zones sèches – English Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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Arbres arbustes et lianes des zones sèches d'Afrique de l'Ouest
Arbres, arbustes et lianes des zones sèches d'Afrique de l'Ouest  
Estivales :percnoptère,milan noir,busard cendré,faucon hobereau,faucon crécerelle,outarde canepière (dans les zones sèches),caille des blés,coucou geai,engoulevent à collier roux,guêpier d'Europe,rollier d'Europe,pouillot de Bonelli,fauvette orphée,fauvette à lunettes,fauvette passerinettetraquet oreillard,hypolaïs polyglotte, etc.
Summer migrants: Egyptian Vulture, Black Kite, Montagu’s Harrier, Eurasian Hobby, Lesser Kestrel, Little Bustard (in drought), Quail, Great Spotted Cuckoo, Red-necked Nightjar, European Bee-eater, European Roller, Bonelli’s Warbler, Western Orphean Warbler, Spectacled Warbler, Subalpine WarblerBlack-eared Wheatear, Melodious Warbler, etc.  
"L’eau a été le problème majeur pour la population de ces zones sèches", dit Kyalo. "Mais avec des techniques innovantes pour recueillir l’eau, la plupart d’entre eux sont plus sûrs au niveau alimentaire et ne dépendent plus de l’aide".
"Water has been the main problem for people in these dry-land areas," Kyalo said. "But with innovative water harvesting techniques, most of them have become food secure and not dependent on aid any longer."  
Conseil d'utilisation: appliquer la Crème Dermo-RL Corps le matin et/ou le soir par massages doux ascendants sur l'ensemble du corps en insistant particulièrement sur les zones sèches (pieds, coudes, genoux).
Directions for use: Apply Crème Dermo-RL Corps every morning and/or evening by gentle ascending massages insisting on the dry areas (feet, elbows, knees).
  50 Hits  
Appendix A: Les Zones Sèches D’aujourd’hui et leurs Catégories
Appendix A: Present-day Drylands and Their Categories  
Les capuchonsde microrupteur et de commutateur en caoutchouc sont utilisées comme protections contre la poussière ou comme séparations des zones sèches et humides. ...
Micro switch caps and switch covers made of rubber serve as dust protection or also for wet room-dry room separation. ...
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Inondez-vous d'une bruine séduisante d'ambre alliée au mystère du freesia. Riches émollients pour adoucir la peau. Arôme durable et luxueux. Merveilleux sur les zones sèches comme les coudes et les genoux. 150 ml
Sultry incense infused with seductive evening amber. Rich emollients soften your skin. Luxurious, long-lasting scent. Wonderful for extra-dry areas like elbows, knees. 150 ml
  6 Hits  
eau, waterbeheer, approche intégrée, irrigation, agriculture en zones sèches, milieu urbain, développement rural, offre et demande, coûts
water, waterbeheer, integrated approach, irrigation, dryland farming, urban environment, rural development, supply and demand, costs  
- Comme hydratatant: Vous pouvez l'appliquer également pour adoucir toutes les zones sèches comme les genoux, les épaules et les coudes sèches.
- To use as a moisturiser: Massage a small amount of this organic skincare into damp skin and wait to absorb before dressing.  
Sources/puits de carbone dans les tourbières et les zones sèches de la vallée du Mackenzie
Carbon sources-sinks in the Mackenzie Valley peatlands and uplands  
Sources/puits de carbone dans les tourbières et les zones sèches de la vallée du Mackenzie
Carbon sources-sinks in the Mackenzie Valley peatlands and uplands  
Que vos recherches vous amènent dans des criques locales ou sur votre plage préférée, les disques de détections sont étanches pour vous permettre de trouver vos trésors sur les zones sèches ou mouillées.
The new Black Hawk metal detector is not only capable of detecting rings, coins and jewelry but is also well suited for the detection of nuggets, placer and alluvial gold. The 16 cm (6") search coil has been optimized to locate the smallest of items in the toughest of terrains. Whether your search takes you along the banks of your local creek or your favorite stretch of beach, the coils are submersible to make finding your treasure in both wet and dry a breeze.  
Les ruisseaux constituent les meilleurs liens entre les aires naturelles car ils offrent des habitats de zones sèches et riveraines à diverses espèces de plantes et d’animaux. Les ruisseaux végétalisés accroissent la valeur des zones raccordées car la végétation protège les espèces migratrices contre la prédation et améliore l’habitat aquatique.
Streams and creeks provide the best connections among natural areas, because they provide upland and riparian habitat for a diversity of plant and animal species. Streams that are vegetated add to the value of the connected core areas because vegetation protects migrating species from predation and improves the aquatic habitat. Connections that are shorter (less distance for an organism to travel from one area to another) and continuous (less risk of mortality and predation) are best.  
Sur les versants nord, on la trouve à basse altitude, soit entre 1 350 et 1 500 mètres; sur les versants abrupts qui donnent sur le sud, elle peut atteindre une altitude de 1 650 mètres. La végétation de l'écorégion montagnarde se caractérise par des forêts de Douglas taxifoliés, de peupliers faux-tremble et de pins tordus, parsemées ça et là de graminées dans les zones sèches.
The montane zone is the smallest ecoregion in Banff National Park making up only 3% of the total area of the park. It occurs at lower elevations between 1350 metres and 1500 metres on north-facing slopes, rising to 1650 metres on steep south-facing slopes. The vegetation of the montane ecoregion is characterized by forests of Douglas-fir, trembling aspen and lodgepole pine with patches of grasslands on dry sites. White spruce, balsam poplar and shrub meadows occur on wetter sites.  
Parallèlement, la recherche agricole doit être orientée sur les cultures et les animaux intéressant les agriculteurs pauvres des zones sèches, afin de profiter au plus grand nombre et aux pauvres, et pas seulement à quelques-uns et aux riches.
Poor producers in LDCs rarely enjoy effective access to technology and in any case the technology available is often not responsive to their priorities. Innovative approaches to extension, both in terms of better public and market-based services, have been developed and need to be expanded to cover a larger proportion of rural producers. At the same time, agricultural research has to be directed at the crops and animals grown by poor farmers in dry land zones, for the benefit of the many and poor, not only the few and better-off.  
Unique en son genre, il rassemble en plein air une grande variété de plantes. Dans un cadre prestigieux, les végétaux sont originaires de plusieurs zones sèches telles que le sud-ouest des Etats-Unis, le Mexique ou l’Amérique centrale du sud.
Hotel Miramar is located very close to Monte Carlo’s Exotic Garden. One of a kind, the garden collects together a huge variety of plants in a stunning outdoor setting. The plants come from various arid zones across the world, such as the south-western United States, Mexico and Central and South America. A unique outing for people of all ages.  
La Tête de Brosse Corps Clarisonic rend la peau lisse et réduit les zones sèches. Elle peut être utilisée uniquement avec les modèles Clarisonic PLUS et PRO.
The Clarisonic Body Brush Head smoothes skin and reduces dry patches. Only for use with the Clarisonic PLUS and PRO models.
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AVENE COLD CREAM 40 ml peaux sèches. Produit dédié à la nutrition et à la protection des zones sèches ou agressées par le froid. Avène cold cream nourrit, protège et hydrate la peau. Tube de 40 ml
AVENE COLD CREAM 40 ml dry skins. Product dedicated to the nutrition and to the protection of dry areas or assaulted by the cold. Avène cold cream feeds , protects and hydrates the skin. Tube of 40 ml
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Il n'est pas bon non plus d'exagérer avec la toilette, pour ne pas déshydrater encore plus les zones sèches et faire réagir les glandes sébacées qui augmenteraient alors leur production de sébum.
Also the excessive use of scrubs and exfoliating products is not recommended because they can disrupt the hydrolipid mantle. Such products should be used regularly once/twice a week, especially by rubbing a little longer in oilier skin areas.  
Écologie: au subarctique: zones sèches, perturbées et ouvertes de prairies, versants de collines, bois, steppes, bords, rivages, falaises, fissures, crêtes, coulées; sable, rochers, graviers, sol érodé; bords de route
Ecology: to subarctic: dry, open disturbed areas of prairies, hillsides, woods, grasslands, banks, shorelines, cliffs, crevices, ridges, coulees; sand, rocks, gravel, eroded soil; roadsides
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Le gouvernement de l’Ontario collabore depuis près de 35 ans avec Canards Illimités Canada pour conserver, restaurer et gérer les terres humides et les zones sèches adjacentes.
The Ontario government has collaborated with Ducks Unlimited Canada for almost 35 years to conserve, restore and manage wetlands and adjacent uplands.
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Exfolier. Un hydratant contenant des alphahydroxyacides aide à déloger les cellules mortes, à garder les pores dégagés et à empêcher la desquamation sur les zones sèches.
Exfoliate. A moisturizer containing alpha hydroxy acids helps to remove dead skin cells, keep pores clear, and prevents any dry areas from flaking.  
Comme le montre la figure ci-dessus, 42% du territoire africain est recouvert de zones sèches définies comme impropres à toute forme d'agriculture. Les régions proches de ces zones présentent un haut degré de vulnérabilité à la désertification.
As we can see on the figure above, 42% of the African territory is covered by dry land defined as unsuitable for any kind of sustainable agriculture. The regions closed to these dry lands have a very high degree of vulnerability regarding the desertification. Indeed, desertification threatens another 15% of the continent where 20% of the African population live (see figure on the right).
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Ce guide de terrain est la synthèse de plus de quinze années de pratique en aménagement forestier dans le cadre des actions entreprises par le Cirad. Cette expérience a été mise à profit pour combler un manque de documentation sur la flore des zones sèches d’Afrique de l’Ouest.
This field handbook is the result of over fifteen years' of experience of forestry operations under projects conducted by CIRAD. It sets out to fill a gap in the literature available on the flora of the dry zones of West Africa. Its 1,300 colour photographs of flowers, fruits, leaves and bark will facilitate identification of each of the 360 species presented. As trees are an integral part of the landscape and have many functions and uses, an up-to-date inventory is also given of the traditional uses of the different parts of plants for pharmaceutical and human and animal food purposes and in daily life. The determination keys and descriptive sheets are accessible to non-specialists in botany, be they technicians working in forestry, agriculture or animal production, teachers or students. This book is a reference for anyone in need of information on the trees and shrubs of the region.  
Au point de contact entre les racines des souches colonisées et les racines des arbres du peuplement final, la transmission et l'infection par A. ostoyaes survenaient plus fréquemment dans les zones biogéoclimatiques humides que dans les zones sèches.
The frequency of Armillaria species in precommercial thinning stumps and the interaction at root contacts between Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) crop trees and stumps colonized by Armillaria ostoyae (Romagn.) Herink were investigated at sites in four biogeoclimatic zones along a transect from the coast through the southern interior of British Columbia. The frequency of stumps colonized by A. ostoyae and Armillaria sinapina Berube & Dessureault varied among lower, mid, and upper slope transects. On coastal sites, A. sinapina dominated fresh hygrotopes and A. ostoyae dominated slightly dry hygrotopes, and the frequency of both fungi was low on moist hygrotopes. On interior sites, A. ostoyae was found over all hygrotopes, but with lower frequency on the driest sites. The distribution of the two Armillaria species on sites is apparently determined by anoxia associated with periodic soil saturation, by drying of the soil, and by host response limiting spread of pathogenic species. At root contacts between colonized stump roots and crop tree roots, transfer and infection by A. ostoyae occurred more frequently in moist biogeoclimatic zones than dry ones. Lesion size on crop tree roots was related to inoculum volume at some sites and to stump root diameter at others. The percentage of lesions on roots at which crop trees formed callus was associated with tree bole volume. The results indicate that there will be crop tree mortality following precommercial thinning, especially where inoculum levels are high in the Interior Cedar-Hemlock and Interior Douglas-fir biogeoclimatic zones.
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Les écopaysages à grande échelle comprenant le haut niveau froid et les terres hautes des forêts de montagne ont été inclus dans l'enquête. Au niveau des écopaysages à petite échelle, le haut niveau a été subdivisé en zones sèches, en pentes et en bas-fonds de vallées asséchées.
The indigenous ecological knowledge of the Maasai pastoralists was employed together with ecological methods to assess the effects of grazing and cropping on rangeland biodiversity at macro- and micro-landscape levels in northern Tanzania. The joint surveys with pastoralists identified indicator plant species and their associations with micro-landscapes and livestock grazing suitability, while traditional calf-pasture reserves were evaluated for the preservation of rangeland biodiversity. The macro-landscapes comprising the cool high plateau and montane forest highland were included in the survey. At micro-landscape levels, the high plateau was classified into uplands, slopes and dry valley bottomlands. The micro-landscapes were assessed in terms of herbaceous plant species and woody species richness and risks of soil erosion. Biodiversity varied at both the macro- and micro-landscape levels and in accordance with the land use types. Greater plant species diversity and fewer erosion risks were found in the pastoral landscapes than in the agropastoral landscapes. The calf-grazing pastures had greater herbaceous species richness than the non-calf pastures, which in turn had more woody species. It was concluded that the indigenous systems of landscape classification provided a valuable basis for assessing rangeland biodiversity in East Africa. From authors' summary.  
C'est le plus naturel avec ses arbres fruitiers disposés en terrasses, ses collections de plantes sauvages (dont des orchidées rares). Sa partie supérieure se distingue par une végétation spécifique aux zones sèches (un exemple rare au Luxembourg).
Construction of the residential area of the Grünewald between Rue Ch. Bernhoeft and Rue des Labours, planned for 1 800 residents, has been completed. It consists of 5 of the overall 20 residential buildings constructed and managed by the SNHBM. The residential buildings are placed like pieces on a chess board with alternating squares for public areas including children’s play areas, private gardens at the foot of each building and communal gardens at two of the buildings. Each communal garden is intersected by a pedestrian path. The residential buildings of the district are all the results of architectural competitions organised by the Fund, which emphasises selecting the best possible approach both in terms of architecture and functionality.  
Toutes les organisations nationales et les projets associés d’A Rocha œuvrent pour assurer la conservation, la restauration, et l’utilisation durable de la « vie sur terre », que ce soit dans les forêts, les zones humides ou les zones sèches.
All our A Rocha National Organizations and Associated Projects work towards the goal of ensuring the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of ‘Life on Land’, be that in forests, wetlands, or drylands. And our work makes a difference!  Some specific highlights:  
Elle est d’ailleurs devenue le symbole de la Provence. Plante millénaire très robuste, vivace et aromatique, elle se développe dans les zones sèches et ensoleillées de montagne, sur des sols calcaires, au-dessus de 600 mètres d’altitude.
The legendary and over thousand year old very robust, perennial and aromatic plant grows in dry and sunny mountain areas, on limestone soils above 600m of altitude. Its yield is low with about 15 to 20 kg of essential oil per hectare. A hybrid of lavender called “Lavandin”, crossed with lavender aspic (Lavendula latifolia) is grown in the plains at lower altitude and accounts for 90% of lavender production in France. “Lavandin” yields 3 to 10 times more essential oil then “true” lavender per hectare!
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Rapports de surveillance environnementale post-construction (zones sèches et d'eau douce)
Pipeline Environmental Effects Monitoring Program: monitoring results
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