამაშობენ. დინამოს კარგად გამოსდის კონტრშეტევების განოხრციელება. აკადემიკაში მუშაობისას ჩემ გუნდში ირიცხებოდა პატრიკ ვუო, რომლის შესაძლებლობებიც ჩემთვის მეტ–ნაკლებად ცნობილია. ასევე მინდა გამოვყო დინამოელი ჩისკო, რომელიც საკმაოდ გამოცდილი ფეხბურთელია. დღევანდელი ვარჯიშის შემდეგ მეცოდინება დაახლოებითი მონახაზი, თუ როგორ ვითამაშებთ ხვალ. დინამოს წინააღმდეგ ვერ ითამაშებენ აარონ ლენონი, იან ვერტონგენი და გარეტ ბეილს – მათ ჯერ კიდევ ტრავმები აქვთ.
  4 Hits spacemanproject.com  
Upon completing the editorial designs, we sent all the documents to printing and started the pre-production process, including the selection of paper and finish coating. The paper was then produced in a factory to make the copies both for our sponsors and for the bookstores.
Tras haber terminado el diseño editorial enviamos todos los documentos a imprenta y empezamos la pre-producción. Eligiendo el papel para la obra y acabados de las cubiertas. En este plazo es cuando se pide la fabricación del papel para realizar las copias, tanto de patrocinadores como las que irán a librerías.
We sincerely apologize for this mistake. The item we sent by mistake will be exchanged free of charge. We will cover the return and reshipping costs. Contact us by email to receive your return voucher promptly.
Nous vous présentons toutes nos excuses pour cette erreur. L'article envoyé par erreur de notre part vous sera échangé gratuitement. Les frais de retour sont à notre charge ainsi que ceux de réexpédition. Contactez-nous par mail pour obtenir rapidement votre bon de retour à coller sur le colis et à nous retourner.
Wir bitten Sie vielmals um Entschuldigung für diesen Irrtum. Wir tauschen Ihnen den versehentlich zugesandten Artikel selbstverständlich kostenlos um. Die Versandkosten übernehmen wir. Kontaktieren Sie uns per E-Mail, um so schnell wie möglich Ihren Retourenaufkleber zu erhalten, den Sie dann auf das Paket kleben und uns zurückschicken können.
Lamentamos profundamente nuestro error. Te cambiaremos gratuitamente el artículo enviado erróneamente por fallo nuestro. Los portes de devolución correrán por nuestra cuenta al igual que los de reexpedición. Contáctanos por correo electrónico para obtener el sello de devolución que deberás pegar sobre el paquete y devolvérnoslo.
  2 Hits dictionary.cambridge.org  
We sent a message over the radio/by radio.
  2 Hits quely.com  
Furthermore, she sent us some photos of Rafa eating our crackers. In reply, and as a show of gratitude, we sent her samples of our Quely products, which she utilised to organise a sampling among members and personnel of her club.
Eiko Kusui, grande admiratrice de Rafa Nadal, a contacté Quely afin d'obtenir de l'information sur les produits que son idole consomme habituellement. Elle nous a aussi envoyé des photos de Rafa en train de manger nos biscuits. Pour la remercier, nous lui avons envoyé en retour des échantillons de nos produits Quely, qu'elle a utilisés au cours d'une dégustation organisée pour les membres et le personnel de son club.
Eiko Kusui, gran admiradora de Rafel Nadal, es va posar en contacte amb Quely per obtenir informació sobre els productes que veia menjar al seu ídol habitualment. A més, ens va enviar unes fotos d’en Rafel consumint les nostres galletes. Com resposta, i en senyal d'agraïment, li enviàrem mostres de productes Quely, que ella va utilitzar per organitzar un tast entre els membres i el personal del seu club.
  2 Hits unica.es  
To sit the admission test, you must send us a scanned copy of the following documentation: photocopy of your passport, document of general conditions and LOPD [data protection law] duly signed (the documents attached to the e-mail we sent you), a photocopy of your university qualification or, in its absence, a certificate of marks from your home university.
Para realizar la prueba de admisión deberás enviarnos escaneada la siguiente documentación: fotocopia de tu pasaporte, documento de condiciones generales y la LOPD firmados (documentos adjuntos en el mensaje electrónico que te hemos enviado), una fotocopia de tu título universitario o, en su defecto, un certificado de notas de tu universidad de origen. Si necesitamos documentación adicional, tu asesor te informará detalladamente.
  2 Hits ablv.com  
“Our account has been changed because our old account is currently under audit due to disputable issues we have with Chinese state authorities on tax matters. Our bank has informed us that we should not receive payments to our old account until audit is completed and disputes are settled. You should suspend making payments to the old account with Chinese bank and use new details of account with Hong Kong bank instead (the ones we sent/will send you).”
«Наш счет поменялся, так как по старому счету наши аудиторы проводят проверку, в связи с тем, что у нас возникли спорные вопросы с китайскими правительственными органами по поводу налогообложения. Наш банк оповестил нас о том, что мы не должны принимать платежи на наш старый счет пока не закончиться аудит и спорные вопросы не будут решены. Вы должны остановить все платежи на старый счет в китайском банке и использовать только новые реквизиты банка в Гонконге, который мы вам сейчас пришлем (или уже прислали)».
„Mūsu konts mainījies, jo mūsu auditori veic vecā konta pārbaudi, kas saistīts ar to, ka mums radās strīdīgi jautājumi ar Ķīnas valsts iestādēm par nodokļu piemērošanu. Mūsu banka mums paziņoja, ka nedrīkstam pieņemt naudu vecajā kontā, kamēr nenoslēgsies audits un netiks atrisināti strīdīgie jautājumi. Jums ir jāaptur visi maksājumi uz veco kontu Ķīnas bankā un jāizmanto tikai jaunie rekvizīti Honkongas bankā, kurus mēs jums tūlīt nosūtīsim (vai jau nosūtījām).”
If a user wants to contact a wood warehouse you can do so in these two ways: Service of personalised budgets: consumer publishes a claim form to the web "Asks budgets". We send the budget to the various wholesalers and in record time we sent personalized without any compromise budget, that may be you who choose which suits your needs.
Si un utilisateur souhaite contacter un entrepôt de bois, vous pouvez le faire de ces deux façons: Service des budgets personnalisés: consommateurs publie un formulaire de réclamation sur le web « Demande des budgets ». Nous envoyons le budget aux grossistes divers et en un temps record, nous avons envoyé personnalisées sans aucun budget de compromis, C'est peut-être vous qui choisissez qui répond à vos besoins.
Wenn ein Benutzer möchte ein Holz Lager kontaktieren können Sie dies auf diese zwei Arten tun.: Service von persönlichen budgets: Verbraucher veröffentlicht ein Antragsformular im Web "Fordert Budgets". Wir senden den Haushalt an die verschiedenen Großhändler und in Rekordzeit gesendet wir personalisierte ohne jeden Kompromiss-Haushalt, Das mag sein, dass Sie die wählen, die Ihren Bedürfnissen entspricht.
Se un utente desidera contattare un magazzino di legno è possibile farlo in questi due modi: Servizio di preventivi personalizzati: dei consumatori consente di pubblicare un modulo di richiesta web "Asks bilanci". Inviamo il bilancio per i vari grossisti e a tempo di record abbiamo inviato personalizzati senza alcun compromesso di bilancio, che può essere voi che scegliere quale si adatta alle vostre esigenze.
  19 Hits sportograf.com  
Naturally you can unsubscribe our raceletter at any time by clicking the unsubscribe-link in every email we sent.
Selbstverständlich kannst Du den Raceletter jederzeit wieder mit einem Klick auf einen Link am Ende der jeweiligen E-Mail abbestellen.
Vanzelfsprekend kun je het gratis abonnement op de Raceletter op elk gewenst moment opzeggen. Klik hiervoor op de ,daarvoor bestemd link onderaan, de Raceletter.
Givetvis kan du också närsomhelst avsluta din prenumeration på nyhetsbrevet. Klicka helt enkelt på länken längst ner som medföljer i varje mail.
When all terms of booking an apartment have been discussed and approved, click on the link in the email that we sent to you. You will be automatically redirected to secure payment page of WEBPAY ™.
Для осуществления оплаты пластиковой картой забронированных номеров и дополнительных услуг, Вам необходимо выполнить несколько простых действий.
For you, we sent our freezers into the desert. And to Siberia.
為了讓您安心使用,我們可把冷凍櫃送到沙漠, 甚至去西伯利亞。
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