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SGS Organizes a Symposium - Breakfast on “Labor Sickness Suing” at Barcelona
SGS celebra un coloquio – desayuno sobre “Demandas por enfermedades profesionales” en Barcelona  
She claimed that the judge and the accused had "socialized" on a number of occasions, that the judge had been counsel for the government agency that the complainant was suing in civil proceedings, and that counsel for the accused was a former law partner of the judge.
Dans une autre affaire, la plaignante, qui était la victime supposée d'une agression sexuelle, prétendait que le juge et l'accusé s'étaient rencontrés dans des réunions mondaines, que le juge avait été le conseiller juridique de l'organisme gouvernemental que la plaignante poursuivait au civil, et que l'avocat de l'accusé avait été un associé du juge dans un cabinet d'avocats.  La plaignante prétendait que le juge avait prononcé la suspension des procédures en raison de ces relations.  
In all of these cases, government lawyers made no distinction between those converted to Islam against their will and other Christian converts to Islam who are suing to have the state recognize their reversion to Christianity.
وفي كل هذه القضايا، لم يميز محامو الحكومة بين من تم تغيير ديانتهم قسراً ودون علمهم على جانب، وبين المسيحيين الآخرين الذين تحولوا إلى الإسلام والذين رفعوا قضايا لتعترف الدولة برجوعهم إلى المسيحية على الجانب الآخر. ودائماً ما تدفع مذكرات الدفاع التي يقدمها محامو الدولة بأن هؤلاء الذين يطلبون الاعتراف بهم كمسيحيين بعد تحول آبائهم إلى الإسلام ينبغي أن يعاملوا معاملة "المرتدين". ووفقاً لمنطق هذه المذكرات فإنه بما أن الدولة المسلمة لا يجوز أن تعترف بالردة، فإنها بالتالي لا يجب أن تعترف بأي عواقب تترتب على هذا الفعل. ولم تتم الإشارة أبداً في مذكرات الحكومة إلى الحقيقة التي مفادها أن هؤلاء الأبناء ولدوا مسيحيين، ولم يكن لهم دخل في قيام أي من والديهم بتغيير ديانته، ولم يعتنقوا الإسلام أبداً. بل ورد في إحدى مذكرات الدفاع المقدمة من الحكومة، في تجاهل كامل للوقائع، بأن:
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The subject became especially sensitive in Croatia after, exactly because of the transfer of Ina management to Mol with suspected corruption involved, former Croatian PM Ivo Sanader was convicted. Currently, Josip Petrović is suing Croatia for damages.
Темата стана особено чувствителна в Хърватия, след като именно заради прехвърлянето на управлението на Ina в Mol, при съмнения за корупция беше осъден бившият премиер на Хърватия Иво Санадер. В момента Йосип Петрович съди Хърватия за нанесени щети. Как точно младата и красива Ана Шарич - по онова време все още само любовница на опозиционния шеф - успява да получи толкова печеливш договор е един от източниците на съмнения. Друг източник е, че макар договорът да е сключен преди брака им, той е бил валиден до момента, в който г-н Карамарко стана част от правителството, което поставя партията в много неудобно положение.
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In these special situations where copyleft is not appropriate, we recommend the Apache License 2.0. This is a permissive, non-protective software license that has terms to prevent contributors and distributors from suing for patent infringement.
В этих особых случаях, для которых авторское лево не подходит, мы рекомендуем версию 2.0 Лицензии Apache. Это либеральная незащитная лицензия программ, в которой есть условия, предотвращающие преследования со стороны вторичных разработчиков и распространителей за нарушение патентов. Это не делает программы нечувствительными к патентным угрозам, но это не не дает держателям патентов от “ловить на блесну”, когда они выпускают программы на свободных условиях, но требуют, чтобы получатели соглашались на выплаты или другие несвободные условия патентной лицензии.
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Karsenty: Many people and media outlets defamed me in order to influence the course of justice. I was thinking of suing them, but what is the point? The bottom line is that when I won the trial, instead of winning compensation, I was saddled with legal bills from my lawyers.
P.K. : Un certain nombre de personnes et de médias m'ont diffamé pour tenter d'influencer le cours de la justice. J'ai bien pensé à les poursuivre, mais à quoi bon ? Au final, quand j'ai gagné ce procès, au lieu d'être indemnisé, Mes avocats m'ont couvert de notes d'honoraires et autres frais de justice. Pendant ces six dernières années, j'ai pris des risques physiques, et cela a été épuisant. Si je les poursuis, cela ne me prendra que plus de temps encore. Je veux me consacrer à nouveau à mes activités professionnelles. Et je respecte aussi la liberté d'expression de mes adversaires, même lorsqu'elle consiste à me diffamer. On ne devrait pas lutter contre la diffamation avec des procès en justice mais avec la vérité.  
In the present context, the state is relying more heavily on the family and on the spouse to provide basic economic security and social services, and recent Supreme Court decisions in the area of family law have been expanding the scope of the spousal support obligations after divorce (Moge, Bracklow.). This Bill will therefore thrust lesbians into a system where they will have to start suing each other for support and compensation.
Aujourd'hui, l'État compte de plus en plus lourdement sur la famille et sur les conjoints pour assurer la sécurité économique et les services sociaux, et des arrêts récents de la Cour suprême en droit de la famille ont étendu la portée des obligations d'entretien d'un conjoint après le divorce (Moge, Bracklow). Ce projet de loi poussera donc les lesbiennes dans un système où elles devront de plus en plus s'intenter des poursuites pour obtenir soutien et compensation. Quel intérêt les lesbiennes ont-elles à se désister de leur droit envers l'État pour s'en remettre avant tout à leur conjointe et à leur famille? Il s'agit d'une question qui intéresse en fait toutes les femmes.  
1.3 General guidelines for the installation of hose assemblies Certain regulations have to be complied with when installing hose assemblies to ensure and to maintain their functioning. Crucial elements are: ease of installation and removal, optimum installation routing and regular checking, so that any en- suing problems are minimised.
1.3. Allgemeine Richtlinien für die Verlegung von Schlauchleitungen Um die Funktionsfähigkeit einer Schlauchleitung zu gewährleisten bzw. zu erhal- ten, sind bei der Verlegung einige Grundregeln zu beachten, d.h. es sollte auf einen mühelosen Ein- und Ausbau, eine optimale Verlegungsstrecke sowie auf laufende Kontrollmöglichkeiten geachtet werden, um damit verbundene Probleme zu minimieren.  
Amway sued Nikken, and Nikken responded by counter-suing Amway [AMWAY]. Both cases are related to patents. Case documents or anything of the sort would be interesting.
informasjon tilgjengelig, men den er naturligvis sett med øynene til Nikken og deres distributører. Noe av informasjonen kan jo være nyttig.  
The prospective employer declined to move forward with his candidacy and Papp blamed Stokes (and the reference he had given), suing him for $65,000 for wrongful dismissal (arising out of his termination), $500,000 for defamation (arising out of the reference), $200,000 in punitive damages, and $30,000 for intentional infliction of mental suffering.
Mais, lorsqu’un employeur potentiel a communiqué avec M. Stokes, ce dernier a fait mention du rendement médiocre et de l’attitude désobligeante de son ancien employé. Sa candidature ayant par la suite été écartée, M. Papp a intenté des poursuites contre M. Stokes, qu’il tenait pour responsable, lui réclamant 65 000 $ pour congédiement injustifié, 500 000 $ pour diffamation, 200 000 $ en dommages-intérêts punitifs, et 30 000 $ pour détresse émotionnelle infligée intentionnellement.
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But I also agree with Harut Sassounian (Editor-in-Chief of “California Courier” journal) that the times has come when there is a basis for Armenians suing through legal channels for reparations and not only seeking recognition.
- Դա, անշուշտ, չի խանգարի: Իմ կարծիքով, Թուրքիայի միջազգային իմիջը և կարգավիճակը գնալով անկում են ապրում: Այնուամենայնիվ, ով գիտի ինչ հետագա զարգացումներ կլինեն Թուրքիայում: Էրդողանը, իր ֆաշիստական վերահսկողությունը պահպանելու համար, այնքան մարդկանց է հետապնդում անհնազանդության մեղադրանքներով, որ մնում է միայն աղոթել, որ մի օր ինքն իր դեմ հանրային դիմադրություն բարձրացնի:
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2. In all cases, the term to file a complaint or to bring the suing petition is of 1 year. The provided limitation term runs as of the submission date of the postal shipment.
2. În toate cazurile, termenul pentru înaintarea plângerii sau pentru introducerea cererii de chemare în judecată este de 1 an. Termenul de prescripție prevăzut curge de la data depunerii trimiterii poștale.
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The plaintiff must initiate a lawsuit within the time specified in provincial/territorial legislation. After this period has passed, the plaintiff is generally barred from suing, although there are exceptions for minors and those who lack mental capacity.
Le demandeur doit intenter son action en justice dans le délai fixé par la loi en vigueur dans sa province ou son territoire. À l’expiration de ce délai, le demandeur n’a normalement plus le droit d’intenter une action. Cependant, des exceptions sont prévues dans le cas de mineurs et de personnes frappées d’incapacité mentale.  
GDS mostly ignored the topics concerning opposition’s activities, citizens accusing the government of pressure, and events in the territories occupied by Russia. For instance, GDS did not cover the case of the former director of Botanical Park Nino Gotsadze suing Tbilisi City Hall.
·მონიტორინგის შედეგად, დეკემბერში, მაღალი საზოგადოებრივი ინტერესის მატარებელი თემების გამოტოვების თვალსაზრისით, ყველაზე მაღალი მაჩვენებლით ტელეკომპანია GDS - ი გამოიკვეთა. ტელეკომპანია უმეტესად ტოვებდა ისეთ თემებს, რომლებიც ასახავდა ოპოზიციის საქმიანობას, მოქალაქეების მიერ ხელისუფლების მხრიდან ზეწოლაში დადანაშაულებას და კონფლიქტურ რეგიონებში მიმდინარე მოვლენებს. მაგალითად, ტელეკომპანიას არ გაუშუქებია ბოტანიკური ბაღის ყოფილი დირექტორის ნინო გოცაძის მიერ მერიის წინააღმდეგ სასამართლოში სარჩელის შეტანის საკითხი. ნინო გოცაძე დავით ნარმანიას და მერიის მაღალჩინოსნებს ზეწოლაში ადანაშაულებდა. მისი თქმით, ის ქალაქის მთავრობამ ყოველგვარი ახსნა-განმარტებისა და შესაბამისი დოკუმენტაციის წარდგენის გარეშე გადააყენა თანამდებობიდან. გოცაძე ვარაუდობდა, რომ მისი გადაყენების მიზეზი ის გეგმები იყო, რომლებიც ბაღის სამომავლო განვითარებას უკავშირდებოდა და რომელსაც გოცაძე წინააღმდეგობას უწევდა. საუბარი იყო ბოტანიკური ბაღის, დენდროლოგიური ბაღისა და ვერეს ხეობის გაერთიანებაზე. მისი თქმით, მერია იქ ტურისტული ზონის განვითარებას აპირებდა, რაც საფრთხეს უქმნიდა ბაღის სამეცნიერო ნაწილს. გოცაძე გეგმას სწორედ ამის გამო ეწინააღმდეგებოდა. ქალაქის მერის მოადგილემ გოცაძის ბრალდებები უარჰყო და თქვა, რომ ის პოსტიდან ბაღში არსებული მდგომარეობის გამო მოხსნეს. აღნიშნული თემა რუსთავი 2-მა მესამე, იმედმა - მეექვსე და მაესტრომ მერვე სიუჟეტად გააშუქეს.
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But I also agree with Harut Sassounian (Editor-in-Chief of “California Courier” journal) that the times has come when there is a basis for Armenians suing through legal channels for reparations and not only seeking recognition.
- Դա, անշուշտ, չի խանգարի: Իմ կարծիքով, Թուրքիայի միջազգային իմիջը և կարգավիճակը գնալով անկում են ապրում: Այնուամենայնիվ, ով գիտի ինչ հետագա զարգացումներ կլինեն Թուրքիայում: Էրդողանը, իր ֆաշիստական վերահսկողությունը պահպանելու համար, այնքան մարդկանց է հետապնդում անհնազանդության մեղադրանքներով, որ մնում է միայն աղոթել, որ մի օր ինքն իր դեմ հանրային դիմադրություն բարձրացնի:  
Under Art. 4171 §2 of the Civil Code, if injury is caused by a legally final judgment or a legally final decision, redress of the injury may be sought following a finding in a relevant proceeding that the judgment or decision was unlawful, unless otherwise provided by separate regulations. This means that before suing the State Treasury for damages, for example for issuance of an erroneous judgment, it is necessary to obtain a predicate ruling (prejudykat) in a separate proceeding.
Zgodnie z art. 4171 § 2 k.c., jeżeli szkoda została wyrządzona przez wydanie prawomocnego orzeczenia lub ostatecznej decyzji, jej naprawienia można żądać po stwierdzeniu we właściwym postępowaniu ich niezgodności z prawem, chyba że przepisy odrębne stanowią inaczej. Oznacza to, że przed pozwaniem Skarbu Państwa o odszkodowanie np. z tytułu wydania przez sąd błędnego wyroku trzeba uzyskać w odrębnym postępowaniu tzw. prejudykat.  
In time, they realized that going to court was not that good, that this was turning their lives upside down and that a court decision does not solve all the aspects of a conflict. Then they understood that suing someone is not necessarily something to be proud of.
Cei aproape 50 de ani de comunism au epuizat orice initiativa a românilor, obligati sa intre în sabloane si sa vorbeasca în lozinci, de a-si exprima gândurile sau sentimentele. Anul 1989 le-a oferit ocazia de a-si striga drepturile de care nu credeau ca vor putea beneficia vreodata. Și de aici a pornit un proces lent de redescoperire.  
Colombian villagers suing Chiquita Brands International for its complicity in atrocities committed by paramilitary groups will not have their international human rights claims under the Alien Tort Statute (ATS) considered by a federal court, according to a ruling today by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit.
24 de julio 2014, West Palm Beach, Fla. — Las pretensiones de derechos humanos bajo el Alien Tort Statute (ATS por sus siglas en ingles) presentadas por los colombianos que demandaron a Chiquita Brands International, por su complicidad en las atrocidades cometidas por  grupos paramilitares, no serán consideradas por un tribunal federal, según un fallo proferido la semana pasada por la Corte de Apelaciones de EE.UU. del circuito undécimo.  Sin embargo, las víctimas creen que el caso avanzará, , ya que la decisión no afecta sus reclamaciones adicionales por daños y perjuicios bajo la ley colombiana o estatal, o sus demandas individuales contra los ejecutivos de Chiquita en virtud de la Ley de Protección de Víctimas de la Tortura. Las víctimas también confían en que la decisión de hoy se revertirá en una apelación ante una instancia adicional.  
ACE Private Risk Services, which advises individuals on insurance needs, notes a case in which $8 million was awarded when a man suffered an aggravated vertebra injury requiring fusion surgery after a simple fall from a porch. It doesn't matter if the person who is suing you has extensive health insurance--you're still on the hook.
Most homeowners, however, require more, says Bob Adams, a certified financial planner in Cupertino, Calif. Even $300,000 can disappear quickly in the face of a major lawsuit. The median home price in 2009 was $173,500. Add to that the value of your personal possessions like jewelry, cars, boats, vacation homes, rental properties, and savings, and the assets you need to protect probably exceed the limit of your homeowner policy. You can even be forced to give up a portion of your future income.  
Appeals can be very expensive…as John is finding out…and are usually unsuccessful. A foreigner suing a U.S. public official and the government, in a U.S. court, will probably have little chance of success.
Ed : Merci pour votre lettre John, et s’il s’agit de votre vrai nom, elle est d’autant plus appréciée. Cela peut effectivement se produire, et ce, pour aucune raison!! Les « snowbirds » devraient être conscients du pouvoir incontesté des gardes-frontières américains. Il n’y a malheureusement pas de processus d’appel officiel, les avocats sont donc les seuls possiblement en mesure de suspendre une telle décision. Les mécanismes d’appel peuvent être très coûteux…comme John l’a découvert…et sont généralement infructueux. Un étranger qui poursuit un fonctionnaire et le gouvernement américains, devant une cour américaine, aura sans doute peu de chance de succès. Si quelqu’un est au courant d’une situation dans laquelle une interdiction de séjour a été levée, nous aimerions en connaître les détails.  
Vulture funds buy debt often at deep discounts with the intent of suing the debtor for full recovery. Vulture funds have averaged recovery rates of about 3 to 20 times their investment, equivalent to returns of (net legal fees) 300%-2000%.
Les fonds vautours achètent des crédits, souvent à très bas prix, dans le but d'engager des poursuites contre le débiteur pour l'amener à rembourser intégralement sa dette. Leurs taux de recouvrement représentent en moyenne 3 à 20 fois leur investissement, ce qui équivaut à des rendements (nets des frais de justice) de 300 % à 2000 %.7 Le modus operandi est simple : acheter une dette d’une entité en difficulté à un prix dérisoire, refuser de participer à la restructuration, puis recouvrer le montant total de la dette, souvent à la valeur nominale plus les intérêts, arriérés et pénalités, à travers un procès si nécessaire. Les fonds vautours entraînent les pays pauvres dans une suite de procès, une pratique appelée « champerty » qui est généralement inconnue des systèmes juridiques africains. Les procédures judiciaires sont généralement longues et comportent de nombreuses actions en justice dont le « règlement » prend de trois à dix ans. D'après les documents juridiques, la durée moyenne du recouvrement peut raisonnablement être estimée à six années, ce qui permet d'évaluer la moyenne des rendements annuels à 50 % à 333 %.8 Certaines de ces créances sont rachetées à environ 10 % de leur valeur nominale, ce qui donne lieu à des taux de recouvrement exorbitants.9 Si on déduit les frais de justice, souvent remboursés par l’État emprunteur, ces taux de recouvrement sont peut-être les plus élevés du marché de la dette des entités en difficulté.  
“I am suing you!” Which law and jurisdiction in international employment cases (held on AIJA half year conference, Helsinki, 25.05.2013).
Werkvertragsrecht in der Schweiz, Seminar der Handwerkskammer Freiburg, Freiburg im Breisgau, 16.05.2013.
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Police Officer Suing Civil Society Activist Says in Court She is Unfamiliar with Case Materials
Снят запрет на свидания с заступником армянских политзаключенных  
At this juncture, the home country should make a determination of whether the claim is intended to circumvent legal proceedings elsewhere as contracted by the company, or a complaint due to government measures. For example, Methanex is suing for the loss of future profits though under US precedence, they would be denied a claim because there is no compensation for government acting to stop a nuisance.
Le gouvernement du pays d’origine de l’investisseur devrait approuver toute contestation avant que la partie soit autorisée à l’introduire. Ensuite, le gouvernement du pays d’origine devrait déterminer si l’entreprise porte plainte pour se soustraire à des poursuites judiciaires à laquelle elle est exposée à l’étranger ou si la plainte porte sur des mesures gouvernementales. Par exemple, si Methanex entame des poursuites en vertu de la jurisprudence américaine pour la perte de profits éventuels, sa demande serait rejetée puisqu’il n’existe aucun mécanisme d’indemnisation dans le cas des mesures prises par un gouvernement pour éliminer une nuisance. L’éther méthyltertiobutylique a causé une dégradation de l’environnement qui oblige les raffineries à verser d’importants montants au titre de mesures correctives. Pour quelle raison un composant de ce produit dangereux devrait obliger les autorités fédérales à engager des fonds pour défendre un acte posé en toute légitimité par leurs forces de police?
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China is not the only country to ban criticism of the government; as of this writing, the government of Victoria (Australia) is suing to suppress a book called Victoria Police Corruption on the grounds that it "scandalizes the courts."
La Chine n'est pas le seul pays à bannir la critique du gouvernement ; au moment de l'écriture de cet article, le gouvernement de Victoria (en Australie) poursuit l'auteur d'un livre appelé « la corruption de la police de Victoria » en vue de la suppression de l'ouvrage sur la base qu'il « scandalise les tribunaux. » Ce livre est disponible sur l'Internet en dehors de l'Australie. L'Australie participe au traité de la Haye ; si le traité s'applique à de tels cas, un jugement australien contre le livre pourrait être utilisé pour le supprimer ailleurs.
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SF Leather then began suing workers and Deriteks, claiming that its “commercial interests” had been damaged by the union’s organising organising The process of forming or joining a trade union, or inducing other workers to form or join one.
Finalmente se alcanzaría un acuerdo entre sindicato y dirección el 14 de octubre. SF Leather no readmitiría a los trabajadores despedidos, pero al menos aceptó pagarles una indemnización. Decidió además permitir que el sindicato organizase en la fábrica, y ambas partes acordaron retirar los casos pendientes ante los tribunales (el sindicato también había iniciado una demanda judicial por las violaciones de los derechos ocurridas en la fábrica).
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A post criticizing the Singaporean government’s management of the Central Provident Fund (CPF) for retirees got blogger Roy Ngerng into deep trouble with Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, who is not only suing him but also seeking a summary judgem
Pour avoir publié un article s’interrogeant sur la gestion par le gouvernement du fonds de retraite de Singapour (Central Provident Fund, CPF), le blogueur Roy Ngerng s’est attiré les foudres du Premier ministre singapourien.  
An example is the UC Berkeley college student who overdosed on illicit drugs, ending up with severe brain damage. His mother is suing the university as she says that rampant drug use at her son’s place of residence on campus was known about beforehand and nothing was done about it.
Withdrawal will be the first step at Narconon. Without employing drug substitutes, withdrawal is an important and effective part of rehabilitation. Substituting addictive replacement drugs never is a good way to achieve a drug-free life. By the use of nutritional support and one-on-one assistance by trained staff, drugless withdrawal is made more tolerable.
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DIY Investors Suing Over Trailing Commissions
Recherche récente du Bureau des investisseurs de la CVMO  
, 2002) saw the central figure in the documentary suing (unsuccessfully) for a share of the profits and protection against the use of his image (Cooper, 2006, pp. 2-3). [back]
, 2002) le personnage central du documentaire a intenté une action en justice (qu’il a perdue) en vue d’obtenir une part des bénéfices et une protection contre l’utilisation de son image (Cooper, 2006, p. 2-3). [retour]
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