zuckerberg – Englisch-Übersetzung – Keybot-Wörterbuch

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  5 Hits www.athanasakisolives.gr  
Marc Andreessen (multi-millionnaire, fondateur de Mosaic et Netscape ) a été le mentor de Mark Zuckerberg (fondateur de Facebook et milliardaire)
Marc Andreessen (multi-millionaire founder of Mosaic and Netscape) mentor to Mark Zuckerberg (billionaire founder of Facebook)
En 2004, M. Hughes a cofondé, aux côtés de Mark Zuckerberg, Dustin Moskovitz et Eduardo Saverin, le réseau social Facebook, utilisé aujourd’hui par plus de 600 millions d’utilisateurs actifs dans 190 pays.
In 2004, along with Mark Zuckerberg, Dustin Moskovitz and Eduardo Saverin, Mr. Hughes co-founded the social network Facebook, which today has more than 600 million active users in 190 countries. In 2007, Mr. Hughes left Facebook to join Barack Obama’s team and headed up the American presidential candidate’s online campaign. Through this historic campaign, Chris Hughes revolutionized how new media are used as political levers, helping Mr. Obama raise more than $500 million from over two million donations.
L’affilié américain de l’ITF Teamsters souhaite recueillir le plus grand nombre possible de signatures pour un courrier électronique qu’il enverra au PDG de Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, pour le sensibiliser à la situation des chauffeurs.
ITF-affiliate the Teamsters in the USA wants as many signatures as possible to an email it is sending to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to make him aware of the drivers’ plight. The drivers have twice sought representation by Teamsters Local 853 to improve their livelihoods but the union reports that Facebook contractor Loop Transportation has refused to recognise the Teamsters.
Pour mémoire, voici la citation de Mark Zuckerberg quand il a annoncé que son entreprise reviendrait à des applications natives : “When I’m introspective about the last few years I think the biggest mistake that we made, as a company, is betting too much on HTML5 as opposed to native… because it just wasn’t there. And it’s not that HTML5 is bad. I’m actually, on long-term, really excited about it.”
The last example of performance issue is well-known: the Facebook app. As a reminder, here is the quote of Mark Zuckerberg when he announced his company would switch back to a full-native app: “When I’m introspective about the last few years I think the biggest mistake that we made, as a company, is betting too much on HTML5 as opposed to native… because it just wasn’t there. And it’s not that HTML5 is bad. I’m actually, on long-term, really excited about it.”
Bertin Nahum apparait pour la première fois dans le classement de Discovery Series en se positionnant juste derrière Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg et James Cameron.
Bertin Nahum appears for the first time in the classification of Discovery Series while positioning just behind Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg and James Cameron.
Nouveau smartphones, technologie embarquée, téléphones Full HD… Des visiteurs et marques du monde entier se retrouvent à la Fira de Barcelone pour présenter les dernières innovations. Des personnalités comme Mark Zuckerberg, fondateur de Facebook, sont également au rendez-vous.
The Mobile World Congress held in Barcelona every year is imperative for new technologies. New smartphones, embedded technology, full HD phones… brand names from around the world present their latest inventions and innovations at the Fira de Barcelona. You can even meet the likes of Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook.
Il veut que tous les courtisans convergent vers cette plateforme unique où toute la cour, en temps réel, contemple, assiste, partage, commente, observe, épie selon une étiquette et des paramètres de confidentialité que Mark Zuckerberg et les ingénieurs de Facebook n’auraient pas reniés.
He wanted all the courtiers to converge towards this single platform where everyone in the court could, in real time, view, watch, share, comment, observe and follow, according to conventions and confidentiality worthy of Mark Zuckerberg and the creators of Facebook.
J’ai la conviction (bien que je me trompe souvent) que Zuckerberg marquera son époque comme Brin et Page. En Suisse, j’espère que nous verrons également bientôt une création de valeur locale similaire à celles de Daniel Borel, Mark Bürki ou Paolo Buzzi.
I’m convinced (even though I’m often wrong) that Zuckerberg’s impact will be similar to Brin and Page’s. Here in Switzerland, I hope that local companies are created whose value is on a par with those of Daniel Borel, Mark Bürki and Paolo Buzzi.
Mark Zuckerberg, parlant Manda...
Mark Zuckerberg, Speaking Mand...
En 2004, M. Hughes a cofondé, aux côtés de Mark Zuckerberg, Dustin Moskovitz et Eduardo Saverin, le réseau social Facebook, utilisé aujourd’hui par plus de 600 millions d’utilisateurs actifs dans 190 pays.
In 2004, along with Mark Zuckerberg, Dustin Moskovitz and Eduardo Saverin, Mr. Hughes co-founded the social network Facebook, which today has more than 600 million active users in 190 countries. In 2007, Mr. Hughes left Facebook to join Barack Obama’s team and headed up the American presidential candidate’s online campaign. Through this historic campaign, Chris Hughes revolutionized how new media are used as political levers, helping Mr. Obama raise more than $500 million from over two million donations.
  6 Hits www.dakarnave.com  
et le portrait effrayant de Mark Zuckerberg, hilare, par Jill Greenberg.
and the frightening portrait of a laughing Mark Zuckerberg, by Jill Greenberg.
Mark Zuckerberg est venu à l’Hôtel Llegendes
Mark Zuckerberg in Hotel Llegendes
  2 Hits www.smokymountains-hotels.com  
Jéremie n'est pas pas le grec Marck Zuckerberg, mais le nom de l'instrument financier de la Commission européenne et du Fond européen d'investissement, qui, depuis 2012,  fournit des fonds aux start-up du pays.
Fortunately or not, the startup ecosystem development in Greece has a name and it’s Jeremie.  No, Jeremie isn’t the Greek Mark Zuckerberg; it’s the name of the financial instrument of the European Commission together with the European Investment Fund, which since 2012 has been providing funds to startups in this country.  This instrument is responsible for the current state of the Greek startup ecosystem.
  2 Hits www.alumni.comillas.edu  
Car les cas de hacking se sont multipliés récemment ! En juin 2016, les hackers répondant au nom de OurMine a réussi à prendre le contrôle des comptes Twitter, LinkedIn et Pinterest de Mark Zuckerberg.
This event could however be different from the one revealed in September, as the company stated it. At the time, the company announced the hacking of 500 million of its users’ accounts by an entity supposedly to be technically supported by a state.
Il veut que tous les courtisans convergent vers cette plateforme unique où toute la cour, en temps réel, contemple, assiste, partage, commente, observe, épie selon une étiquette et des paramètres de confidentialité que Mark Zuckerberg et les ingénieurs de Facebook n’auraient pas reniés.
He wanted all the courtiers to converge towards this single platform where everyone in the court could, in real time, view, watch, share, comment, observe and follow, according to conventions and confidentiality worthy of Mark Zuckerberg and the creators of Facebook.
La BEC est dirigée par un groupe de riches et célèbres entrepreneurs, tels que Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Richard Branson, etc. La raison de la coalition est de fournir du soutien financier et des incitatifs pour stimuler la R&D dans le secteur de l’énergie propre, en vue d’innover et trouver une solution «miracle» pour satisfaire notre demande mondiale d’énergie sans nuire davantage à notre planète.
The BEC is led by a group of wealthy celebrity entrepreneurs, such as Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Richard Branson, etc. The reason of the coalition is to provide financial support and incentives to stimulate R&D in the clean energy sector, in order to innovate and find a “miracle” solution to fulfill our global energy demand without harming more our planet. In short, according to the BEC, the energy must be widely available, reliable, affordable and carbon-neutral. For those interested, the coalition will be investing in “electricity generation and storage, transportation, industry, agriculture and energy system efficiency”.
Le Pdg du plus grand réseau social au monde, Mark Zuckerberg, a été convoqué par les sénateurs et représentants américains au Congrès des Etats-Unis ce mardi 10 avril 2018 suite au scandale « Cambridge Analytica », qui a impliqué la vie privée de 2,13 milliards d’utilisateurs.
Since the beginning of the European migration crisis, one question has sparked tension within the public sphere: is this phenomenon linked to the spread of terrorism on the continent? Politicians, experts and civil organisations are all eager to give us answers to the emerging situation, these explanations however can often be conflicting.
La société de Mark Zuckerberg ne s’est pas gênée en partageant les données d’utilisateurs de Facebook avec Cambridge Analytica. Parmi les 87 millions de victimes de ce scandale, on retrouve 622 000 canadiens.
Mark Zuckerberg’s company did not shy away from sharing Facebook user data with Cambridge Analytica. Of the 87 million affected users, there are 622,000 Canadians. Is this your case?
  2 Hits hayatiemniyetliyasa.com  
The immigration-reform advocacy group founded by Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg —FWD.us (pronounced « forward U.S. ») — and funded by fellow Silicon Valley entrepreneurs including Microsoft’s Bill Gates and Yahoo’s Marissa Mayer — is rolling out a plan for the 2016 election that will include « substantial » investments in battleground states.
The immigration-reform advocacy group founded by Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg —FWD.us (pronounced “forward U.S.”) — and funded by fellow Silicon Valley entrepreneurs including Microsoft’s Bill Gates and Yahoo’s Marissa Mayer — is rolling out a plan for the 2016 election that will include “substantial” investments in battleground states.
En ne modifiant pas nos lois, les législateurs canadiens permettent aux sites de médias sociaux de construire des véhicules qui sont réglés à « départ » plutôt qu'à « arrêt ». Zuckerberg sait à quel point ce n'est pas sûr.
Currently, the Privacy Commissioner is powerless to do anything about this. Without changes to our law, Canadian legislators are allowing social media sites to build vehicles that default to “go” rather than “stop”. Zuckerberg knows how unsafe this is. This is why he has rejigged his own privacy settings. He knows that Facebook's defaults are dangerous. The question is why isn't what is good enough for the geese also good for the gangster?
Muhammad rejoint au classement d'autres célébrités telles que Leonardo DiCaprio, Nicki Minaj, Mark Zuckerberg, Priyanka Chopra, Adele, Hillary Clinton et le Pape François. < En savoir plus >
Muhammad joins an illustrious lineup on the list, including Leonardo DiCaprio, Nicki Minaj, Mark Zuckerberg, Priyanka Chopra, Adele, Hillary Clinton and Pope Francis. < See more >
Ils furent les premiers imprimeurs à l’échelle industrielle. Les Steve Jobs et Mark Zuckerberg de leur temps. 400 ans plus tard, vous entrez chez eux comme chez vous, car leur demeure et leur atelier sont intacts, comme s’ils venaient juste de sortir pour faire une course.
Christophe Plantin and his son-in-law Jan Moretus were a revolutionary duo. They were the first printers on an industrial scale – the Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg of their day. Four hundred years later, you can simply drop in on them. Because their home and workplace are still there, as if they had just popped out to the bakery.
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