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  2 Hits www.jaf.ca  
Ze zei: "We hebben drie jaar gewerkt om deze droom te realiseren. We zijn praktisch volgeboekt met ploegen inclusief Faversham Town, Dover Athletic, Strike Force, Faversham Town Juniors en geklasseerde minivoetbalteams."
Head teacher Catrin Woodend hailed it as a "sporting legacy for the whole community". She said: "We have worked for three years to make this dream a reality. We are practically fully booked with teams including Faversham Town, Dover Athletic, Strike Force, Faversham Town Juniors and five and seven-a-side leagues."
  10 Hits www.tudelft.nl  
“Wij vinden het als ondernemend Nederland belangrijk wat hier vandaag gebeurt”, zei voorzitter Wientjes van VNO-NCW tijdens de oprichtingsceremonie. “Onderwijs en onderzoek moeten bij de wereldtop horen en blijven. Alleen excellentie kan ons daar brengen”.
"As representatives of Dutch industry, we believe that what has transpired here today is very important," said Mr Wientjes, chairman of the VNO-NCW, during the 3TU.Federation foundation ceremony. "We must earn our place among the world leaders in education and research and retain it. Only excellence can get us to that leading position."
Elton John zei over hen: “Ga die mannen live bekijken want het is echt te gek voor woorden! Ik denk niet dat ik iets gezien heb dat zo spannend en opwindend is sinds ik Jimi Hendrix zag in de jaren 60…”
Elton John dit d’eux : « Allez les voir live car c’est vraiment dingue! Je ne me souviens pas d’avoir vu quelque chose d’aussi excitant depuis que j’ai vu Jimi Hendrix dans les années 60… »
  8 Hits www.efinancialcareers.be  
Tijdens de aanvallen was Vincent compleet in de war en wist hij niet wat hij zei of deed. Tussendoor probeerde hij zo goed als hij kon zijn leven weer op te pakken.
During these attacks, Vincent was totally confused and did not know what he was doing or saying. Between episodes, he did his best to pick up the threads of his life.
  102 Hits christiananswers.net  
Jezus zei eens in de bergrede,
Jesus, no seu Sermão do Monte, uma vez disse,
  2 Hits www.neoncorp.ca  
"Propeaq is ontwikkeld naar aanleiding van vragen van topsporters. Het begon met een telefoontje ergens in 2006 van Marcel Wouda, destijds zwemtrainer. Hij had een oud artikel van mij gelezen over jetlags en zei: 'We gaan over twee jaar met onze zwemploeg naar de Olympische Spelen in Peking. We verwachten dat onze sporters daar een redelijke jetlag zullen hebben en dat dat ten koste gaat van hun prestaties. Nu hebben we gelezen dat jij daar iets voor hebt.' Toen ben ik met hem en later ook met Jacco Verhaeren, toen hoofdcoach, gaan praten en van het een komt dan het ander. Samen hebben we een heel programma opgezet waarin we twintig Nederlandse zwemmers en zwemsters eigenlijk zonder een spoor van jetlag naar Peking hebben gebracht. En met succes: er waren gouden medailles voor de dames-estafetteploeg en langeafstandszwemmer Maarten van der Weijden. In de jaren daarna ben ik ook benaderd door andere topsporters en bonden, in judo, atletiek, turnen, wielrennen, schaatsen, enzovoort."
“They were developed after receiving questions from some top athletes. It all started with a phone call some time in 2006 from the swimming coach Marcel Wouda. He had read an old article I’d written about jetlag and said ‘In two years’ time we’re going to the Beijing Olympics with our swimming team. We expect that our swimmers are going to have quite a jetlag when we arrive and that that’s going to have an impact on their performance. But we’ve read that you can do something about that.’ So I arranged to meet and talk to him, and later also to Jacco Verhaeren, who was the head coach. And that’s how it all started. Together we drew up a whole programme to get twenty Dutch swimmers to Beijing without any signs of jetlag. And it worked as the women’s relay team and the long-distance swimmer Maarten van der Weijden all won gold medals. Over the next few years, various other top athletes and sports associations – ranging from judo, track and field, gymnastics, and cycling to speed skating – also contacted me.”
  9 Hits www.unicef.be  
" zei Edouard Begbeider.
», ajoute Edouard Beigbeder.
  14 Hits adeccogroup.ch  
Tinkebell zei tegen NRC Handelsblad dat ze een retorische vraag stelt: “
Tinkebell told NRC Handelsblad that she is asking a rhetorical question: “
  3 Hits aim.eans.ee  
U zei ‘seculaire trends’?
Vous avez dit ‘tendances séculaires’ ?
  137 Hits www.christiananswers.net  
Jezus zei eens in de bergrede,
Jesus, no seu Sermão do Monte, uma vez disse,
  2 Hits www.klook.com  
Kapitalisme, zei u?
Vous avez dit capitalisme ?
"Op dit moment is de EU in het onderzoek is nog steeds in het proces van het gebruik van surrogaat land praktijk is duidelijk in strijd met de bepalingen van artikel 15th van protocol en internationale verplichting toen China toetreden tot de WTO Wij zijn sterk gekant tegen de heer Gao zei: .. Zowel China En de EU heeft de "Klimaatveranderingsovereenkomst van Parijs" ondertekend, die zich inspant om de wereldwijde klimaatverandering het hoofd te bieden. "Elektrische fiets als een groen reis- en transportmiddel kan hier een positieve bijdrage aan leveren.
"À l'heure actuelle, l'UE dans l'enquête est toujours en train d'utiliser la pratique des pays de substitution est clairement contraire aux dispositions de l'article 15th du protocole et de l'obligation internationale lorsque la Chine adhère à l'OMC. Nous sommes fermement opposés. M. Gao a déclaré: Les deux Chine Et l'UE est signataire de l'accord de Paris sur le changement climatique. Ils déploient leurs propres efforts pour faire face au changement climatique mondial. Le vélo électrique en tant que moyen de transport et de transport écologique peut apporter une contribution positive à cet égard. Entièrement compétitives, la Chine et les industries de l’UE entretiennent une coopération étroite pour soutenir les solutions technologiques de la chaîne d’approvisionnement, qui peuvent générer des avantages mutuels et des résultats positifs pour toutes les parties. La Chine espère que l’UE pourra mener l’enquête de manière objective, et non au détriment de l’environnement. Coût des industries et des consommateurs en amont et en aval, assurant une protection excessive aux industries liées à l'UE. Surveillez de près l'évolution des affaires, qui sont étroitement liées aux pratiques de l'UE dans le cadre de l'enquête pour assurer leur cohérence avec les règles de l'OMC, et nous prendrons les mesures nécessaires pour protéger résolument les droits et intérêts légitimes des entreprises chinoises.
" At present, the EU in the investigation is still in the process of using surrogate country practice is clearly contrary to the provisions of Article 15th of protocol and international obligation when China join to WTO. We are firmly opposed. Mr Gao said: Both China and the EU are signatories of the "Paris Climate Change Agreement". They make their own efforts to deal with global climate change. Electric bicycle as a green travelling and transport means, can make a positive contribution in this regard. Chinese Electric Bicycle Industries is fully competitive, China and EU industries have extensive cooperation in supporting the supply chain technology solutions, which can achieve mutual benefit and win-win results. China hopes that the EU could objectively carry out the investigation, not at the expense of the environment, and the cost of upstream and downstream industries and consumers, providing excessive the protection of EU related industries. The China Ministry of Commerce will be closely tracking the progress of cases, highly concerned about EU practices in the investigation for their consistency with the rules of WTO. We will take the necessary measures to resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of China enterprises. "
"En la actualidad, la UE en la investigación todavía está en el proceso de utilizar prácticas de país sustituto, es claramente contraria a las disposiciones del Artículo 15 del protocolo y la obligación internacional cuando China se adhiere a la OMC. Estamos firmemente opuestos. El Sr. Gao dijo: Ambos, China Y la UE es signataria del "Acuerdo de París sobre el Cambio Climático". Ellos hacen sus propios esfuerzos para enfrentar el cambio climático global. La bicicleta eléctrica como medio de transporte y transporte ecológico, puede hacer una contribución positiva en este sentido. China, que es totalmente competitiva, cuenta con una amplia cooperación en el apoyo a las soluciones tecnológicas de la cadena de suministro, que pueden lograr beneficios mutuos y resultados beneficiosos para todos. China espera que la UE pueda llevar a cabo la investigación de manera objetiva, no a expensas del medio ambiente, y El costo de las industrias y los consumidores ascendentes y descendentes, que proporciona una protección excesiva a las industrias relacionadas con la UE. El Ministerio de Comercio de China Seguir de cerca el progreso de los casos, muy relacionados con las prácticas de la UE en la investigación por su coherencia con las normas de la OMC. Tomaremos las medidas necesarias para salvaguardar resueltamente los derechos e intereses legítimos de las empresas chinas.
" At present, the EU in the investigation is still in the process of using surrogate country practice is clearly contrary to the provisions of Article 15th of protocol and international obligation when China join to WTO. We are firmly opposed. Mr Gao said: Both China and the EU are signatories of the "Paris Climate Change Agreement". They make their own efforts to deal with global climate change. Electric bicycle as a green travelling and transport means, can make a positive contribution in this regard. Chinese Electric Bicycle Industries is fully competitive, China and EU industries have extensive cooperation in supporting the supply chain technology solutions, which can achieve mutual benefit and win-win results. China hopes that the EU could objectively carry out the investigation, not at the expense of the environment, and the cost of upstream and downstream industries and consumers, providing excessive the protection of EU related industries. The China Ministry of Commerce will be closely tracking the progress of cases, highly concerned about EU practices in the investigation for their consistency with the rules of WTO. We will take the necessary measures to resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of China enterprises. "
" At present, the EU in the investigation is still in the process of using surrogate country practice is clearly contrary to the provisions of Article 15th of protocol and international obligation when China join to WTO. We are firmly opposed. Mr Gao said: Both China and the EU are signatories of the "Paris Climate Change Agreement". They make their own efforts to deal with global climate change. Electric bicycle as a green travelling and transport means, can make a positive contribution in this regard. Chinese Electric Bicycle Industries is fully competitive, China and EU industries have extensive cooperation in supporting the supply chain technology solutions, which can achieve mutual benefit and win-win results. China hopes that the EU could objectively carry out the investigation, not at the expense of the environment, and the cost of upstream and downstream industries and consumers, providing excessive the protection of EU related industries. The China Ministry of Commerce will be closely tracking the progress of cases, highly concerned about EU practices in the investigation for their consistency with the rules of WTO. We will take the necessary measures to resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of China enterprises. "
" At present, the EU in the investigation is still in the process of using surrogate country practice is clearly contrary to the provisions of Article 15th of protocol and international obligation when China join to WTO. We are firmly opposed. Mr Gao said: Both China and the EU are signatories of the "Paris Climate Change Agreement". They make their own efforts to deal with global climate change. Electric bicycle as a green travelling and transport means, can make a positive contribution in this regard. Chinese Electric Bicycle Industries is fully competitive, China and EU industries have extensive cooperation in supporting the supply chain technology solutions, which can achieve mutual benefit and win-win results. China hopes that the EU could objectively carry out the investigation, not at the expense of the environment, and the cost of upstream and downstream industries and consumers, providing excessive the protection of EU related industries. The China Ministry of Commerce will be closely tracking the progress of cases, highly concerned about EU practices in the investigation for their consistency with the rules of WTO. We will take the necessary measures to resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of China enterprises. "
" At present, the EU in the investigation is still in the process of using surrogate country practice is clearly contrary to the provisions of Article 15th of protocol and international obligation when China join to WTO. We are firmly opposed. Mr Gao said: Both China and the EU are signatories of the "Paris Climate Change Agreement". They make their own efforts to deal with global climate change. Electric bicycle as a green travelling and transport means, can make a positive contribution in this regard. Chinese Electric Bicycle Industries is fully competitive, China and EU industries have extensive cooperation in supporting the supply chain technology solutions, which can achieve mutual benefit and win-win results. China hopes that the EU could objectively carry out the investigation, not at the expense of the environment, and the cost of upstream and downstream industries and consumers, providing excessive the protection of EU related industries. The China Ministry of Commerce will be closely tracking the progress of cases, highly concerned about EU practices in the investigation for their consistency with the rules of WTO. We will take the necessary measures to resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of China enterprises. "
Uit de hoogte van het bedrag spreekt de overtuiging dat deze innovatie grote voordelen met zich mee kan brengen. ”Omdat het moet en omdat het kan! ” zei minister van Financiën, Gerrit de Jager, in een toespraak aan werkgevers. “‘Het kantoor is een plek om collega’s te ontmoeten,” lichtte hij toe.
Increasingly, Dutch companies are putting flexible working high on the agenda – and now the government is offering subsidies to help them adapt to the new practices. With ESF co-funding, €24 million is available in total – a measure of the belief that this innovation can deliver real benefits. “It must happen, it can happen,” explained the Minister of Finance in a speech to employers. “The office is a place to meet colleagues”, said Minister De Jager, “but with our laptops we can work everywhere, with smart phones we are always in contact, and via social media we can speak to the world around us.”
Les entreprises néerlandaises accordent de plus en plus d’importance à la flexibilité du travail, et désormais, le gouvernement leur octroie des subventions afin de les aider à s’adapter à ces nouvelles pratiques. Cofinancée par le FSE, cette aide s’élève au total à 24 millions d’euros, soit une véritable marque de confiance envers cette innovation et les avantages qu’elle peut apporter. «Cela va se faire, cela peut se faire», a déclaré le ministre des finances lors d’une allocution devant les employeurs. «Le bureau est un endroit où l’on rencontre ses collègues», explique le ministre De Jager, «mais grâce à nos ordinateurs portables, nous pouvons travailler n’importe où; grâce aux smartphones, nous restons toujours en contact, et grâce aux médias sociaux, nous pouvons échanger avec le reste du monde».
Für Unternehmen in den Niederlanden wird flexible Arbeit zunehmend wichtiger und nun werden sie vom Staat unterstützt, der ihnen finanzielle Unterstützung für die Anpassung an diese neuen Arbeitsweisen anbietet. Durch die Kofinanzierung des ESF stehen insgesamt 24 Mio. EUR zur Verfügung – angesichts dieser Zahlen wird davon ausgegangen, dass diese Innovation reale Vorteile mit sich bringen wird. „Es muss geschehen und es kann geschehen“, erklärte der Finanzminister bei einer Versammlung von Arbeitnehmern. Minister De Jager sagte außerdem: „Das Büro ist der Ort, an dem man seine Kolleginnen und Kollegen trifft, aber mit unseren Laptops können wir überall arbeiten, mit Smartphones sind wir jederzeit erreichbar und mithilfe der sozialen Medien können wir mit der Welt um uns herum in Verbindung bleiben.“
Increasingly, Dutch companies are putting flexible working high on the agenda – and now the government is offering subsidies to help them adapt to the new practices. With ESF co-funding, €24 million is available in total – a measure of the belief that this innovation can deliver real benefits. “It must happen, it can happen,” explained the Minister of Finance in a speech to employers. “The office is a place to meet colleagues”, said Minister De Jager, “but with our laptops we can work everywhere, with smart phones we are always in contact, and via social media we can speak to the world around us.”
Increasingly, Dutch companies are putting flexible working high on the agenda – and now the government is offering subsidies to help them adapt to the new practices. With ESF co-funding, €24 million is available in total – a measure of the belief that this innovation can deliver real benefits. “It must happen, it can happen,” explained the Minister of Finance in a speech to employers. “The office is a place to meet colleagues”, said Minister De Jager, “but with our laptops we can work everywhere, with smart phones we are always in contact, and via social media we can speak to the world around us.”
Increasingly, Dutch companies are putting flexible working high on the agenda – and now the government is offering subsidies to help them adapt to the new practices. With ESF co-funding, €24 million is available in total – a measure of the belief that this innovation can deliver real benefits. “It must happen, it can happen,” explained the Minister of Finance in a speech to employers. “The office is a place to meet colleagues”, said Minister De Jager, “but with our laptops we can work everywhere, with smart phones we are always in contact, and via social media we can speak to the world around us.”
Increasingly, Dutch companies are putting flexible working high on the agenda – and now the government is offering subsidies to help them adapt to the new practices. With ESF co-funding, €24 million is available in total – a measure of the belief that this innovation can deliver real benefits. “It must happen, it can happen,” explained the Minister of Finance in a speech to employers. “The office is a place to meet colleagues”, said Minister De Jager, “but with our laptops we can work everywhere, with smart phones we are always in contact, and via social media we can speak to the world around us.”
Increasingly, Dutch companies are putting flexible working high on the agenda – and now the government is offering subsidies to help them adapt to the new practices. With ESF co-funding, €24 million is available in total – a measure of the belief that this innovation can deliver real benefits. “It must happen, it can happen,” explained the Minister of Finance in a speech to employers. “The office is a place to meet colleagues”, said Minister De Jager, “but with our laptops we can work everywhere, with smart phones we are always in contact, and via social media we can speak to the world around us.”
Increasingly, Dutch companies are putting flexible working high on the agenda – and now the government is offering subsidies to help them adapt to the new practices. With ESF co-funding, €24 million is available in total – a measure of the belief that this innovation can deliver real benefits. “It must happen, it can happen,” explained the Minister of Finance in a speech to employers. “The office is a place to meet colleagues”, said Minister De Jager, “but with our laptops we can work everywhere, with smart phones we are always in contact, and via social media we can speak to the world around us.”
Increasingly, Dutch companies are putting flexible working high on the agenda – and now the government is offering subsidies to help them adapt to the new practices. With ESF co-funding, €24 million is available in total – a measure of the belief that this innovation can deliver real benefits. “It must happen, it can happen,” explained the Minister of Finance in a speech to employers. “The office is a place to meet colleagues”, said Minister De Jager, “but with our laptops we can work everywhere, with smart phones we are always in contact, and via social media we can speak to the world around us.”
Increasingly, Dutch companies are putting flexible working high on the agenda – and now the government is offering subsidies to help them adapt to the new practices. With ESF co-funding, €24 million is available in total – a measure of the belief that this innovation can deliver real benefits. “It must happen, it can happen,” explained the Minister of Finance in a speech to employers. “The office is a place to meet colleagues”, said Minister De Jager, “but with our laptops we can work everywhere, with smart phones we are always in contact, and via social media we can speak to the world around us.”
Increasingly, Dutch companies are putting flexible working high on the agenda – and now the government is offering subsidies to help them adapt to the new practices. With ESF co-funding, €24 million is available in total – a measure of the belief that this innovation can deliver real benefits. “It must happen, it can happen,” explained the Minister of Finance in a speech to employers. “The office is a place to meet colleagues”, said Minister De Jager, “but with our laptops we can work everywhere, with smart phones we are always in contact, and via social media we can speak to the world around us.”
Increasingly, Dutch companies are putting flexible working high on the agenda – and now the government is offering subsidies to help them adapt to the new practices. With ESF co-funding, €24 million is available in total – a measure of the belief that this innovation can deliver real benefits. “It must happen, it can happen,” explained the Minister of Finance in a speech to employers. “The office is a place to meet colleagues”, said Minister De Jager, “but with our laptops we can work everywhere, with smart phones we are always in contact, and via social media we can speak to the world around us.”
Increasingly, Dutch companies are putting flexible working high on the agenda – and now the government is offering subsidies to help them adapt to the new practices. With ESF co-funding, €24 million is available in total – a measure of the belief that this innovation can deliver real benefits. “It must happen, it can happen,” explained the Minister of Finance in a speech to employers. “The office is a place to meet colleagues”, said Minister De Jager, “but with our laptops we can work everywhere, with smart phones we are always in contact, and via social media we can speak to the world around us.”
Increasingly, Dutch companies are putting flexible working high on the agenda – and now the government is offering subsidies to help them adapt to the new practices. With ESF co-funding, €24 million is available in total – a measure of the belief that this innovation can deliver real benefits. “It must happen, it can happen,” explained the Minister of Finance in a speech to employers. “The office is a place to meet colleagues”, said Minister De Jager, “but with our laptops we can work everywhere, with smart phones we are always in contact, and via social media we can speak to the world around us.”
Increasingly, Dutch companies are putting flexible working high on the agenda – and now the government is offering subsidies to help them adapt to the new practices. With ESF co-funding, €24 million is available in total – a measure of the belief that this innovation can deliver real benefits. “It must happen, it can happen,” explained the Minister of Finance in a speech to employers. “The office is a place to meet colleagues”, said Minister De Jager, “but with our laptops we can work everywhere, with smart phones we are always in contact, and via social media we can speak to the world around us.”
Increasingly, Dutch companies are putting flexible working high on the agenda – and now the government is offering subsidies to help them adapt to the new practices. With ESF co-funding, €24 million is available in total – a measure of the belief that this innovation can deliver real benefits. “It must happen, it can happen,” explained the Minister of Finance in a speech to employers. “The office is a place to meet colleagues”, said Minister De Jager, “but with our laptops we can work everywhere, with smart phones we are always in contact, and via social media we can speak to the world around us.”
Increasingly, Dutch companies are putting flexible working high on the agenda – and now the government is offering subsidies to help them adapt to the new practices. With ESF co-funding, €24 million is available in total – a measure of the belief that this innovation can deliver real benefits. “It must happen, it can happen,” explained the Minister of Finance in a speech to employers. “The office is a place to meet colleagues”, said Minister De Jager, “but with our laptops we can work everywhere, with smart phones we are always in contact, and via social media we can speak to the world around us.”
Increasingly, Dutch companies are putting flexible working high on the agenda – and now the government is offering subsidies to help them adapt to the new practices. With ESF co-funding, €24 million is available in total – a measure of the belief that this innovation can deliver real benefits. “It must happen, it can happen,” explained the Minister of Finance in a speech to employers. “The office is a place to meet colleagues”, said Minister De Jager, “but with our laptops we can work everywhere, with smart phones we are always in contact, and via social media we can speak to the world around us.”
Increasingly, Dutch companies are putting flexible working high on the agenda – and now the government is offering subsidies to help them adapt to the new practices. With ESF co-funding, €24 million is available in total – a measure of the belief that this innovation can deliver real benefits. “It must happen, it can happen,” explained the Minister of Finance in a speech to employers. “The office is a place to meet colleagues”, said Minister De Jager, “but with our laptops we can work everywhere, with smart phones we are always in contact, and via social media we can speak to the world around us.”
Increasingly, Dutch companies are putting flexible working high on the agenda – and now the government is offering subsidies to help them adapt to the new practices. With ESF co-funding, €24 million is available in total – a measure of the belief that this innovation can deliver real benefits. “It must happen, it can happen,” explained the Minister of Finance in a speech to employers. “The office is a place to meet colleagues”, said Minister De Jager, “but with our laptops we can work everywhere, with smart phones we are always in contact, and via social media we can speak to the world around us.”
Increasingly, Dutch companies are putting flexible working high on the agenda – and now the government is offering subsidies to help them adapt to the new practices. With ESF co-funding, €24 million is available in total – a measure of the belief that this innovation can deliver real benefits. “It must happen, it can happen,” explained the Minister of Finance in a speech to employers. “The office is a place to meet colleagues”, said Minister De Jager, “but with our laptops we can work everywhere, with smart phones we are always in contact, and via social media we can speak to the world around us.”
Ontspan en geniet van de zon door het verfrissende zwembad of gebruik maken van de gratis draadloze internetverbinding te laten mensen thuis weten hoe uw Kroatische avonturen vergaat. U & We vonden twee reviews die zei dat de kamers comfortabel waren.
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Dieses Hotel liegt in einer ruhigen Bucht, nur 3 km von der Stadt entfernt. Es besteht aus 4 Pavillons, die nach typischen Bäumen aus dem Mittelmeerraum benannt sind. Das Hotel schafft eine Balance zwischen traditioneller Kultur und modernem Komfort - Sie werden sich wie zu Hause fühlen. Für die Buchung im Hotel Bon Repos Korcula wählen Sie bitte die gewünschte Aufenthaltsdauer und senden Sie das sichere Online-Buchungsformular ab.
Este hotel se encuentra a 3 km de la ciudad, en un lugar tranquilo. Está formado por 4 edificios que llevan el nombre de los 4 árboles mediterráneos característicos. El confort y las comodidades modernas se combinan a la perfección para garantizar la satisfacción de los huéspedes. Para realizar su reserva en el Hotel Bon Repos de forma fácil y rápida, seleccione las fechas deseadas para su estancia y continúe con nuestro formulario seguro de reserva en línea.
  4 Hits sothebysrealty.fi  
Amenomurakumono Tsurugi: [lit: "Zwaard van de wolken van de Hemelse bos"]. De Kojiki zei dat Susano-ono-Mikoto (jongere broer van Amaterasu-ohomi-kami) het gestolen zwaard uit de staart van Yamatano-Orochi (acht-koppige boze draak) opgehaald.
Amenomurakumono Tsurugi: [lit: “Sword of the clouds of the Heavenly grove”]. The Kojiki said that Susano-ono-mikoto (younger brother of Amaterasu-ohomi-kami) retrieved the stolen sword from the tail of Yamatano-orochi (eight-headed evil dragon). See Book 2 for the detailed story.
Amenomurakumono Tsurugi: [lit: "Sword of the Wolken des Himmlischen Hain"]. Die Kojiki sagte, dass Susano-ono-mikoto (der jüngere Bruder von Amaterasu-ohomi-kami) das gestohlene Schwert aus dem Schwanz Yamatano-Orochi (achtköpfige bösen Drachen) abgerufen werden. Siehe Buch 2 für die detaillierte Geschichte.
Amenomurakumono Tsurugi: [lit: "La espada de las nubes de la arboleda Celestial"]. El Kojiki dijo que Susano-ono-mikoto (el hermano menor de Amaterasu-ohomi-kami) recuperó la espada robada de la cola de Yamatano-Orochi (ocho cabezas de dragón del mal). Ver el libro 2 de la historia detallada.
Amenomurakumono Tsurugi: [lett: "Spada delle nuvole del boschetto celeste"]. Il Kojiki ha detto che Susano-ono-mikoto (fratello minore di Amaterasu-ohomi-kami) recuperate la spada rubata la coda di Yamatano-Orochi (otto teste del drago malvagio). Vedi Book 2 per la storia dettagliata.
Amenomurakumono Tsurugi: [lit: "Sword of the nuvens do bosque Celestial"]. O Kojiki disse que Susano-ono-mikoto (irmão mais novo de Amaterasu-ohomi-kami) recuperou a espada roubada do rabo de Yamatano-Orochi (oito cabeças de dragão do mal). Ver Livro 2 para a história detalhada.
Amenomurakumono Tsurugi: [أضاءت: "السيف من السحب من بستان السماوية"]. وقال كوجيكي أن Susano-أونو-mikoto (الشقيق الأصغر لاماتيراسو-ohomi، كامي) استرجاع السيف المسروق من ذيل Yamatano-orochi (ثمانية رؤوس تنين الشر). انظر كتاب (2) لقصة مفصلة.
Amenomurakumono Tsurugi: [ανάβει: «ξίφος από τα σύννεφα του Ουράνιου άλσος"]. Η Κοτζίκι είπε ότι Susano-Ono-Mikoto (ο νεώτερος αδελφός της Amaterasu-ohomi-Kami) ανακτήθηκαν το κλεμμένο σπαθί από την ουρά του Yamatano-Orochi (οκτώ-με επικεφαλής το κακό δράκο). Βλέπε το Βιβλίο 2 για τη λεπτομερή ιστορία.
Amenomurakumono Tsurugi: [svítí: "Meč oblacích nebeského háje"]. Kojiki řekl, že Susano-ono-Mikoto (mladší bratr Amaterasu-ohomi-kami) získat ukradený meč z ocasu Yamatano-Orochi (osm hlavou zlo drak). Viz Book 2 pro podrobné příběhu.
Amenomurakumono Tsurugi: [lyser: "Sword of skyer af himmelske lunden"]. Den Kojiki sagde, at Susano-Ono-mikoto (yngre bror til Amaterasu-ohomi-kami) hentet stjålne sværd fra halen af ​​Yamatano-Orochi (otte-headed onde drage). Se Bog 2 for detaljeret historie.
Amenomurakumono Tsurugi: [põlema: "Sword of pilvede Taevane salu"]. Kojiki ütles, et Susano-ono-mikoto (noorem vend Amaterasu-ohomi-kami) kätte varastatud mõõk alates saba Yamatano-OROCHI (8 otsaga kuri lohe). Vaata Book 2 üksikasjalike lugu.
Amenomurakumono Tsurugi: [palaa: "Sword of the pilvien Heavenly lehdon"]. The Kojiki sanoi että Susano-Ono-mikoto (nuorempi veli Amaterasu-ohomi-kami) hakenut varastettu miekan pyrstö Yamatano-Orochi (kahdeksan johti paha lohikäärme). Katso Book 2 yksityiskohtainen tarina.
Amenomurakumono Tsurugi: [जलाया: "स्वर्गीय ग्रोव के बादलों की तलवार."]. Kojiki कहा कि सुसानो ओनो - mikoto (Amaterasu ohomi - kami के छोटे भाई) Yamatano - orochi की पूंछ (आठ अध्यक्षता बुराई ड्रेगन) से चोरी तलवार पुनः प्राप्त. विस्तृत कहानी के लिए 2 बुक देखें.
Amenomurakumono Tsurugi: [világít: "Kard a felhők a Mennyei ligetben"]. A Kojiki azt mondta, hogy Susano-ono-Mikoto (öccse Amaterasu-ohomi-kami) letölteni az ellopott kardot a farka Yamatano-Orochi (nyolc fejű sárkány gonosz). Lásd a 2. könyv a részletes történetet.
Amenomurakumono Tsurugi : [조명 : "하늘 숲의 구름 검을"]. Kojiki는 Susano 오노 노미 코토가 (아마 테라스 - ohomi 카미의 남동생) Yamatano - orochi의 꼬리 (8 개 달린 사악한 용이)에서 도난당한 검을 검색 것이라고 말했다. 자세한 이야기​​ 책 2 참조하십시오.
Amenomurakumono Tsurugi: [dega: "Dangaus giraitė debesys Kardas"]. Kojiki sakė, kad Susano Ono-mikoto (jaunesnis brolis Amaterasu-ohomi-Kami) Gauta pavogtas kardas Yamatano-Orochi uodegos (aštuonių vadovauja blogio drakoną). Žiūrėkite išsamias istorija 2 knyga.
Amenomurakumono Tsurugi: [dosł.: "Sword of the clouds Niebiańskiego gaj"]. Kojiki, że Susano-Ono-Mikoto (młodszy brat Amaterasu-ohomi-kami) pobrane skradziony miecz z ogona Yamatano-Orochi (osiem-headed złego smoka). Zobacz Book 2 do szczegółowej historii.
Amenomurakumono Tsurugi: [aprins: "Sabia de nori din crâng Ceresc"]. Kojiki a spus că Susano-Ono-Mikoto (fratele mai mic al Amaterasu-ohomi-kami) Adus de sabie furate de la coada de Yamatano-Orochi (opt capete dragon rău). Rezervaţi 2 pentru a se vedea povestea detaliate.
Amenomurakumono Цуруги: [букв: "Меч облаках Небесных роща"]. Кодзики сказал, что Susano-Оно-микото (младший брат Аматэрасу-ohomi-ками) получить украденный меч из хвоста Yamatano-орочи (восемь возглавляемые злой дракон). Смотрите Книга 2 для подробного рассказа.
Amenomurakumono Tsurugi: [lit: "Meč nebeského mračná hája"]. Kojiki povedal, že Susano-Ono-Mikoto (mladší brat Amaterasu-ohomi-kami) Zdroj ukradnutý meč z chvosta Yamatano-Orochi (osem hlavou zlého draka). Pozri kniha 2 pre detailné príbeh.
Amenomurakumono Tsurugi: [lit: "Sword of molnen av den himmelska lund"]. Den Kojiki sade att Susano-Ono-mikoto (yngre bror till Amaterasu-ohomi-kami) hämtas den stulna svärdet från svansen på Yamatano-Orochi (åtta-hövdade onda draken). Se Bok 2 för den detaljerade berättelsen.
Amenomurakumono Tsurugi : [สว่าง :"ดาบของเมฆจากสวรรค์โกรฟ"] Kojiki กล่าวว่า Susano - Ono - Mikoto (น้องชายของ Amaterasu - ohomi - Kami) ดึงดาบที่ถูกขโมยมาจากหางของ Yamatano - Orochi (แปดหัวมังกรชั่วร้าย) ดู 2 หนังสือสำหรับรายละเอียดของเรื่องราว
Amenomurakumono Tsurugi: [yaktı: "Heavenly koru bulutlar Sword of"]. Kojiki Susano-ono-Mikoto (Amaterasu-ohomi-kami kardeşi) Yamatano-Orochi kuyruk (sekiz başlı kötü ejderha) çalınan kılıcı alınacağını söyledi. Kitap 2 ayrıntılı bir hikaye bakın.
Amenomurakumono Tsurugi: [lit: "Sword of những đám mây của khu rừng Thiên Thượng"] . Kojiki nói rằng Susano-Ono-Mikoto (em trai của Amaterasu-ohomi-kami) lấy thanh kiếm bị đánh cắp từ đuôi của Yamatano-Orochi (tám đầu rồng ác). Xem Tập 2 cho câu chuyện chi tiết.
Amenomurakumono Tsurugi: [lit: "Sword no Debesu birzs mākoņiem"]. Kojiki teica, ka Susano-ono-mikoto (jaunākais brālis Amaterasu-ohomi-kami), atgūt nozagto zobenu no astes Yamatano-Orochi (astoņu vada ļaunais pūķis). Skatīt Book 2 detalizēts stāsts.
Amenomurakumono Цуруга: [букв: "Меч хмарах небесних гай"]. Кодзікі сказав, що Susano-Воно-мікото (молодший брат Аматерасу-ohomi-ками) отримати вкрадений меч з хвоста Yamatano-орочі (вісім очолювані злий дракон). Дивіться Книга 2 для детальної розповіді.
  2 Hits 1070.makemeweb.net  
“Vertrouwen en dialoog leiden tot resultaat.” Dat zei de federale Ombudsman in het parlement tijdens de voorstelling van zijn Jaarverslag 2016, op 21 april. Dit leidde bijvoorbeeld tot een verbetering van het proces tussen de FOD Economie en de ondernemingsloketten bij de registratie van handelsactiviteiten voor ondernemers.
Ce 21 avril, le Médiateur fédéral a rendu public son rapport annuel 2016 en soulignant que « la confiance et le dialogue permettent de trouver des solutions ». Cela a notamment permis d’améliorer l’enregistrement des activités économiques à la Banque-Carrefour des entreprises.
  88 Hits shop.incae.edu  
Duarte zei dat 47,4 procent van de kandidaten afgevaardigden uit kiesdistricten zijn, die in buurtvergaderingen worden gekozen, zodat de 168 gemeenten van het land vertegenwoordigd zouden zijn met ten minste twee afgevaardigden, waarvan ook één van hen uit een gemeente komt.
En ce qui concerne les données divulguées, la présidente de la Commission électorale nationale a insisté sur le fait que le parlement espère ainsi refléter - comme une véritable radiographie, selon ses propos - la société cubaine.
“Ik wil een unieke bril maken, zei A Fashion Nerd: een montuur dat niemand eerder heeft gezien.” Samen met onze slimme ontwerpers en de expertise van onze fabrieken hebben we de wens van deze fashion influencer voldaan.
« Je voulais créer un style de lunettes unique et particulier », commenta A Fashion Nerd : « une paire que personne n’avait encore jamais vu ». Avec l’œil avisé et nos designers et le savoir-faire de nos usines, nous avons réalisé le souhait de cette influenceuse mode. Résultat de mois de travail, cette monture éponyme est pourvue de longues formes papillons.
“Het is de eerste keer dat een groep van internationale bedrijven van deze omvang samen werken met ontwikkelaars aan open innovatie. Het resultaat van de Dutch Open Hackathon laat zien wat het delen van open API’s en technologieën kan opleveren voor consumenten en bedrijven,” zei Arjan El Fassed van Open State Foundation.
“It’s the first time that such a group of companies worked together on open innovation. The outcome of this hackathon shows the value of open APIs and technologies to create new applications for consumers and businesses,” said Arjan El Fassed of Open State Foundation.
Clint Eastwood zei ooit: "a man has got to know his limitations". Dit is zeker van toepassing op poker, een speler dient zijn grenzen te kennen.
Clint Eastwood once said that a man has got to know his limitations. In poker it’s true that a player should know their limits too!
Wie Clint Eastwood einmal so schön gesagt hat, sollte jeder Mann seine Grenzen kennen. Poker ist dabei natürlich keine Ausnahme: Auch ein Spieler sollte sich über seine Limits im Klaren sein!
Clint Eastwood dijo una vez que un hombre ha de conocer sus límites. En el póquer, ¡es igualmente cierto!
Clint Eastwood una volta ha sostenuto che un uomo deve sempre conoscere i propri limiti. Questa massima è di vitale importanza soprattutto nel Poker!
Clint Eastwood disse uma vez que um homem tem de conhecer os seus limites. Em póquer é verdade de que um jogador tem também de reconhecer os seus limtes!
Ο Κλιντ Ίστγουντ μια φορά είπε ότι ένα άτομο πρέπει να ξέρει τα όριά του. Στο πόκερ είναι αλήθεια ότι ένας παίκτης πρέπει να ξέρει τα όριά του επίσης!
Клинт Истууд е казал че човек трябва да знае своите ограничения. При покера също е вярно че човек трябва да знае своите лимити!
Clint Eastwood har engang sagt, at en mand skal kende sine begrænsninger. I poker skal du også kende dine grænser!
Bármilyen pókert is játszik, fontos, hogy tudja melyik limitet fogja játszani. A játék menete egyezhet, de a tapasztalt pókeresek szemében a No-Limit, Pot Limit és Fix Limit variációk teljes más játéknak számíthatnak.
Clint Eastwood sa en gang at man er nødt til å vite sine begrensninger (know your limits). Dette gjelder naturligvis også i poker!
Clint Eastwood powiedział kiedyś, że człowiek musi poznać swoje ograniczenia. W pokerze to również prawda, że gracz powinien znać swoje ograniczenia.
Clint Eastwood spunea candva ca fiecare trebuie sa-si cunoasca limitele. Aceasta politica de viata se aplica bineinteles si jucatorilor de poker!
Clint Eastwood raz povedal, že človek by mal poznať svoje limity. V pokeri platí to isté, že hráč by mal takisto poznať svoje limity!
Clint Eastwood sa en gång ett en man måste känna till sina begränsningar. Detta är även sant i poker där en spelare också måste känna till sina gränser!
Twee weken later hoorden we dat de koper zich had teruggetrokken en zei Nico tegen me: 'Zullen wij het kopen?' Lees meer
Zwei Wochen später hörten wir, dass der Käufer sich zurückgezogen hatte und Nico fragte mich: "Sollen wir es kaufen?" Lees meer
  8 Hits c4ss.org  
. Maar mijn moeder had me gewaarschuwd. Ik was 29, ik had gevochten in de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Ik had levens gered, ik was in levensgevaar geweest – ik had mijn portie gehad, zei ze. Bovendien was ik net getrouwd.
something. But my mother had warned me. I was 29, I had fought in World War II. I had saved lives, I had been in mortal danger – I had had my fair share, she said. Besides, I had just got married. She wanted me to leave the revolution to the young people. I complied. I didn’t participate.
  8 Hits www.nieuwsuitamsterdam.nl  
Een woordvoerder van Google zei tegen de Volkskrant dat het bedrijf de beelden niet zal gebruiken totdat er toestemming is van de privacyautoriteit. De Volkskrant voegt daaraan toe dat dit geen probleem zal vormen, aangezien huizensite Funda al vergelijkbare beelden toont.
A Google spokesperson told de Volkskrant that the company would not use the images until the privacy authority has given its approval. De Volkskrant adds that this will probably not be a problem, since a website featuring houses for sale is already showing similar images.
Jullie liepen over van de zoute-taartjes-inspiratie op onze Facebook-pagina. En nu zetten wij het voor jou allemaal op een rij. Goed, genoeg op jullie honger gezeten. Hier zijn de heerlijke recepten.Zei er iemand quiche?
Chic, des quiches ! Ce qu’il y a de bien avec la quiche, c’est qu’il existe des milliers de combinaisons d’ingrédients possibles. Sur notre page Facebook, vous avez été nombreux à nous dévoiler vos goûts en matière de tartes salées. A notre tour, maintenant, de vous inspirer. Chiche que vous courez vous en préparer après avoir découvert nos 4 délicieuses recettes?
  7 Hits www.encod.org  
“We denken aan 30 tot 40 verkooppunten waar de verkopers zijn geïnteresseerd in jou in plaats van het maken van zo veel mogelijk winst,” zei burgemeester sociale zaken van Kopenhagen en lid van het stadsbestuur Mikkel Warming.
“Pensamos en 30 a 40 puestos de venta en que los vendedores están interesados en tí y no en cuánto ganancia van a hacer,” dijo el consejero de asuntos sociales Mikkel Warming. “A quién deben comprar los jóvenes su cannabis? De un camello, quien quiere venderles más, y quien quiere que van consumiendo drogas duras, o de un funcionario?”
  3 Hits teslaproject.chil.me  
 Moest bij aankomst 500usd borg betalen, via creditcard en na terugbrengen werd er 25 usd ingehouden voor lokale kosten. Toen ik opmerkte dat er op mijn papieren stond dat alles volledig betaald was, zei de man dat ik dat met jullie moest regelen.
Ihre Erfahrung beim Mieten eines Autos ist uns wichtig. Deshalb erfassen wir Echtzeit-Preise, all die verschiedenen Nutzungsbedingungen und die verfügbaren Mietwagen von Budget und vergleichen sie mit mehr als 800 anderen Autovermietungsmarken. Wir befragen auch unsere Kunden über ihre Erfahrungen mit der von ihnen ausgewählten Autovermietungsmarke. Dies hilft Ihnen, die richtige Wahl zu treffen.
Din erfarenhet när du hyr en bil är viktigt för oss. Det är därför vi håller koll på realtidspriser, alla olika villkor för tjänsten och tillgängliga hyrbilar från Budget och jämför den med över 800 andra biluthyrningsföretag. Vi ber också våra kunder om information om deras erfarenheter med sitt val av hyrbilsvarumärke. Detta hjälper dig att göra rätt val
Araç kiralarken deneyiminiz bizim için önemlidir. Bu nedenle, gerçek zamanlı fiyatları, Budget'den alınan tüm farklı hizmet şartlarını ve mevcut kiralık araçları takip edip bunları diğer 800 araç kiralama markasıyla karşılaştırmaktayız. Ayrıca, müşterilerimizin tercih ettiği araç kiralama markası ile yaşadıkları deneyimleri de sormaktayız. Bu da doğru seçim yapmanıza yardımcı olmaktadır
  23 Hits www.alkemics.com  
Leonardo Da Vinci zei ooit: 'Een goede schilder moet in wezen twee dingen schilderen: de persoon en diens innerlijke staat. Het eerste is eenvoudig, het laatste is moeilijk ...' De rijke nalatenschap van Da Vinci getuigt van zijn vakbekwaamheid daarin, of we nu naar de Mona Lisa kijken of naar de schetsen die hij op de markt maakte.
Leonardo da Vinci once said, "A good painter essentially needs to paint two things: the person and their inner state. The former is easy, but the latter is difficult..." Da Vinci's rich heritage is witness to his mastery in expressing inner states, whether we look at the Mona Lisa which took him years to paint, or at sketches he made in the market place.
Leonardo da Vinci sagte einmal: "Ein guter Maler hat im Wesentlichen zwei Dinge zu malen, nämlich den Menschen und seine geistige Verfassung. Das erste ist leicht, das zweite schwer..." Da Vincis reiche Hinterlassenschaft ist Zeuge für seine Meisterschaft, geistige Regungen festzuhalten, angefangen mit der Mona Lisa, an der er mehrere Jahre arbeitete, bis hin zu Skizzen, geschwind auf dem Marktplatz zu Papier gebracht.
Paul Valéry zei dat een slechte ervaring beter is dan een goed advies. Op de Val de la Marquise voldoen we aan de verwachtingen van onze veeleisende klanten die een goed advies en een goede ervaring willen.
Paul Valéry said that a bad experience is better than good advice. At the Val de la Marquise, we meet the expectations of our demanding customers who want good advice and a good experience. To guarantee the success of your holidays in the Périgord Noir, we have selected our favorites. Trust us: we will not let you down.
In barak 85 zei de Sint dat de reis niet eenvoudig was geweest. Hij had de nodige moeite gehad om door de schoorsteen te komen en vreesde dat het nog moeilijker was eruit te komen.
St Nicholas claimed in barrack 85 that his journey had not been easy. He had found it especially difficult to climb through the chimney and he feared it would be even more difficult to get out.
Deze koers wil de afdeling in 2013 voortzetten: „We gaan ervan uit dat we ook dit jaar een gelijkaardige omzetgroei zullen kennen”, zei von Boxberg tijdens de jaarlijkse persconferentie van Bosch Power Tools.
La division Outillage Electroportatif Bosch a nettement progressé durant l’année précédente alors que certains marchés clés ont sensiblement perdu en dynamique. Avec une progression du chiffre d’affaires de 6 %, elle a atteint pour la toute première fois la barre des 4 milliards d’euros. Le nombre total de salariés s’élève à 19 000, répartis sur 37 sites ; il est resté au niveau de l’année précédente. En 2012, le marché a enregistré globalement une croissance de 4 % et se chiffre désormais à 24,5 milliards d’euros. Les segments Outils Electroportatifs et Accessoires ont enregistré la même progression. « Notre croissance de 6 % témoigne une fois de plus de notre capacité à gagner des parts de marché » déclare Henning von Boxberg, président du comité directeur de la Division Outillage électroportatif du groupe Bosch. La division souhaite garder ce cap en 2013 : « Nous tablons cette année sur une croissance de notre chiffre d’affaires du même ordre » a affirmé Henning von Boxberg lors de la conférence de presse annuelle de Bosch Outillage Industriel.
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